Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Forbidden: The Polish Defense of their Civilization

The Polish Defense of their Civilization

By Michael Hoffman ©2018

When Poles attempt to defend their civilization from defamation,  blackmail is kicked into gear and the media announce that “Jews in Poland feel unsafe.” CNN reports: Poland's Jewish organizations say the countrycontroversial new Holocaust law has led to a ‘growing wave of intolerance, xenophobia, and anti-Semitism,’ leaving many within the community feeling unsafe.”

You can be sure that this “feeling’ will be followed by dopey and disgusting neo-Nazis in the pay and under the direction of Zionists, spray-painting swastikas on Judaic tombs and synagogues in Poland.

When Poles pass laws forbidding defamation of Poland in connection with World War II, it becomes a free speech cause célèbre that is not raised when Britain, Canada, Australia, France, Germany and Austria pass laws forbidding revisionist history and imprisoning writers and researchers.

As we write these words a British citizen, Michelle Renouf, has been arrested in Germany on a charge of Volksvehetzung (inciting the populace), for her speech in Dresden calling the Allied fire-bombing of that city a holocaust (death by fire). Facts are facts, except when they offend The Holy People and the liberal and Neocon advocates of the “Good War” (the 55 million dead in the “good” Second World War). Miss Renouf’s allegedly “criminal” speech may be viewed here:

Poland is a Catholic nation that is not entirely under the thumb of the John Paul II style of Talmudic-papalism, of which the current pontiff Francis is but a dutiful son. Many Poles hold in more than contempt Renaissance Catholicism as it evolved in Italy. Poland is a nation capable of returning to its authentic, medieval Catholic roots. This is a hopeful prospect.

All Polish patriots and their friends and allies should engage in this ideological battle with the best resources, and one of the very best is Judaic author John Sack’s magnificent book, An Eye for an Eye, about the Judaic-Communist mass murderer Salomon Morel who was given safe haven from war crimes prosecution by the Israeli government. The murders he perpetrated in Poland counted for nothing (for the relevant halacha cf. BT Sanhedrin 57a). Poland should use Sack’s facts in the information war now underway.

For Catholics and some Protestants this is the season of Lent when we contemplate Christ’s 40 days in the desert and his rigged trial and death at the hands of the Sanhedrin. In one of the rare instances where these two texts concur, the New Testament (Acts 5: 27-31) and the Babylonian Talmud (BT Sanhedrin 43A), both admit that the Pharisaic leadership of the time brought about the Crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth.

These facts were formerly well known in the whole of Europe, East and West. The Protestant Lord Chief Justice of England, Sir Edward Coke, ruled: “No Christian shall be sold into slavery to a Jew, for it is unlawful that someone who Christ redeemed should be held in servitude by someone who blasphemes against Christ” (77 Eng. Rep. 397 [1608]). 

What would Sir Edward say were he to observe our world today, when entire nations such as Germany, Canada and the United States are in servitude to the Israelis? The legal principle that a Christian believer redeemed by Jesus on the Cross on Calvary may not legally be under subjection to a denier of Christs Resurrection, is unheard of in 2018. We are victims of amnesia.

The  holocaust of Jesus Christ on the Cross is hardly observed or mentioned nowadays, in comparison with the “Holocaust” of the self-worshiping Holy People, which is observed weekly and even daily in the legacy media.

When Churchianity mentions the death of Jesus from the pulpit, it is almost always emphasized that the Romans bear the lion’s share of the blame. At this juncture these turncoat priests and ministers convict themselves — showing themselves to be the Bible-hating liars that they are: Jesus Christ declared to Pilate that those that delivered Me unto thee hath the greater sin.” (John 19:11).

The modern world conspires to qualify, modify and mitigate, like a shyster lawyer, the guilt of the founders of the religion of rabbinic Judaism for the death of the Son of God. 

The Talmud, Mishneh TorahNizzahon Vetus, and hundreds of other sacred rabbinic texts and synagogue rites such as the Birkat ha-Minim, curse and mock Jesus, considering him an idolater, a Balaam, an Egyptian magician, and the son of a whore, who is forever boiling in excrement in hell. Furthermore, these outrageously pornographic and disgusting sacred texts of Judaism repeatedly state that the followers of Jesus are deserving of death.

Despite its cultivated media image as an assembly of pious wise men who have been unjustly persecuted, Judaism is one of the most vengeful religions, if not the most vengeful. A sense of the depths of its never-ending, profoundly twisted hatred can be gleaned from the most pathological of all the accounts of Jesus in the Babylonian Talmud: “Jesus shares his place in the Netherworld (hell) with Titus and Balaam, the notorious arch enemies of the Jewish people. Whereas the Roman Titus is punished for the destruction of the Temple by being burned to ashes, reassembled, and burned over and over again, and whereas Balaam is castigated by sitting in hot semen, Jesus’ fate consists of sitting forever in boiling excrement.” 

What kind of religion depicts Jesus Christ being tortured in hell in scalding feces forever? This is a religion that is not content to have the Roman General Titus reduced to ashes — he has to have his ashes reassembled and burned again and again in perpetuity — the thought of which apparently has induced in generations of rabbis paroxysms of glee. 

These facts about the pathological contents of Talmud tractates BT Gittin 56b-57a, have been heatedly denied or explained away by Judaism’s public relations machine for many decades and even centuries. It is only very recently that our books and newsletters have unmasked these formerly deeply concealed truths concerning the degree to which we have been deceived and subverted. Yet few in the West are interested in these matters —the survival for our heritage under imminent threat from the theology of Talmudic Judaism. 

Conservatism Inc.   broadcast on Fox News and taught at Hillsdale College in Michigan, and elsewhere  pretend that rabbinic Judaism is the ally of Western Civilization. The majority of the Right wing in America accept this appalling fraud. 

In eastern Europe is it different. If our books, newsletters and columns were in the Polish or Hungarian languages, they would sell in the hundreds of thousands. 

May God grant the Poles, Hungarians and other nations in the East now resisting Antichrist, knowledge, courage and victory in their struggle with the spiritual serpent that seeks the final destruction of Christian Europe by substituting Auschwitz for Calvary. 

The New York Times online for Feb. 21 attacked conservative Catholic Polish society with a “news” report by Steven Erlanger:

"Poland’s Nationalism Threatens Europe’s Values, and Cohesion"

You may read this NY Times article free of charge here:

This is Michael Hoffman's e-mail to the author:

Dear Mr. Erlanger 

I picked up on the subtle signaling in your “news report” which effectively is telling us what to believe about Poland (rather than stating facts objectively and permitting the reader to decide)  — i.e. that the resurgent Poles are reactionaries who we should fear.

I will quote from one paragraph in your report: "People go to church several times a week, priests tend to give passionate, political sermons, and state and church media give a partisan version of events.”
This statement is supposed to make us hiss and boo on cue. Actually it is an appallingly biased “partisan version” of Polish Catholicism. 

Suppose a Judaic region had been described by your newspaper thus: "People go to synagogues several times a week, rabbis tend to give passionate, political sermons, and state and synagogue media give a partisan version of events."

Anti-Catholic prejudice has a long and ignoble history; it is unfortunate that you have exacerbated it with your New York Times report on Poland.

Sincerely, Michael Hoffman


Mr. Hoffman: “Whether you realize it or not, the value of your work does not come from the fact that you happen to have written it. The value has always come from the careful way that you research your material.”  - B.W., Illinois, Feb. 10, 2018


  1. Dear Michael,
    Why don't you offer the job to some Eastern European to translate your books and newsletters?

    All the best,

    Alex K.

  2. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Dear Mr. Hoffman,

    Your readers may find this broader context of interest.
    The case is two- or even threefold.

    1) it's all about the US Bill 447
    that, if enacted, would then allow the US to exert pressure on the subservient Polish puppet-government to create a semblance of legality for the unlawfull Jewish restitution claims, claims that were fully and completely compensated back in the 1970s I believe (the US basically agreed on behalf of the Jewish diaspora to not raise any more claims ever).
    2) the recent 'scandal' around the 'no Polish death camps' bill is simply a smokescreen to to hide the aforementioned plans from the Polish public + distract the Israeli public from the venal Bibi Netanyahu, embroiled in a major embezzlement/bribery scandal involving major Israeli companies over in Tel Aviv.

    3) the 200,000 figure of Jews supposedly slaughtered by Poles during WW2 is a total and utter lie.

    It began 1996 in Buenos Aires when the president of World Jewish Congress, one Israel Singer publicly stated that Poland would be publicly humiliated until it cowtows to the Jewish restitution claims (fully paid off, as stated above), roughly estimated at $65 mld back then, which would obviously ruined the already poor and economicly underdeveloped Poland that at that time had only just broken the shackles of Communism.
    Then in 1998 the then-German chancellor Gerhard Schroeder publicly annouced: "The times of penance for Germany are over" meaning they would no longer accept any more Jewish/Israeli 'holocaust' compensation claims. It is roughly from then on that the massive and very overt collusion of Germany and Jewish diaspora/Israel began the be clearly observable, a collusion aimed at slowly but surely shifting the blame from Germans to Poles ("Germans" were slowly beginning to be supplanted with "Nazis" in the hollywood movies / TV dramas etc.)
    Cf. e.g.

    Around the year 2000 a book came out by a Polish-born 'scholar' (Princeton graduate in... sociology, mind you) of the chosen stock, one Jan Tomasz Gross – a self-ordained 'historian' of the 'holocaust'. That's when the case of the so called Jedwabne pogrom caught notoriety in the MSM. He claimed that a whoopping 1600 Jews were burnt alive in a barn at the town of Jedwabne in 1941, supposedly by their Polish neighbours. (there were not even 1600 Jews in the entire county at the time, let alone Jedwabne only, which had a mixed Polish-Jewish population, roughly 50-50%).
    The whole scam was since thougrougly debunked, even though the then Minister of Justice, late president Lech Kaczynski decreed the exhumation works be stopped, at the orders from the (he still holds that office) chief Rabbi of Poland, US-imported Michael Schudrich, whose only justification was that it would somehow hurt the religious feelings of the Jews. Conveniently, they demanded a halt precisely when very suggestive and equally inconveient artifacts began to show in huge quantities (German rifle and pistol shell cases). You can read a ton of articles on the topic in English, including by the prominent Polish-American historian, prof. Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski:


  3. The irony of it is that the Trump regime and NATO is actively supporting and arming neo-Nazis in Ukraine, with the lamestream media egging them on. Just like the "West" arms and trains Jihadists, and then bombs them when they go off the reservation, in order to keep the military-industrial complex producing the war machine with federal reserve fiat dollars, the System uses the "Nazi" prop as they please, one day denouncing it and one day supporting it. Pray that Poland and Hungary withdraw from NATO and that the Chinese and others stop buying Treasury Bonds.

  4. Anonymous11:40 PM

    Ok another attempt at publishing this comment (Part 2 of the former one):

    7) Prime Minister Morawiecki is himself of Jewish extraction, on his mother's part, so the claim that he's somehow 'anti-Semitic' lacks any merit.
    8) Regarding this Ronen Bergman guy: http://www.breitbart.com/jerusalem/2018/02/18/netanyahu-slams-polish-prime-ministers-claim-of-jewish-holocaust-perpetrators-as-outrageous/
    a former Polish MP (now a state-TV host) and a historian PhD Magdalena Ogórek already managed to find major discrepancies in the man's stories: namely, he claimed that before the war his mother (supposedly denounced to Gestapo by her Polish neighbours) supposedly received an award from the Polish Minister of Education. The problem is, during WW2 she was only five, according to the man's different story. Looks like another 'Herman Rosenblat' case (the notorious 'holocaust' liar who made up stories about his supposed survival of Auschwitz).

    Oh, and – last but not least (roughly from 0:14 to 0:25)
    1) Poland was baptized in 966 AD via Rome and not Byzantium,
    2) we've had standard Latin alphabet (+some diacritics) ever since, and NOT Cyrillic alphabet
    3) consequently, we've been Roman Catholic (and not East Orthodox) ever since
    4) geographically speaking, Poland is in the center of Europe
    5) We did NOT become part of the 'Eastern Bloc' on our own volition, and it's worth mentioning that the then-US administration played a major role in this betrayal of Yalta (Central European anti-Nazi coalition member states were sold off to Stalin)
    6) same goes to Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, etc.

  5. Anonymous3:33 AM

    What's up, after reading this remarkable piece of writing i am too delighted
    to share my experience here with mates.

  6. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Since the very important website on Polish-Jewish issues I've linked to in my previous comment has been supsended by the forces that be, here's an archived version:


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