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Welcome Information Connoisseurs

Friday, August 17, 2018

ALERT: Move to ban Hoffman's books on Judaism

Tech is being pressured to ban Michael Hoffman’s books critical of Judaism

The Tech Tyrants are considering banning Judaism’s Strange Gods: Revised and Expanded (382 pages; published in 2011) and sold by Amazon ever since.  Along with the much larger study, Judaism Discovered, it has had an international impact circulating on the Kindle

Beginning August 13 we learned of behind the scenes pressure on Amazon to ban two of our other history books, which Amazon has sold for many years without incident, both in digital Kindle format and as hard copy books. Theses books are:

Judaism Discovered (sold by Amazon since 2008)

The Great Holocaust Trial: The Landmark Battle for the Right to Doubt the West’s Most Sacred Relic (sold by Amazon since 2010)

These books maintain a high standard of scholarly excellence, had an average of four stars (out a possible five stars) favorable reviews, and are free of hatred and bigotry. They do however present a radical challenge to consensus history. Suddenly we are being told that "Amazon KDP" has discovered that the books have been in violation of Amazon’s “content guidelines” all these years. 

Asking for documentation of the charge results in no response. It is enough that the accusation has been tendered. The accused are guilty until proved innocent, although how proof of innocence is presented is anyone’s guess because there is no formal appeals process.

There is a nationwide purge underway that amounts to a new McCarthyism, blacklisting and suppressing politically incorrect speakers and history books under the rubric of “hate speech” accusations, initiated in part by two Zionist thought police organizations, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). 

In addition to our books being hate-free, we note that there are hundreds of hate-filled Zionist and rabbinic books brimming with ferocious bigotry for Palestinians, Germans and goyim in general, which are sold by Amazon. These hate-filled volumes to do not offend the ADL and SPLC, America's most powerful censors and arbiters of which books deserve circulation and which require censorship, therefore bigoted Zionist and rabbinic books are immune to removal and suppression.

We have requested an appeal on the ban on our books.

Copies of Judaism’s Strange Gods: Revised and Expanded as well as Judaism Discovered are available here:

The Great Holocaust Trial: The Landmark Battle for the Right to Doubt the West’s Most Sacred Relic is available here:


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