Tuesday, November 08, 2022

Talmudic Catholic Cardinal Guilty of Molestation

Talmudic Catholic Cardinal Guilty of Molestation

By Michael Hoffman

On March 27, 2006 Cardinal Jean-Pierre Ricard was part of a contingent of Catholic prelates who traveled to a New York yeshiva to pay their respects to the Babylonian Talmud—the sacred texts containing virulent hate speech toward Jesus and Blessed Virgin Mary. 

Now it has been revealed that Ricard is guilty of molesting a 14-year-old girl: https://insider.com/french-cardinal-admits-to-abusing-girl-years-ago-2022-11

While genuflecting before the Holy Book of Hate Speech back in 2006, all of the cardinals and bishops present ignominiously hid the crucifixes ("pectoral cross") they were wearing on their chest. This pusillanimous gesture was apparently intended to symbolize their submission to the Babylonian Talmud's view of Jesus Christ as 1. A magician and impostor who was 2. Born of a prostitute and is now 3. In hell being perpetually boiled in excrement. (Yes, that's exactly what those three points in the Talmud of Babylon uphold, and no, we are not taking those passages "out of context." They are entirely consistent with the tenor and teaching of the Talmud as a whole).

The photographic documentation in today's On the Contrary column about Cardinal Ricard is from page 554 of this writer's banned book, Judaism Discovered. Our book is forbidden to such an extent it's even banned from lists of banned books! The Cryptocracy hopes it will be permanently consigned to the Memory Hole. What say you?

We are the number one source in the English-speaking world for accurate information on the Talmud Bavli, Midrash, Shulchan Aruch, Zohar and successor sacred texts; knowledge which we impart with charity toward Judaic people and all others who are in bondage to the 21st century recrudescence of first century Phariseeism.

Listen to the programs on our podcast, Michael Hoffman's Revisionist History®, free of chargeand please let others know.

Independent History and Research
Box 849 • Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816 USA


  1. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Mr Hoffman, why do you use the term “Judaic,” rather than “Jewish”?

  2. Below is my reply to the following query: "Mr Hoffman, why do you use the term 'Judaic,' rather than 'Jewish”?

    Dear Madam or Sir:

    Not everyone who says they are a Jew is one.

    Terms such as "Jews" and "Jewish" refer to the ancient Biblical people of the Old and New Testaments of the tribe of Judah (Genesis 38) and their racial descendants.

    Imagine if masses of people went about today stating they were "Caesars" and "Ceasarish" -- claiming they were the genetic descendants of Augustus Caesar of 2,000 years ago. Who could believe it? Where is the proof?

    The latest genetic studies indicate that many Israelis are racially indistinguishable from Arabs and Canaanites. Others are Khazars, i.e. Caucasians of mixed Turkish ancestry whose origins are eastern Europe and Russia.

    Of course there are members of the Jewish race on earth, but as to who they are, we do not know. The genealogical records are lost in the mists of time. Why pretend otherwise?

    Consequently, an accurate designation for those who self-describe as "Jews" is < Judaic > viz., people who associate themselves with the religion of the synagogue and the Talmud, or folk customs and traditions connected to the Jewish self-description (Sephardic and Yiddish culture for instance).

    As a matter of fidelity to the scientific method in terms of ethno-history, anthropology and genetic science, no one should be required to collaborate or cooperate with a play-acting conceit.

    It's important to note that the act may not be intentional. Children raised in societies where the holy name of Jew (John 4:22) is applied to them from birth will naturally refer to themselves by that designation; that's not their fault. However as adults, thinking persons will re-examine the myths of their childhood and correct them by aligning with genealogical reality.

    Biblical Israel consists of anyone who believes that Jesus Christ is the Moshiach and Son of God, whose death on the cross and resurrection from the dead is humanity's only salvation.

    So who is a Jew? He who believes on Jesus. Cf. Romans 2:28-29. Galatians 3:16 and 3:29.

    -- Michael Hoffman, www.RevisionistHistory.org


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