Tuesday, July 18, 2017

When government usurps the rights of parents

When government usurps 
the rights of parents

Michael Hoffman’s comment: In any society where the Bible, its statutes, judgments and morality, are not esteemed and held in authority, the government will usurp the rights of the parents and before long, the power of life and death itself. Many white liberals, who pride themselves on rescuing cats and dogs from animal shelters, are persuaded that the “population explosion” is, after “climate change,” the chief threat facing the planet. When these people obtain judicial or medical power, the value of human life in their eyes is highly problematic, and more often than not, disposable. 

For the Love of Charlie Gard

When it comes to the life of a child, should parental devotion be disqualifying?

By William McGurn
Wall Street Journal | July 18, 2017 p. A13

So Charlie Gard’s fate now comes down to this: whether an American doctor can persuade a British judge that little Charlie’s life is worth living.

The child cannot see, cannot hear, and suffers from a genetic disorder for which there is no cure—yet he has exposed the great fault line between the post-Christian West and its past. For most of history, men and women have regarded suffering as part of life. But as medicine tames once-deadly afflictions and the idea of some larger meaning to the cosmos wanes, suffering comes to appear less a part of the natural order than an intolerable anomaly.

Follow this logic to the end and you will arrive at London’s Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children. The hospital dates to 1852, when it was founded by a doctor hoping to relieve “the shockingly high level of infant mortality.” How curious that this same hospital now argues for infant mortality, or at least for the mortality of one particular infant.

Hospital experts say it’s in Charlie’s “best interests” that he be denied the experimental treatments because he “has no quality of life.” Better for him to die, they say, than risk suffering. Never mind the judge’s original admission that “no one can be certain whether or not Charlie feels pain.”

Let us stipulate a distinction between removing someone from life support, as the hospital proposes, and taking active measures to induce death. Put another way, if Connie Yates and Chris Gard —Charlie’s parents—decided to remove their son from his ventilator and allow nature to take its course, it would be a difficult but eminently defensible position.

But the claim asserted by the representatives of Britain’s state-run health care system is more sweeping and insidious: This is our call, they say. Such is the Great Ormond Street Hospital’s sense of dominion, says Ms. Yates, that it refused to allow Charlie to come home to die, wrapped in the loving arms of his mom and dad.

In the Book of Exodus the Israelites are warned that theirs is a “jealous God,” but there is no god more jealous than single-payer health care. For at the heart of single payer is single authority. Isn’t it striking how resentful the legal and health care authorities are that Charlie’s family has raised $1.7 million, thus taking money off the table as an excuse to deny him the offered treatments?

Against the emotional outbursts of the parents, the official pronouncements all aim to convey a sense of reasonableness, with soothing references to the law, the selflessness and expertise of those pushing to overrule Charlie’s parents, and, of course, the complexity of the situation.

Still, the deck has been stacked from the beginning. The giveaway is the appointment of a guardian to represent Charlie’s interests, even as the court rulings concede it would be difficult to find a more devoted mother and father. Now we learn the lawyer who represents Charlie in court runs a charity with connections—surprise!—to a sister organization that promotes assisted suicide and until 2006 called itself the Voluntary Euthanasia Society.

The Great Ormond Street Hospital even wants the last word on love: “In one respect, Charlie is immensely fortunate” to have such loving parents. Because in this context “in one respect” really means, “not in the sense that has to do with decisions about their son’s life.” In other words, the parents’ love disqualifies them. In choosing a guardian to represent Charlie against his parents, the courts sided with the doctor who characterized Charlie’s mom and dad as a “spanner in the works.”

It wasn’t long ago that people worried about the cheapening of human life were predicting practices such as legal abortion would lead to the acceptance of things once thought unthinkable. Euthanasia, for example, or the weeding out of children deemed not perfect enough. These people were dismissed as Cassandras. They now look like prophets.

Charlie Gard’s story comes after a case in the Netherlands where an elderly women suffering from dementia woke up and resisted as she was about to be euthanized—only to have the doctor order her family to hold her down for the fatal injection...

The essence of civilization is that the strong protect the weak. But Charlie Gard shows that the barbarian no longer comes wielding a club and grunting in some undecipherable tongue. These days the barbarian comes as an expert, possessed of all the requisite certification—and an unquestioned faith in his absolute right to impose final judgments about the “quality of life” of other people’s loved ones.

[Emphasis supplied]



  1. First do no harm.
    All decisions regarding the child are the parent's sole purview and responsibility.

  2. The medical mafia form a "death cult" indeed with their "cut, burn and poison" treatments. They only care about the bottom line. Unborn infants, the disabled, frail aged etc. are all looked upon as a "burden" to society. It's an extension of the Darwinian philosophy of the "survival of the fittest" so central to the theory of evolution, which our secularist and post-Christian technocracy has increasingly adopted and incorporated into every area of "life." This bullying cult-ure thus embedded reveals the real deity it in essence worships one that cheapens life and undermines the rights of parents, children and families for the "greater good" of society as defined by the messianic God-State.


  3. The satanist Society Founded Upon Subjectivism, Criminality

    In reply to "Dakota," I'd pt. out that "survival of fittest" is simply a conclusion made fm scientific observations--it's way God created things, the natural law. Regarding "evolution," it only means biology conforms to prior physical conditions, and it all leaves God as the ultimate creator of everything, including the Darwinian predicates and evolutionary foundations. Remember in strict logic one cannot prove a universal negative, that there is no God.

    "[P]ost Christian technocracy" is simply the form which prevailing satanism takes presently, satanism consisting at root of extreme subjectivism, subjectivism the idea that all reality is mere product of mind/consciousness, making oneself creator of reality, thus God. Note the prevailing satanism is simply a collectivized, organized application of this basic extreme subjectivism as I note and describe, the most powerful "group-think." Logically then, the satanists work to establish and thus preserve and enforce their monopoly. After all, "group-think" requires co-operation, and cannot stand dissent as it would negate the group-effort, by definition.

    So satanism (extreme subjectivism) becomes a death-cult necessarily, all threats to their monopoly/hegemony squelched, removed, and eliminated as happens in all criminal enterprises the top master-minds always suspicious of any others possibly double-crossing and conspiracies.

    Note further, the crux to present satanic hegemony is the central-banking (see Mises.org for expo) criminal-enterprise and monopoly which is literally legalized counterfeiting, "currency" substituted for real MONEY, commodity-based, hence w. "intrinsic" value, the currency enforced by means of legal-tender laws forcing people to accept their currency, which currency is then proliferated and replicated ("inflation") nearly endlessly by the monopolists at the top, needing only paper and ink, and nowadays computer entries, the currency thereby steadily devaluated as it is proliferated, the people defrauded, despoiled, impoverished, and yet forced to accept it all.

    This central-banking is what gives the satanists their seemingly invincible power, owning and paying-off all politicians and judges, evermore able to assassinate all/any opposition, forcing even such as Ron Paul to be careful of what he or she says. Naturally, this corruption of "banking" (but actually just legalized counterfeiting, criminality) first occurs in an otherwise natural sort of society, but then necessarily works to evermore formalized dictatorship to preserve legitimacy of the criminal enterprise--for real MONEY, commodity-based, w. "intrinsic value," immediately resolves and removes the inflationary dictatorship--AS WE HAVE RIGHT NOW, PRESENTLY(!).

    The other necessary note is that, following my above exposition, we see that breaking-up the monopolist, hegemonic monster of the absolute state dictatorship, the NULLIFICATION of corrupt federal laws, including the right of SECESSION, in favor of states and family/parental rights is necessary resort of a free people to preserve their lives and liberty.


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