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Wednesday, May 25, 2022

To President Joe “Herod” Biden in the Aftermath of the Ulvade Massacre

UPDATE MAY 27: Columbine mass murderers: Eric Harris was taking the antidepressant Luvox. Dylan Klebold was under the influence of Paxil & Zoloft. Luvox, Paxil and Zoloft are mild-altering drugs known as Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs). Congress must pass a law mandating blood tests and blood samples be taken from accused mass murderers to determine if they were under the influence of anti-depressants or other mind control-type medications which deaden the conscience—and identify those who prescribed or otherwise furnished the pharmaceuticals. 

UPDATE MAY 26: Were police under orders to allow the shooter to achieve maximum casualties? He was left untouched while shooting outside the school for 12 minutes. He was then allowed to maintain uncontested control inside the school room for 40 minutes while numerous police officers lingeredoutside waiting for bullet proof vests, sniper rifles and other "resources and supplies." Parents begged police to intervene and stop the slaughter, to no avail. 

Joe “Herod” Biden in the Aftermath of the Ulvade Massacre

Michael Hoffman • May 25, 2022

Copyright ©2022


President Biden is implicated in the abortion-slaughter of countless unborn human beings whose human rights he denies and whose dehumanization in the womb contributes to violence and marginalization of human life outside the womb. 

The pretense is that this carnage does not register in the souls of Americans. The blood and viscera of the murdered infants may not be seen, but  they are felt as a psychic wave that translates into America's skyrocketing rates of suicide and the killing of family members. The perpetrator in Ulvade personified all of those characteristics. He killed his own grandmother and then the children of his own heritage and he did not expect to emerge from the school alive.

Like Herod of old (Matthew 2:16), the nearly invisible abortion of the most helpless and vulnerable of all human beings doesn’t register with Biden, just as it has no impact on the corporate media. Shamelessly, Joe had the impudence on the evening of May 24 to appear on national television and quote from "Scripture" in order to lend his iniquity a patina of godliness. 

Never once in the course of his sanctimonious hectoring did he cite the psychic rot induced by Hollywood and New York's popular culture, crammed with the degenerate, violence-steeped multi-billion dollar "shooter" video games that put virtual mass murderers in the driver's seat of high tech fantasy bloodbaths. 

Equally denied are the  twilight language subliminals embedded in in mass communications promoting homicide, diabolism and death. 

Moreover, Biden is part of the environmental death cult in which the birth of children is seen as a curse and the world is prophesied to end in ten years as a result of global warming. In this nightmare visualization, life becomes meaningless and self-annihilation a path out of a hell on earth.

The signposts of America's depraved and hopeless thanatos "culture" are ignored. In the course of his imperious scolding of gun owners Biden took no notice of these factors which contribute to the decay of the spiritual and mental health of millions. Biden the automaton limited himself strictly to the Democrat party line — the disarming of the people by any means necessary.

The president blamed a firearm, a technological tool, for the depredations of the shooter in Ulvade who was in thrall to Satan. After Darrell Brooks allegedly used a sports utility vehicle to kill six people and injure sixty-two others last November in Waukesha, Wisconsin we saw no pleas for a ban on SUVs. The very thought is too ridiculous. But rifles and pistols rather than demonic humans and the profoundly sick society that produced them, get the blame after every massacre.

In the aftermath of the Ulvade horror Mr. Biden asserted that “AR15 assault" rifles are “only for killing” and must be banned. In reality, he wants to make such weapons illegal for the American people to possess. Those guarding Biden and other members of the ruling class will undoubtedly continue to possess assault rifles. 

From this day forward let us put to Biden the following question: Mr. President, will your guards be legally compelled to give up their assault rifles after you make them illegal? 

We know what tyranny looks like. It consists of a two-tiered legal system in which there is one law for politicians and oligarchs and another for everyone else. 

The president and Dr. Jill, Kamala and Mrs. Pelosi, and many thousands of other grandees are now and will be in the future, protected by AR15s and similar weapons. 

Why not the American people? 

Why, Mr. President are only you and your chosen elite permitted this defense? Why do you demonize the protection which those firearms afford when we the people seek to exercise the same right of self-defense as you and your cronies?

Historian Michael Hoffman is a former reporter for the New York bureau of the Associated Press, the author of ten books, and the editor of the periodical Revisionist History®.

The Hoffman Wire is reader supported.

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