Thursday, December 22, 2022

Fight Hate: Repudiate Talmudic Bigotry

 Fight Hate: Repudiate Talmudic Bigotry

By Michael Hoffman

This festive Christmas time, when the followers of Jesus celebrate His Blessed Mother’s assent to the angel Gabriel to be the Mother of God (Theotokos), it is of vital importance to bring to the attention of the public what the Babylonian Talmud actually teaches about Our Savior and His Mother.

The airwaves and newsprint these days are filled with slogans such as “Fight Hate,” with the supposition being that the haters are the gentiles.

Lost in the deluge of propaganda are the premiere books of hate which happen to be the holiest volumes of the renascent creed of the ancient Pharisees (held to be far superior to the Old Testament) — the Talmud of Babylon.

In the midst of this barrage is the rising notion that Pharisaic Talmudism is an ally of western civilization. This preposterous claim is pushed by Ben Shapiro, Dennis Prager, Yoram Hazony, Rabbi Meir Soloveichik and hundreds of other “Conservative leaders," as well as Fox News and in the pages of the Wall Street Journal, National Review and many other leading Right-wing outlets.

These myths exist mainly because our two books Judaism Discovered and Judaism’s Strange Gods have not been sufficiently distributed, reviewed and publicized, otherwise the myths would be impossible for our people to believe. 

Talmudism holds western civilization in utter contempt. It ritually curses Christians and Christian society. Among the Ashkenazim, the most influential law giver is Rabbi Moses Maimonides who despised Our Lord and prayed that with regard to Jesus Christ, “May the name of the wicked rot!” 

Maimonides advocated that Christian houses of worship, under the right conditions, should be destroyed. Based on his halacha, when Notre Dame cathedral burned in 2019 there was much gloating and jubilation among the Orthodox Israeli rabbinate.

Conservative America is being taken down a primrose path that looks civilization-affirming but underneath it represents the triumph of the ideology of the ancient Pharisees, which Jesus stated was “of hell” (Matthew 23:15). Church-goers mouth His name but reject His solemn words and warnings.

This festive Christmas time when the followers of Jesus celebrate His Blessed Mother’s assent to the angel Gabriel to be the Mother of God (“Theotokos"), it is of vital importance to  bring to the attention of the public what the Babylonian Talmud actually teaches about Our Savior and His Mother.

Talmud Shabbat 104 teaches that Jesus was born of  Mary’s adultery with “Pandeira”

Circa A.D. 175 Celsus disseminated this false witness for which he was rebuked by the Church Father Origen (cf. Contra Celsus, I:28 This despicable libel continues to be taught by those who hate Jesus and Mary.

Talmud Sanhedrin 106a teaches that the Blessed Virgin Mary was a whore

 It must be asked: will Ben Shapiro, Dennis Prager, Franklin Graham, Tucker Carlson, the New York Times, Fox News, the Wall Street Journal, National Review, The American Conservative, Yoram Hazony, Rabbi Meir Soloveichik and other spokespersons and influencers repudiate and denounce Talmudic hate speech? 

Note: we love and seek to to do good for all deluded people, whether Judean or gentile, who are deceived about the nature of the Talmud of Babylon.

Our cause is the cause of every authentic follower of Jesus, in defense of His Holy Name and the honor of His Mother. May God abundantly bless all who take up this holy campaign and make it their own. 

Merry Christmas 2022

Michael Hoffman

Independent History and Research 

Box 849, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83816

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