Friday, November 11, 2022

Vote Fraud '22?

Vote Fraud '22?

[Our Veterans Day editorial follows this report]

Though it has become grounds for being accused of treason or worse if any American expresses even a mouse-like squeak of concern about our nation's election integrity (unless that American is Hillary Clinton), nonetheless we draw your attention to a possible grooming process we detected in the New York Times today.

The Times seems to be conditioning the American people to accept a reversal of the numerous projections of a "slim Republican majority in the House of Representatives."

This morning's NY Times (Nov. 11, page A18), in a report headlined, "Congressional Memo: At the Capitol, the Question of Who Won the Midterms," the Times ominously insinuates that there is now a "path" to the Democrats "holding the majority" in the House.

Quote: "...without the final results from Colorado, California, Arizona and Nevada among other places… three dozen House races still undecided, Democrats still had a mathematical…. path to holding the majority.”

The New York Times knows that what transpires in the various counting rooms where votes are tallied by bureaucrats of dubious ethics, in states such as Arizona, Nevada, California "and other places," is not transparent, and it seems that we are being told, Las Vegas-style, that any number can win, including a number that would represent a victory for Democrats in the House. We would be impotent in the face of a steal like that, and shamed in the media for our Doubting Thomas wrongthink. Merrick Garland's secret police might even come knocking at our door.  

But if the roles were reversed, it's not difficult to surmise that Democrats would be suspicious and their skepticism would be supported by the corporate media. 

Vote fraud concerns expressed by Democrats, including US Senator Barbara Boxer after the 2004 re-election of George W. Bush, and by many Democrats in 2016 when Trump was elected, were not greeted by media howls of "election denial!" In fact, in 2018 when Stacey Abrams was first defeated by Brian Kemp in the Georgia gubernatorial contest and she refused to concede, Abrams was actually lauded by the New York Times

At this moment the nation that calls itself "the Leader of the Free World" is on the edge of its seat awaiting the results of an opaque process for which there is little accountability. Sinister clowns have once again moved their carnival sideshow into visibility and induced tension and adrenaline among the masses. It's a process meant to debase the mind and spirit of a once free people. We term it The Revelation of the Method.

Veteran's Day: Misnamed and Misdirected

Today we salute all veterans of America's armed services, including my son, a Marine Corps veteran, and the memory of my Dad, a WWII and Korea Navy vet (corpsman), and my great uncle Ralph, who won the Silver Star in combat in the First World War, though the Department of the Army has not yet released, 104 years laters, the report that will tell our family specifically what he did to earn the US Army's second highest award for gallantry under fire, resulting in an18-year-old private being promoted to the rank of sergeant. (Uncle Ralph did not speak of his exploits; our family only learned of his Silver Star when, in his Last Will and Testament, he bequeathed it to this writer [he and his wife Isabel were childless]).

With that mind, and meaning no disrespect, it's incumbent to note that from a historical perspective, the November 11 holiday has been hijacked by militarists who have used it to glorify their war racket. 

November 11 was consecrated in the blood of the young men and women on both the Allied and Axis sides of World War I, a useless fratricide that sacrificed three million kids in uniform on the altar of the stupidity and bloodlust of aged generals, and the politicians who conspired with them. 

The western world was shocked in the aftermath of the European abattoir. The "Roaring '20s" marked a period of unprecedented alterations in music, fashion and hair styles (for example, millions of women cut their hair short for the first time in recorded memory), and a general feeling of despair and ennui seized the people, perhaps most eloquently expressed by T.S. Eliot in his long poem, The Wasteland (edited by his friend and colleague, Ezra Pound). Though Germany's "Weimar Republic" has become the synecdoche for the degeneracy and hopelessness of the time, America and Britain also went collectively nuts in the 1920s, as the U.S. did again in the '60s and '70s, during and after the futile Vietnam War.

World War I, which was billed, absurdly, as "The War to End All Wars," largely came to an end on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month of the year 1918, and thus was born "Armistice Day," specifically intended to kindle the memory of the massive suffering and death, and to help ensure it would never re-occur. It was planned as a permanent memorial to the kids in uniform who were senselessly butchered by their own leaders in a satanic conflict without which there would have been no second and more terrible world war in 1939.

Unfortunately, the memory of the pointless First World War slaughter and its salutary lessons has been drowned in the bombastic jingoism that has captured Armistice Day and transformed it into Veterans Day, which has too often been misdirected as a recruiting poster for more young cannon fodder to enlist in more wars to make the world safe for whatever cause the Cryptocracy has decided to invest with apocalyptic urgency: humiliate Russia, crush Iran, kill the Palestinians and make the world safe for Coca-Cola and Zionism.

Michael Hoffman ©2022

Independent History and Research
Box 849, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Election Night No Longer Exists

Election Night No Longer Exists 

By Victor Davis Hanson

November 10, 2022


To read the entire column:

Michael Hoffman’s Afterword follows these excerpts from Prof. Hanson’s analysis

What, if anything, did the midterms tell us about the country—other than underwhelming Republicans could still take the House and Senate?

During the COVID-19 lockdowns, American elections radically changed to mail-in and early voting. They did so in a wild variety of state-by-state ways. Add ranked voting and a required majority margin to the mess and the result is that once cherished Election Day balloting becomes increasingly irrelevant.

Election Night also no longer existsReturns are not counted for days. It is intolerable for a modern democracy to wait and wait for all sorts of different ballots both cast and counted under radically different and sometimes dubious conditions.

The Democrats —with overwhelming media and money advantages — have mastered these arts of massive and unprecedented early, mail-in, and absentee voting. 

Old-fashioned Republicans count on riling up their voters to show up on Election Day. But it is far easier to finesse and control the mail-in ballots than to "get out the vote.”

The country is divided in more ways than ever. America's interior just gets redder and the bicoastal corridors bluer.

Exceptional Republican gubernatorial or senatorial candidates like Lee Zeldin, Tudor Dixon, and Tiffany Smiley in blue states like New York, Michigan, or Washington cannot win upsets against even so-so Democratic incumbents — even during a supposedly bad election cycle for Democrats, laboring under a president with a 40 percent approval rating.

Similarly, media-spawned leftist heartthrobs like Beto O'Rourke and Stacey Abrams can burn through hundreds of millions of dollars. But they still cannot unseat workmanlike Republican incumbents in Texas and Georgia.

Out-of-state immigration has only solidified these red-blue brand polarizations.

Over the last decade, millions of conservatives have fled California, Illinois, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania to Florida and Texas.

The former states got bluer as New York governors like Andrew Cuomo and Kathy Hochul said good riddance to fleeing conservatives — who were welcomed as refugees to red "free states.”

As voters self-select residences on ideological grounds and the deleterious effect of blue-states' governance, the country is gravitating into two antithetical nations. Americans vote not so much for individual personalities as blocs of incompatible parties, causes, and ideologies.

Debates count for little anymore, especially after the disastrous performance of winners Pennsylvania Democratic Senate nominee John Fetterman and Hochul.

Democrats often limited or avoided them altogether. And the Republican charging and complaining that they did so meant little at all.

Democrats still voted for Democratic candidates, regardless of Fetterman's clear cognitive inability to serve in the Senate and despite President Joe Biden's failures, harm to the middle class, and unpopularity.

Most Republicans are similar party loyalists, but not quite to the same degree — at least if some feared supporting a hardcore Trump-endorsed candidate might give them grief among family and friends.

Winning or losing means revving up party bases, not running as much on a variety of issues. Biden's vicious attacks on conservatives as semi-fascists and un-American worked. When he recklessly warned that democracy's death was synonymous with Democrats losing, he further inflamed his base.

Biden also goaded young people to vote…He told young women that they would die without unlimited abortions. And most of that mud stuck.

…Moreover, in the last days of the election, Biden and the media effectively smothered those existential issues by claiming the country was threatened by insurrectionists and pro-life fanatics. Stooping to claim the attacker of Paul Pelosi — a crazed, homeless, nudist, illegal alien — was the veritable tip of the supposed MAGA insurrectionary spear proved to be effective Harry-Reid-style, October-surprise demagoguery.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis likely emerges as the dominant force in conservative politics. His landslide win in Florida carried all down-ticket statewide candidates throughout Florida, which has become as utterly red as California has turned all blue…

Trump's pre-election unexpected attack on DeSantis may have turned off a few thousand independents and Republicans from voting for Trump-affiliated candidates. And his pre-midterm boast that he would likely run for president may have scared -- and energized -- some last-minute, hard-core anti-Trumpers and Democrats to go out to vote.

Pollsters got it wrong — again. But this time once trustworthy conservative pollsters had little inkling that the simmering left-wing base was enthused by wild talk of abortion and insurrection. The real under-polled voters were not silent, wary Trump supporters, but this time around seething upscale women and college students… [End quote]. Read more of Prof. Hanson’s column at:

Michael Hoffman’s Afterword

Hanson wrote:

 “…in the last days of the election, Biden and the media claim(ed) the country was threatened by insurrectionists and pro-life fanatics. Stooping to claim the attacker of Paul Pelosi — a crazed, homeless, nudist, illegal alien — was the veritable tip of the supposed MAGA insurrectionary spear proved to be effective Harry-Reid-style, October-surprise demagoguery.

The October Surprise Foretold

Though it has received little or no publicity, on October 17 on Twitter this writer predicted the Cryptocracy would attack a prominent Democrat prior to the election and that’s precisely what occurred eleven days later in San Francisco on October 28 that remains mysterious (for example, police body-cam footage has yet to be released). The Cryptocracy is occasionally very predictable and I foresaw their cunning move, as I have foreseen other deep cover charades of theirs. 

Here’s our prognostication, from our tweet of Oct. 17, 2022, of what would, eleven days later, become “the veritable tip of the supposed MAGA insurrectionary spear":

“Prediction: US Intelligence agencies covertly infiltrate a GOP MAGA group and direct the patsies to violently attack a high profile Democrat -Media rubber stamp plausible denial by Intelligence agencies -Democrats retain their Congressional majority in the November election.” 

The attack is discussed at greater length on our podcast: On Election Eve—2022: The Predictability of the Paul Pelosi Affair.”

Not a single conservative or "Far-Right" columnist, e-mailer, website owner or publisher has noted our advance penetration of the  tactics of the Cryptocracy in connection with their masterstroke at the Pelsoi mansion.

For various reasons this writer is persona non grata across the spectrum of those personalities and groups. They would rather withhold news and information from their readers and listeners than credit us with having used pattern-detection and profiling to anticipate the Cryptocracy's skullduggery. Such are the vagaries of the “Far-right" and it is not a winning formula. They are as likely to employ Orwellian memory hole maneuvers as Hillary Clinton or any Talmudist. Perhaps one day our work will escape the hole where the Right-wing suppressors, along with the corporate media, have consigned it.


The 122 issues of Michael Hoffman’s 25 year-run (1997 to 2022) as editor of the periodical Revisionist History® are for sale here

Michael’s speaking, writing and research are supported by donations from truth-seekers, and the sale of his books, newsletters and recordings.


Independent History and Research

Box 849 • Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816

United States of America


Wednesday, November 09, 2022

Election: Barely half of the country — if that — are motivated to defeat the evil leaders who have caused America’s crises

 Our View of the Election

Barely half of the country — if that — are motivated to defeat the evil leaders who have caused America’s crises 

By Michael Hoffman  November 9, 2022

33rd Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall 

 Republicans will control the House but the "red wave" didn’t materialize. GOP leadership should be ashamed of these results at a time when inflation, crime, school choice, drug trafficking and illegal border crossings are huge issues. 

Here we discern God’s judgment. The love of truth is a characteristic which the true followers of Jesus Christ are to practice and exhibit as the fruit of their faith. When delusion strikes the masses, it is seldom remarked upon that in some cases it is God Himself who sends the delusion

Blasphemy? Not to those who are Biblically-literate. Our Father in Heaven has promised to curse those who possess an insufficient love for the truth. In those cases He does so by sending us delusion:

"And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness." 

2 Thessalonians 2: 10-12

As always, we followers of Christ need to point the fingers of accusation at ourselves first, before we do so to others, no matter what their political affiliation. Mea maxima culpa ought to be more than empty words with us. 

The willingness to sacrifice our good name, reputation and bank accounts if necessary to declare and defend the truth, will go a long way toward restoring His blessing upon us and our nation; and if we are willing to sacrifice even our lives in proclaiming Veritas, then we will be martyrs for His Holy Name’s sake. Is there a greater glory?

Back on the political level,  it appears that Donald Trump will do all he can to defeat Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for President in 2024, and back any mediocre candidate who will, in the words of the King of Vulgarity, “Kiss his a--" and endorse his, “I won the 2020 election” mantra. The loss in Pennsylvania for senate and governor were needless, major defeats. 

Due to Mr. Trump’s second-raters (Oz and Mastriano) winning the GOP primaries earlier this year with Trump’s endorsement, in Pennsylvania there will be a Democrat governor, and in the US Senate, John Fetterman. What a joke. The Donald is a selfish ego-maniac and the Democrat party’s “Trump card.”

Your donation keeps Michael writing and researching



Independent History and Research

Box 849  Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83816


Tuesday, November 08, 2022

The Occult Significance of November 8 ["Election Day"]

 The Occult Significance of November 8 ["Election Day"]

By Michael Hoffman

In the cosmos: the morning of November 8, 2022, election day for local and state offices including the US Senate, the House of Representatives and governorships, coincided with a total lunar eclipse in the early hours, with the moon appearing to turn blood red.

In history: November 8 in the Catholic Church of old commemorated stone masons known as Quattuor Coronati ("Four Crowned Ones") Nicostratus, Claudius, Symphorianus and Castor. These four are cited in the martyrologies of St. Jerome and the Venerable Bede as having been beaten death circa A.D. 290 for refusing to sacrifice to the gods.

In 1884 the Freemason Sir Charles Warren founded the elite research arm of Freemasonry and named it the Ars Quattuor Coronatorum, which publishes an academic journal.

[Is the fifth "crown" the post-modern virus dubbed "Corona"?]

Warren was an accomplished archaeologist whose work in Jerusalem as a British army engineer was intended to provide the groundwork for the masonic magnum opus, the rebuilding of the Temple of Jerusalem.

During the masonic Jack the Ripper murders, Freemason Warren was, conveniently for the Brotherhood, the chief of the Metropolitan Police of London and instrumental in concealing the masonic identity of the killer. 

These and other suppressed facts will be found in the October 2022 issue of Revisionist History®.

Copyright ©2022 by Independent History and Research


Talmudic Catholic Cardinal Guilty of Molestation

Talmudic Catholic Cardinal Guilty of Molestation

By Michael Hoffman

On March 27, 2006 Cardinal Jean-Pierre Ricard was part of a contingent of Catholic prelates who traveled to a New York yeshiva to pay their respects to the Babylonian Talmud—the sacred texts containing virulent hate speech toward Jesus and Blessed Virgin Mary. 

Now it has been revealed that Ricard is guilty of molesting a 14-year-old girl:

While genuflecting before the Holy Book of Hate Speech back in 2006, all of the cardinals and bishops present ignominiously hid the crucifixes ("pectoral cross") they were wearing on their chest. This pusillanimous gesture was apparently intended to symbolize their submission to the Babylonian Talmud's view of Jesus Christ as 1. A magician and impostor who was 2. Born of a prostitute and is now 3. In hell being perpetually boiled in excrement. (Yes, that's exactly what those three points in the Talmud of Babylon uphold, and no, we are not taking those passages "out of context." They are entirely consistent with the tenor and teaching of the Talmud as a whole).

The photographic documentation in today's On the Contrary column about Cardinal Ricard is from page 554 of this writer's banned book, Judaism Discovered. Our book is forbidden to such an extent it's even banned from lists of banned books! The Cryptocracy hopes it will be permanently consigned to the Memory Hole. What say you?

We are the number one source in the English-speaking world for accurate information on the Talmud Bavli, Midrash, Shulchan Aruch, Zohar and successor sacred texts; knowledge which we impart with charity toward Judaic people and all others who are in bondage to the 21st century recrudescence of first century Phariseeism.

Listen to the programs on our podcast, Michael Hoffman's Revisionist History®, free of chargeand please let others know.

Independent History and Research
Box 849 • Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816 USA

Wednesday, November 02, 2022

Netanyahu Returns to Power Allied with Bloody Talmudic Racists

 Netanyahu Returns to Power Allied with Bloody Talmudic Racists

By Michael Hoffman

(Our Pelosi news update is below)

Binyamin Netanyahu is an assassin and the mass murderer of thousands of Palestinians. In 1997 he ordered Mossad to spray a lethal poison (fentanyl in aerosol form) into the ear of a Palestinian leader in Jordan.  Netanyahu is on the verge of re-election as Prime Minister of the Zionist colony.

The US media are treating this war criminal with qualified respect and civility, while occasionally vaguely referring to the fact that he has so-called "far-Right" support.

The truth is, Netanyahu could not be reelected without critical assistance and endorsement from powerful Israeli politicians who are Arab-hating racists. At the top of the dishonor list is Itamar Ben-Gvir, the head of the appropriately named Otzma Yehudit ("Jewish Power") Party that openly honors Baruch Goldstein, the mass murderer who slaughtered 40 Palestinians while they prayed in a mosque in Hebron, on Purim 1994. 

The fact that the next Israeli Prime Minister was elected with the indispensable assistance of an ally who happens to be a genocide advocate should be widely reported and investigated. As a matter of course it is not. Netanyahu's power-broker pal, Ben-Gvir, is a disciple of the late Rabbi Meir Kahane who described the Arab people as "a cancer" and endorsed the genocide of the Palestinians. The "woke" American media's reaction? Omission and coverup.

Behind this wall of media silence these facts are mostly hidden from American taxpayers who unwittingly bankroll these Israeli gangsters. The ones who are indeed aware of the racism and bloodshed of these criminals and  support them anyway are the churches of American Protestant fundamentalism, and to a lesser extent, Neocon Catholics. Here in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho there is an "evangelical" mega-church that hosts Israeli apologists for the Zionist murder and dispossession of the Palestinians. That church has support from other conservative "family values'" houses of worship in the area.

Pelosi Update

On Nov. 1 the New York Times revealed that the San Francisco police patrol car that is usually stationed at Mr. and Mrs. Pelosi's mansion was withdrawn prior to the alleged attack on the morning of Oct. 28. 

The media also reported on Nov. 1 that surveillance cameras at the residence were not being "monitored" at the time of the supposed home invasion. I don't know about you, but the cheap surveillance camera on the front of our home rings a loud bell when it detects motion. We are expected to believe that the cameras keeping an eye on the personal residence of the Speaker of the House of Representatives don't feature that basic motion detection alarm function. In order to avoid the dreaded stigma of being categorized as a "conspiracy theorist" we must transform ourselves into infants who are expected to gurgle, "Yes Daddy" to every bit of buncombe dispensed by Big Brother.

Our New Podcast 

According to statistics from the podcast hosting company, many of you have tuned into our new service, "Michael Hoffman's Revisionist History®" to listen to our third program, analyzing the Cryptocracy's Pelosi gambit. For those who haven't yet, here's the link:

Your donation permits us to continue with the podcast which, as many of you may know, has tremendous potential to reach new audiences in the US and around the world (we are heard as far afield as Vietnam, Finland, Philippines, Libya, Algeria, Iceland, Malaysia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Argentina, Denmark, Portugal, Slovenia, Turkey, Venezuela, Austria, Poland, Panama, Chile, Cyprus, Greece, India, Singapore, Taiwan, Croatia, Switzerland, Mexico, Hungary, Italy, Norway, Ireland, South Africa, Netherlands,  and of course Canada, Australia and the UK. The list expands weekly).

Our books and recordings are at this link, as well as this one. Our Revisionist History® newsletter page can be reached here. Your support is vital to the success of our Truth Mission. Tell others about our work, and pray for us.

Never give up!
Michael Hoffman