Thursday, October 22, 2015

Sorry, Einstein

"...The new experiment, conducted by a group led by Ronald Hanson, a physicist at the Dutch university’s Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, and joined by scientists from Spain and England, is the strongest evidence yet to support the most fundamental claims of the theory of quantum mechanics about the existence of an odd world formed by a fabric of subatomic particles, where matter does not take form until it is observed and time runs backward as well as forward.

"...The tests take place in a mind-bending and peculiar world. According to quantum mechanics, particles do not take on formal properties until they are measured or observed in some way. Until then, they can exist simultaneously in two or more places. Once measured, however, they snap into a more classical reality, existing in only one place."

“Sorry Einstein,” NY Times, Oct. 22, 2015.


  1. Speaking of things "spooky",Michael, did you see this? Sorry I don't know enough physics to comment on quantum theory.

  2. I'm no physicist either, Stans. But I will enjoy seeing the fraud of the Judaic Einstein exposed...just like his fellow Judaic Freud was. Read the book "The Hoax of Freudism"

  3. Anonymous9:50 AM

    "Dr. Kaiser said. 'I believe in my bones that....'" Ah, yes, scientism, another faith-based religion.


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