Thursday, March 12, 2020

Love as Jesus Did

Love as Jesus Did

Jesus shattered a pagan template of violence and revenge against those who harm us.

By doing so He overcame all of His enemies.

Herod’s military might, his political dynasty and that of the Roman emperors and their vast armies, have all vanished.

They were swept away by a young man who advanced the seditious belief that might does not make right; insisting instead that we learn to love our enemies instead of hating them.

Jesus taught us to resist the temptations of retaliation and revenge, and turn the other cheek to those who afflict and oppress us.

We pray for a change of heart and for redemption and salvation for our enemies.

May we treat others as we wish to be treated.

That is the Resurrection message of Jesus Christ at Easter and throughout the year.

— Michael Hoffman

 "Let all that you do be done in love." I Corinthians 16:14 

All means all: loving every human being, Jew or gentile, black or white, and all others. This we believe; this we teach. Hatred and extremism are not of God and bear no good fruit. 


  1. Bless you for writing on our LORD JESUS CHRIST. I would love to hear more in depth of your faith. I always remember the simplicity and calmness of your rebuttal to Imus about the black women basketball players and hope you will write something in depth about faith in these times.

  2. Blessed Are The Pure Of Heart.
    Amen ^

  3. Amen. Blessed is the name of the Lord!

  4. Neil Peter11:28 AM

    Good day Michael,

    I quote you commenting on I Corinthians 16:14.
    "Let all that you do be done in love." 
    Your comment:
    "All means all: loving every human being, Jew or gentile, black or white, and all others. This we believe; this we teach. Hatred and extremism are not of God and bear no good fruit".
    I could not help notice that you did not use the capital letter "G" for the word "Gentile". Also, would not black or white people be Gentiles?

    Neil Rivalland.


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