Friday, September 01, 2017

Southern Poverty Law Center is the Hate Group

The Southern Poverty Law Center is the Hate group

By Franklin Graham

With an Afterword by Michael Hoffman

Franklin Graham, the CEO and president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, counselor to President Trump, has issued a takedown of the far Left Southern Poverty Law Center’s attacks on Christian ministries as “hate” groups.

A hate group? Can you believe this – the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) in Montgomery, Alabama, has labeled a number of Christian groups such as D. James Kennedy Ministries, and the Family Research Council run by my good friend Tony Perkins as ‘hate’ groups. "Why?” he asked on a Facebook post. “Simply because they hold to the teaching of God’s Word on moral issues such as homosexuality and same-sex marriage"

"They even speak disparagingly against Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a woman who was born into a Muslim family in Somalia and bravely speaks out against the dangers and oppression of women in Islam,” Graham marveled. “Because she dares to speak against what Islam has done to her and other women, she is being accused of hate speech! Incredible.

“As Kimberley Strassel said in the The Wall Street Journal, ‘If the SPLC doesn’t agree with your views, it tags you as a hater.’ The SPLC has the funding of Apple CEO Tim Cook and financial giant J.P. Morgan, and is a media favorite. Who is the real hate group here?” Graham asked.

SPLC’s designation of Christian ministries that promote traditional values as “hate groups” has played a role in two attempts at mass murder.

In June, SPLC supporter James Hodgkinson shot Rep. Steve Scalise, R-La.; Zach Barth, a staff member for Congressman Roger Williams; former congressional staff member Matt Mika; and two U.S. Capitol Police officers at a practice for a charity baseball game in June.

SPLC had demonized Scalise for promoting white supremacy and inferred “that Rep. Scalise is a so-called ‘hater.'” Hodgkinson had “liked” SPLC’s Facebook page.

(Ann Coulter writes that when he opened fire on the congressional Republican baseball practice, putting Scalise in critical condition, this "political attack was simply discarded. The media put the story of left-wing assailant James Hodgkinson in a lead casket and dropped it to the bottom of the sea). 

SPLC also was linked to domestic terror through Floyd Lee Corkins, who cited SPLC as his inspiration for his going to the Washington offices of the Family Research Council, armed with a gun, intending to kill as many people as he could. He was stopped by a security guard, who was injured.

Michael Hoffman’s afterword: This is all well and good as far as it goes, but it doesn't go far enough, at least with regard to one particular —  Rev. Graham's statement as follows: “They even speak disparagingly against Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a woman who was born into a Muslim family in Somalia and bravely speaks out against the dangers and oppression of women in Islam.” 

This writer is "disparaged,” libeled and censored by Zionist and Neoconservative groups and individuals in part because I have written a textbook on the dangers and oppression of women in Orthodox Judaism, especially in connection with the misnamed, so-called "Family Purity Laws" (halachos of Niddah — cf. pp. 729-748 of Judaism Discovered). 

The religion founded upon the Babylonian Talmud is far more of a threat to Christianity than the one based on the Quran. Franklin Graham, when will you and your cohort have the courage to support those of us who are defending Judaic women from Talmudic oppression?

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