Wednesday, May 13, 2020

NY Times: Vaccine May be Required to Fly, Attend School or Enter a business

Ready the Troops"

People May be Required to take a COVID19 Vaccine before Flying on Airlines, Attending School or Entering businesses

By Michael Hoffman

The New York Times is no longer engaged in journalism. It’s fighting a war and recruiting “troops” who’ve decided in advance that a Coronavirus vaccine will generally be safe. Those who express significant doubts are dangerous “propagandists.” 

In today’s NY Times “On Tech” column, Shira Ovide writes: 
“Ready the troops for a misinformation war: 
My colleague Kevin Roose worries that anti-vaccine activists will spin reasonable concerns about a potential coronavirus vaccine ‘into widespread, unfounded fears about its safety.’ He says that public health officials, internet companies and all of us must lay the groundwork now to restore people’s faith in medicine, stop bogus information from spreading and reach loved ones who are susceptible to anti-vaccine propaganda.” 

Here's Mr. Roose, a zealot masquerading as an open-minded journalist, writing in today's NY Times. His first paragraph is the most ominous, but the rest of what he writes is a not-so-subtle push to criminalize doubts about vaccines, indicting skeptics as "polluters" of people's minds (Mr. Roose's own word). Neither Ovide or Roose or their cited "medical experts" (high priests to whom we are expected to kneel), have a word to say about building natural immunity.

The NY Times announces support for a good idea":
"... if and when a Covid-19 vaccine is approved for widespread use, people may be required to take it before being allowed to fly on certain airlines, attend certain schools or enter certain businesses. That’s a good idea, public health-wise, but it would play into some of the worst fears of the anti-vaccine movement.”

Question for Mr. Roose (and one he should have raised in his column): How are the airlines, the schools and businesses going to identify someone who has submitted to the vaccine? By what mark, sign, or other identification will vaccination submission be determined? Is it permissible for us to ask a question George Orwell would have probably raised, or is he obsolete in the midst of the current misinformation war”? 

[Note to Conspiracy Theorists: some of you are predicting that if a Coronavirus vaccine is developed its use will be mandated for every American, except those few who obtain medical exemptions. I think you're wrong. The Cryptocracy is too clever to incite widespread resistance and rebellion by such a move. They will slow cook the frog rather than boil it. The NY Times forecast is the more accurate: you’ll need to show proof of COVID19 vaccination in order to engage in many of the common place activities of ordinary life. If you don’t plan on ever entering a store or any school, or flying anywhere on commercial aircraft, then you won’t need to submit to the vaccine. In this way vaccine compliance is “shaped” rather than absolutely forced, and the Cryptocracy avoids a general uprising of the people. Is their stratagem unconstitutional and unethical? Yes, but when did that ever stop tyrants?]. 

Kevin Roose of the New York Times:

"...seeing platforms like Facebook and YouTube struggle to contain the spread of videos...makes me worry that when the time comes to persuade billions of people to take a critical coronavirus vaccine, our public health officials and social media companies will be outgunned by a well-oiled anti-vaccine movement that has already polluted the air with misinformation and conspiracy theories."

Mr. Roose next calls on the Chinese Communist Party-allied "World Health Organization" (W.H.O.) to intervene in the internal affairs of the United States of America and commence a "a hearts-and-minds campaign" to persuade the American people to take the vaccine:

"We can prevent that, but only if we start laying the groundwork before it’s too late. Organizations like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the W.H.O. need to understand the dynamics of online anti-vaccination communities and start waging a hearts-and-minds campaign to restore faith in the medical establishment while a vaccine is being developed."

The NY Times is pressuring social media into becoming a clone of the suppressive legacy media. While Roose does not employ the word censorship, nevertheless, he opines that "millions of lives and and trillions of dollars" are at stake and his message is clear: Twitter, Facebook and YouTube must join the NY Times in demonizing and obstructing COVID19 vaccine skeptics: 

"Social media companies need to take the threat of vaccine-related misinformation seriously...Millions of lives and trillions of dollars in economic activity may depend not just on producing a vaccine, but on persuading people to accept it."

New York Timesthe newspaper of record," has dropped all pretense of objectivity. The paper is engaged in a war on skepticism. Since all wars entail the use of propaganda ("bodyguard of lies," as Churchill termed it in the course of advocating it), they will use all the tools they utilized to make Americans believe that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and Brett Kavanaugh is a rapist, to take down those of us who have little or no faith in the profit-driven pharmaceutical giants and their prostitute-physician front-men

These all-knowing priest-experts, most of whom have signed off on abortion-on-demand at any stage of  pregnancy (infanticide), are complicit in going along with or actually inducing cancer and ruinous side effects in people who the doctors surgically and chemically transform into another gender. 

This is the physician-priesthood that has yet to insist en masse that the chemical-laden slop (meals) fed to patients in most hospitals be made healthy. 

The NY Times cannot conceive of how anyone other than a "Bible-reading troglodyte" would raise objections to the medical mafia in the wake of their discrediting perpetration of these horrors.

The medical priesthood, and the politicians and media who are subordinate to them, are now ruling our nation, just as kings once ruled the Old World. Our Constitution and Bill of Rights have been suspended, and the next step is shaming  and yes, coercion   to push us into submitting to their vaccination needle. If you cant fly, go to school or enter a store without somehow first proving youve taken Big Pharmas vaccine  that's coercion, and your body is decidedly not your own. It belongs to the state.

The abortionists' "pro-choice demands, built on their "It's my body claim to sovereignty, seem to apply only to abortion. When it comes to vaccines, it's suddenly not your body. Apparently, body sovereignty can be turned on and off, and we had better not dare to question the hypocrisy. We are expected to exhibit the unquestioning conformity to this double-standard that the New York Times demands of us, if we want to be considered decent and caring people.

If the Times were a genuinely freedom-oriented newspaper rather than the house organ of Leftist statism, it would raise the questions we raise, give a fair hearing to both sides of the controversy, and seek a meeting of the minds, respecting the views of people like Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and his very real and well-informed concerns. But it is Bill Gates who is favored with extensive coverage and supportive writing, while Mr. Kennedy is consigned to near oblivion. Journalism? Forget about it.

Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. More than ever our engagement with that duty is a requirement. "Millions of lives and and trillions of dollars" are at stake.

Michael Hoffman is a former reporter for the New York bureau of the Associated Press and a professional historian.


  1. "The medical priesthood, and the politicians and media who are subordinate to them, are now ruling our nation. . ."

    It's sad to see so many Christians always trying to save *their nation.* Just like the Jews trying to save *their nation* 2000 years ago. That didn't end well for them. Their house left desolate. Perhaps better to quit worrying about Babylon and come out of her? Seek the Kingdom of God first?

  2. Michael Rossi10:23 PM

    Mr. Hoffman:

    The threats about vaccination being required to enter businesses and the like call to mind the mark of the beast from Revelation 13:16-17. Are we seeing this prophecy fulfilled before our very eyes?


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