Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Another Thought Crime Trial Underway in Canada

Miner on Trial at the Behest of the B’nai Brith

By Michael Hoffman

Quesnel, British Columbia, October 27  Canadian Arthur Topham, 68, is a British Columbia (B.C.) placer miner who in his spare time operates the “Radical Press,” a website. On May 16, 2012 he was on his way to work at his mining operation when he was arrested by several police officers, handcuffed and charged with a "hate crime."

Topham was charged with a single count of "willfully promoting hatred against people of the Jewish religion or ethnic group,” as well as "improper storage of firearms" found in his house near Quesnel, B.C. 

“The branch has approved charges against him,” said Neil MacKenzie of the B.C. Criminal Justice Branch. MacKenzie said British Columbia’s assistant deputy attorney general had signed off on the hate crimes charge. 

"We’re glad that the government and the police have taken our concerns seriously and proceeded,” said Anita Bromberg of B’nai Brith Canada, which had demanded that prosecutors investigate Topham’s website. The charges are based on articles appearing at his website: http://www.radicalpress.com/?page_id=3864

On Monday, October 26 the trial, "Regina v Roy Arthur Topham, "commenced in B.C. Supreme Court in Quesnel, located in the interior of British Columbia in an area known as the Cariboo. (Regina is  a reference to the British Crown).

The inquisition against the anti-Zionist dissident is based upon Sec. 319(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada concerning “Hate Propaganda”   "Roy Arthur TOPHAM, [is charged with] willfully promote hatred against an identifiable group, people of the Jewish religion or ethnic origin, contrary to Section 319(2) of the Criminal Code.” 

B.C. Supreme Court Justice Bruce Butler is presiding and a jury of twelve men and women will make the final determination of guilty or not guilty. The trial is expected to end on November 6.

The defendants defense attorney, famed civil libertarian Doug Christie, died of cancer in 2013.

If found guilty, Mr. Topham faces imprisonment and a substantial fine. Local and national Canadian media are blacking out news of the case. Info.news is the nearest news outlet. The editor, M. Jones, can be contacted as follows: email mjones@infonews.ca or telephone 250-718-2724.

The corporate American media both Right and Left have traditionally demonstrated little interest in reporting Canada’s Orwellian thought crime prosecutions of Christians, ethnic Europeans and free spirits like Topham. The government of Canada has never prosecuted any bigot for fomenting hatred against Germans or conservative Christians.

Legal arguments and background related to his case are online here:

Hoffman is the author of The Great Holocaust Trial.


  1. exactly what did he say, or was he alleged to have said?


  2. I refer you to his own summation of his views, for which he was charged:

  3. The corporate crass-media blackout is a huge back-handed compliment to Topham - proof that they fear any attention given to the trial might prompt some media consumers to examine his writings for themselves and reach Zio-sceptic conclusions. Far safer to deny him the oxygen of publicity.


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