Monday, December 18, 2017

Hatred for Christmas in Orthodox Judaism

No sex allowed for Orthodox Jews on Christmas Eve

Rabbinic authorities worry Judaic couples might conceive a monster

— and other facets of the Kabbalists' insane hatred for the Judean child born at Christmas

By Michael Hoffman
author of Judaism Discovered and Judaism’s Strange Gods

Evan Goldberg produced and co-wrote “The Night Before." Jonathan Levine directed it; Seth Rogen (above, center) stars.

Introduction: The following documetation is from rabbinic and other Judaic sources. Judaic Hollywood translates the hatred we will document into movies like “The Night Before,” a 2015 “comedy" in which a Zionist wearing a six-pointed hexagram on his sweater vomits in a church on Christmas Eve. 

Menorahs replace Nativity scenes in civic spaces. 

Hanukkah gets equal — or superior — billing over the traditional birthdate of the Redeemer. 

“Happy Holidays” and other season’s bleatings replace Merry Christmas.

The profound joy with which western civilization celebrated Christmas Eve until our post-modernist times deeply angered and offended Talmudic and Kabbalist rabbis; particularly the Hasidic rabbis with whom “Conservative Family Values Republicans” are often allied.

There is a religion on earth that regards Judaic persons who are conceived on Christmas Eve as traitors and apostates. 

When a Judaic child born in September, nine months after Dec. 24, begins acting in a dissenting manner, he or she is assumed to be a Nittel Nacht evil one.

Who but a Jew hater would refuse to free Judaics from such depraved insanity? The main victims of Judaism are Judaic people. 

Is it “anti-semitic” to liberate Judaics from Talmud and Kabbalah? 

Do the Jew-hating rabbis term liberation from Talmud and Kabbalah “Jew-hate,” so as to keep their Judaic slaves under their thumbs? 

This is a question almost no one asks and because we pose this question in love and in opposition to hatred, we are dangerous to the empire of evil because we act in the same disarming spirit as Jesus Christ.

The Documentation:

In Orthodox Judaism Christmas Eve is an accursed night which Talmudic and Kabalistic rabbis refer to as Nittel Nacht (“Nittel Night”). “Nitel Nacht is the eve of the non-Jewish holiday celebrating the birth of the Nazarene (Divrei Yatziv O.C. 2 240:1). 

Many followers of the Hasidic rabbis are forbidden on Christmas Eve to have intercourse with their wives.

The rabbinic Kabbalists believe Judaic traitors are conceived on Christmas Eve and as a result Hasaidic rabbis forbid couples from sex on Nittel Nacht

Studying the Talmud is also forbidden, although some choose to read the notorious book of hate, Toledot Yeshu instead, which consists of stories claiming that Jesus (Yeshu) was an illegitimate child born of a harlot; that he practiced magic and seduced women, and died a shameful death. 

Christmas Eve was a time when dark forces were about, rendering it unfit for the purity of Talmud study. [Source: Forward, NY Zionist newspaper]

The basis of the custom not to learn Talmud on the night of the Christian holiday is kabbalistic in nature. See:  Shem Mishmuel Derush Chanukah 5677, and Sefer Regel Yeshara 10.

Sefer Kedushat Tziyon (page 129) points out that the Gemara (Talmud Bavli, Sanhedrin 107b), teaches that the founder of Christianity was a student of Rabi Yehoshua ben Perachya. In spite of his considerable accomplishments in Torah study, he managed to become a blasphemer. Hence the Talmud (the oral “Torah” committed to writing) is not allowed on Christmas Eve. 

Why no sex on Christmas Eve?  Because “many sinful Jews (Poshei Yisrael) are conceived on that night" (Christmas Eve). Source: Nitei Gavriel Chanukah p. 410; Shaareiy Halacha Uminhag 4/132; Shulchan Menachem 6/242; Igros Kodesh 4/424.

How Hasidic Jews 'Celebrate' Christmas
By Shahar Ilan,  Haaretz (Israeli newspaper)

On Nittel Nacht - otherwise known to the world as Christmas Eve - Hasidic Jews believe that evil inclinations are at full force. On this night, Hasidim believe, the kelipot – vessels, or manifestation of evil forces – become stronger. Sefer Haminhagim (The Book of Customs) teaches that most heretics who abandoned their faith and converted from Judaism were born after illegal coupling on the first Christian’s birthday. 

"Some rebbes used to mark the gentile holiday by ripping up toilet paper for every Shabbat (Sabbath) for the rest of the year. This was not just a simple show of contempt for those who believe in the Holy Trinity – it was a serious show of contempt. The books of the kabbalah treat Christianity as waste detached from the nation of Israel.

"Remembering to hate the goy...on the night (Christmas Eve) in which the powers of evil are strengthening....The Nittel Nacht is a night of remembrance of the persecution of the Jews by the Christians and the night in which it is remembered to hate them... (the Christians).”  [End quote; emphasis supplied].

Michael Hoffman’s Truth Mission needs your help in order to continue this vital educational work: donate 


  1. The Evangelical allies of the Hasidic Talmudic "j"ews will say that you are indeed "Anti-Shemitic", however it is them who refuse to stand fast that Christ Jesus the Lord is the only way for salvation, saying the "j"ews do not need him they have their own Covenant.

    We stand Firm, thus we love them and seek their Salvation, even to our own danger, whereas their allies hate them and shut the door to Heaven not only ony the "j"ews, but to themselves as well.

  2. Dear Michael Hoffman,

    The "j"ews inserted for a reason, the main battle against the "Sacred Name Movement" as well as the Judaising Evangelicals who make the senseless assertion that Jesus name is not Jesus because there is no "J" in Hebrew, none researched to understand that the Gospel was never translated from Hebrew.

    Actually, you have a very good point asking why I do not insert Jewish Fables from these writers, mainly because they also miss the point that the subject matter is not Political, but Scriptural, and that is the root of current happenings of what may seem to be to them as "Political".

    And last but certainly not least, nowhere in the entire Bible, does scripture state to Love them who Hate God, you are sadly Mistaken.Psalm 139:22

    The Haters are them who tell the "j"ews they do not need Christ Jesus to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.
    Those of us who put our lives in jeopardy to the "j"ews and their proselytes who hate Christ, the Image of the invisible GOD the Creator, who is the WORD come in the flesh, stand Fast in that Name which is above every name...JESUS, Wonderful Councilor, Almighty God.

    So then we are definitely separated, and so it is.

    I do thank you for your clarification.

  3. -----------------[HERE'S PART 2 TO ABOVE]---------------------

    And what's this?--Hoffman says "we are to love our enemies and do good to those who curse us." Well, that's pretty stupid, eh?--after all, if u love ur enemy too much, then it might be bad for u, and it requires a little thinking about what the "Gospel" actually means--which thinking Hoffman hasn't done, and doesn't expect anyone else will do, either, evidently--yet we're all supposed to do and think as Hoffman says and thinks.

    For Hoffman is NOT our friend or the friend of humanity, folks--he rather wants to pretend he's the "friend" of psychopaths and monsters, the Jews who are busy murdering and mass-murdering--this is what Hoffman wants to defend and justify.

    Hoffman can't figure-out that New Test. is mere LITERATURE, and everything written and expressed is done for artistic and psychologic purposes. Hoffman mentions the "holy name of Jesus Christ," but after all, Christ is simply and basically a characterization for TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH (see Gosp. JOHN 14:6), and Christianity is mere religious, stylistic vehicle for philosophy of TRUTH, truth the greatest, foremost, and supreme value

    Thus Hoffman the hereticalist and mystic, works to hide the truth (= Christ), not demonstrate it or up-hold it for the great value, the highest value it really and truly is. Hoffman rather wants to pretend he's "good" and "virtuous," Hoffman just another stinking virtue-signaler. Who and what is Hoffman?--he's precisely what he characterizes of others: a faker, "...exploiting the holy name of Jesus Christ for our own man-made politics, bias and hatred." For in this case Hoffman hates truth (= Christ) upholding rather his own pretended virtue and (non-existent) "good"--a cheap, filthy Pelagian heretic, and traitor to humanity in favor of psychopaths and monsters, the Jews.


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