Thursday, November 18, 2021

Two pages from Twilight Language book and a Christian question

Our 2021 book Twilight Language, the sequel to Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare which was published twenty years ago (prior to Sept. 11, 2001), continues to grow in popularity.

Concerning its theses and revelations, we have been interviewed thus far four times on major outlets since its publication in July; two of those interviews being broadcast almost back to back this month (nationwide on Ground Zero radio with Clyde Lewis, and in New York on WBAI-FM with Bonnie Faulkner).

For those of you who have not yet acquired Twilight Language, two representative pages have been posted at our Twitter feed.  You need not be signed into Twitter to view them at this link.


From our e-mail:

Should a Christian Submit to Government Fingerprinting in order to serve the people?

On Nov 18, 2021, at 7:59, Brian <> wrote:

Hello Mr. Hoffman,

I am writing to ask for your advice.  I converted to Christianity recently (thanks in large part to your work), and as a part of that, I have been trying to find ways to serve others, as Jesus commanded.  One thing I've been trying to do is volunteer at a local children's hospital here in xxxxx. I was offered a volunteer position today, but was disappointed to learn that volunteers need to get fingerprinted by the FBI.

I'm sure I don't need to tell you that the FBI is a pretty nasty organization that has helped commit and cover up many crimes.  The FBI has even framed people for crimes before, so it seems like the last organization you would want to submit biometrics to.  I am concerned that if I try to live a virtuous life following the teachings of Jesus, I might even end up in direct conflict with the FBI at some point in my life.  I really don't think it would be the right thing to do to submit my fingerprints, but then I won't be allowed to help the sick at the hospital.

I was wondering if you had any thoughts or advice about this dilemma that you'd be willing to share.

Thank you so much for your time,



Dear Brian

Congratulations on becoming a believer in Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, His death on the Cross for our transgressions, and His defeat of the awful power of death by His Resurrection!

By way of an answer to your query, we have a relative who is a nurse at a large metropolitan hospital and this person probably had to be fingerprinted as well (we haven’t asked). This relative is a very competent, conscientious, high intensity individual who works in perhaps the most demanding part of the hospital and saves lives almost daily. What if, out of fear of man, our relative did not undertake this vocation? We wonder if lives would have been lost and “the least” of His brethren made to suffer? We are to fear no one but God.

True, an FBI fingerprinting could be used against you some day. Who knows?

On the other hand, if Joseph and Mary had detoured from Bethlehem to avoid the required tax, would not God’s will for Christ’s birth in “the city of David" have been thwarted?

All Christians are to live fearlessly with faith in God’s grace and providence. Yet our faith does not cancel the exercise of prudence regarding the predominant tyranny of our time. You have liberty in Christ and the choice concerning the fingerprinting is yours.

If I were you I would pray about it, asking for divine guidance in the name in which personally, we always pray, The Most Holy Name of Jesus.

In His Service,

Michael Hoffman


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:18 PM

    It is in my opinion important to differentiate a volunteer from an employee; it is unlikely that Brian would directly save lives.



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