Saturday, April 10, 2021

Powerful New Calls for Tucker Carlson to be Silenced

Powerful New Calls for Tucker Carlson to be Silenced

By Michael Hoffman ©2021

UPDATED April 13, 2021 SEE BELOW

This writer is not the only one being hammered by the Anti-Defamation League of late.

ADL chairman Jonathan Greenblatt has called for the firing of talk show host Tucker Carlson, the ratings king at Fox News, after Mr. Carlson expressed on the air this week his concern that under the Democrats, illegal immigrants would “replace” Americans as future voters.

According to the ADL and the corporate media, any talk of “replacement” is indicative of a “white supremacist” trope.

The charge is ironic in that last January Carlson fulfilled the ADL agenda by defaming the late black academic Tony Martin, parroting ADL disinformation about Dr. Martin’s alleged “anti-Semitism.” Prof. Martin, an honorable and courageous man, was innocent of the charge. He was an enemy of hate made the object of it. It was fairly apparent that Tucker had done no research of his own into Tony Martin’s actual views, content to bear false witness by regurgitating the jaundiced characterizations of Martin’s implacable foes. 

However, fealty to ADL ideology on one point is immaterial if one of its acolytes dares to depart from their dogma on any other: the ADL defends the integrity of Israeli borders while lobbying for something approaching the contours of an open border policy in the U.S. 

Carlson failed to comprehend how zealously this dual standard is upheld. Now, like Prof. Martin, he too has a target on his back, although as a multi-millionaire who is buttressed by the wealth of the Murdoch family, his reputation will be far better defended than that of the black Wellesley professor whose thought crime was of the truth-hurts-variety—defending the accuracy of the Nation of Islam’s magisterial history book, The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews (which documents the sensitive subject of the Judaic role in the transatlantic black slave trade). 

Moreover, Tucker’s approach toward immigrants is misbegotten. He’s not just bucking the Biden administration, the media and “woke” corporations, he’s tilting at windmills erected by “conservatives,” including their hero, Ronald Reagan. In November, 1986 President Reagan established the principle of mass amnesty for immigration law-breakers with his support for the Simpson-Mazzoli Act, which granted amnesty to millions of unauthorized border crossers recruited for purposes of stoop labor on the usury plantations of the monied elite. Cheap labor was the engine that drove the lax border policies of Reagan and George Bush pére et fils, while the motive for the Clinton, Obama and Biden administrations was (and remains) to obtain voters supportive of the Democrat party.

But the case of the Republicans is more perverse. The stoop labor exploiters sold them the rope with which to hang their electoral prospects. Now they’re crying crocodile tears. Tucker doesn’t factor this back story. He’s too often prone to shallow vituperation in place of far-reaching reflection and historical perspective. 

What Mr. Carlson has missed is the truth that what he’s lamenting has already come to pass. The Latino vote is a major factor in at least a dozen U.S. states and shutting the barn door after the horse is down the road solves nothing. Fox News enables Carlson’s anger. He’s a popular money maker, so why not? But anger is no substitute for deep thought. It’s a sign of weakness and desperation.

A wise pundit would sincerely offer compassion to the huddled masses on our southern border while undertaking serious reconnoitering of immigration realities: the immigrants are here. They will not be deported en masse. Their birth rate is higher than that of the contracepting feminists and playboys who comprise a substantial segment of the Fox News viewership. Even with no further illegal immigration, the Latino population will multiply significantly. Bring on to “Tucker Carlson Tonight” more conservative Latinos to discuss their border concerns. Provide a platform and offer support to the bilingual, conservative Christian priests and pastors involved in helping to defend the traditional family values of Mexican and Central American people from the toxic consumerism and sexual nihilism of America’s pop culture.

Many Latino people have an inherent orientation toward their Christian heritage of five hundred years’ duration. Individuals, churches and institutions in North America should undertake the cultivation of that noble legacy through education, and other forms of cultural enrichment and provision. In some respects people from south of our border are more conservative than native-born Americans. This inherent conservatism should be protected and enhanced. For example, recent polls indicate that tyrannical Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom has lost the support of many Latinos in California.

Tucker’s aggrieved white guy stance, while cathartic, profits us nothing. The inchoate anger and resentment he’s stirring will inevitably be manipulated by forces far more sophisticated than he. January 6 at the Capitol was a textbook instance of the covert channeling of white rage that has paid huge dividends to a Cryptocracy which lives by violence and the maxim, “Divide-and-conquer.” Divide the Latino, black, Asian and white working classes in America and subjugate them. 

The pity of it is, we’ve left our Biblical knowledge back at the ranch.

1. “Where there is no vision the people perish.” (Proverbs 29:18)

2. “The love of money is the root of all evil.” (I Timothy 6:10)

3. The Money Power is the enemy of the working classes of every color.

When we proceed from these facts, our perception is cleansed of the diversions and tribal animosities which the Cryptocracy exploits to our destruction.

The sins of our white, nominally Christian fathers (Ronald Wilson Reagan and his cronies and successors), has led us to this impasse. Pretending it’s 1951 is no way of out of the crises we face in 2021.

Michael Hoffman’s latest book is Adolf Hitler: Enemy of the German People. He is the editor of Revisionist History® newsletter. His Truth Mission is reader-supported.


Has Tucker Carlson been reading our column? On April 12, on his Fox News show, in his opening monologue he quoted a 2010 Anti-Defamation League (ADL) statement warning against the replacement of Israelis by Palestinians. The ADL has called for Carlson’s firing because he warned last week against the replacement of Americans by illegal immigrants. The double standard is blatant and the exposé is a welcome development. 

On the same program, Mr. Carlson also mentioned at some length, President Ronald Reagan's catastrophic 1986 amnesty for millions of law breakers. The announcement of this suppressed fact is long overdue, though Tucker did not mention the cheap labor motivation behind the Simpson-Mazzoli Act (which he didn't specifically name). Nonetheless, it's a start. Let the deflation of Mr. Reagan's hagiography begin and along with it, lessons about the evils of Republicans exploiting stoop labor.

Now Carlson should make reparation by apologizing to Prof. Tony Martin's family and large circle of students and friends, for falsely defaming him as an "anti-Semite" and insinuating that he was a hater of Judaism. How about it, Tucker? Care to set the record straight? 

Michael Hoffman


Independent History and Research  

Box 849 • Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816


Wednesday, April 07, 2021

ADL's Defamatory Fantasies about Michael Hoffman

 ADL's Defamatory Fantasies about Michael Hoffman  

April, 2021 The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), among the most persistent advocates of censorship and deplatforming of dissenting scholars, has as of April 4, retailed more disinformation and libel concerning this writer in connection with our remarks about the Capitol attack and Noah Green.

Targets of ADL disinformation should know that the ADL’s hysterical claim that this writer is a “notorious Holocaust denier” (stated twice in two consecutive paragraphs of their press release)   is a brazen prevarication. ADL trusts that their defamatory smear will not be fact-checked.

 I am the author of the book, Adolf Hitler: Enemy of the German People which the ADL dares not mention in its various supposed objective profiles of this writer. In that book I made abundantly clear the horrible suffering which Judaic people experienced in Hitler’s Third Reich.

Moreover, the following statement by this writer appears on our website: 

“We affirm that Judaic people suffered severe and unconscionable persecution during World War II, including mass murder at the hands of the Nazis. We deplore these crimes and the criminal Nazi ideology which inspired and directed them.”

Those are the words of a “notorious Holocaust denier”?

Only propagandists with little or no respect for the truth would attempt to libel Michael Hoffman with that reputation-destroying calumny in light of my actual views documented in my book and on our website.

My real thought crime in the eyes of the ADL is my sustained criticism of Zionist racism, and hate speech in the Talmud Bavli, which I proffered in books such as The Israeli Holocaust Against the Palestinians, and in the latter case, a heavily footnoted, 1100 page textbook in which my support for the freedom and rights of Judaic people is made manifest. My work is pro-Semitic and pro-Judaic.

Individuals, journalists, corporations and governments who accept the ADL’s false witness, are victims of fraud and misrepresentation. Renowned Prof. Noam Chomsky writes that the ADL is “ of the ugliest, most powerful pressure groups in the U.S...Its primary commitment is to use any technique, however dishonest and disgraceful, in order to defame and silence and destroy anybody who dares to criticize the Holy State (‘Israel’)."

For myself, I am opposed to every form of hate with every fibre of my being. The movement, led by the ADL, to ban my books and cancel my presence online should be seen for what it is: a partisan political effort to repress a legitimate opposing viewpoint and curtail the contribution my scholarship makes to the advancement of human knowledge.

In the April 4 press release the ADL accused me of writing “antisemitic commentary” about the Capitol attack by Noah Green. 

The authors of the ADL press release are so incompetent that they turned the legitimate question I asked on Twitter, “Did the Cryptocracy choose Good Friday to crucify Louis Farrakhan by pinning today's attack on the Capitol on the Nation of Islam?,” into a declarative: “Hoffman’s posts alleged that a ‘cryptocracy’ facilitated the attack to frame Farrakhan.”

Sorry, ADL, I made no such declaration. I asked if the Cryptocracy intended this. Surely ADL “analysts” can read, and surely they can differentiate between a question mark and a period. They are so unprofessional that they failed to do so. Who is gullible enough to be duped by their falsehood?

Over the years Minister Louis Farrakhan has been the recipient of racist attacks and outrageous misrepresentation of his views. The Establishment media have played a significant role in this ritual, and no less so when Noah Green's attack on Capitol Hill was irresponsibly seized upon as an opportunity to further scapegoat Mr. Farrakhan and provide the Right-wing with a black leader to despise. I added my voice to those of many others who noted that members of Minister Farrakhan's Nation of Islam are non-violent, disarmed, and disapproving of any act such as that taken by Noah Green. These are reasonable insights. I should have the right to offer them on social media without being the subject of obloquy by an infamous thought control organization.

Furthermore, how was my commentary “antisemitic” when I made no mention of Jews or semites?  

My question concerned the “Cryptocracy.” Is the ADL suggesting that the Cryptocracy is synonymous with Jews? I have never said so. In truth, in my book Usury in Christendom, in defense of Judaic persons falsely accused of being the principal instrument of the rise in the Renaissance of usury banking, I said the inverse. But that volume is another of my works which the ADL is loathe to cite. They prefer to confect fantasies and make fools of those who believe them.

Too often the ADL does not deal in facts of the documentary record, choosing to traffic in intimidation and branding. By repeating the lie that this writer is a “notorious Holocaust denier” and withholding my actual beliefs and statements, the ADL hopes to scare any individual or group that is facilitating my access to the free marketplace of ideas, into obstructing it.

The process of demonization of writers is an old and ugly one. I hope that ADL’s role will be seen for what it is, and debate and dialogue in service to freedom of inquiry and the advancement of knowledge, will take the place of witch hunting and dehumanization.

For Further Research

ADL Press Release of April 4

The Real Neo-Nazis by Michael Hoffman

The Forbidden Truth: Cancel Culture and the ADL’s Witch Hunt Against Authors


Adolf Hitler: Enemy of the German People 

Usury in Christendom: The Mortal Sin that Was and Now is Not


Copyright ©2021 by Michael Hoffman