Saturday, October 22, 2016

Pope Leo X: Occult Father of Luther’s movement

Pope Leo X: Occult Father of Luther’s movement 
A commentary on Roberto de Mattei’s, “To Which Church does Pope Bergoglio belong?” 

To which Church does Pope Bergoglio belong? 

By Roberto de Mattei  

Corrispondenza Romana (Italian newspaper) October 19, 2016

Translated by Francesca Romana

[Commentary by Michael Hoffman added in boldface]

Two anniversaries overlap each other in 2017: the 100 years of the Fatima apparitions, occurring between May 13th  and October 13th 1917, and the 500 years of Luther’s revolt, beginning in Wittenberg, Germany, October 31st 1517. However, there are two other much less discussed anniversaries which also fall next year: the 300 years of the official foundation of Freemasonry (London, June 24th 1717) and the 100 years of the Russian Revolution of October 26th 1917 (the Julian calendar  in use in the Russian Empire: November 8th according to the Gregorian calendar). Yet, between the Protestant Revolution and the Communist Revolution through to the French Revolution, the daughter of Freemasonry, there runs an indissoluble red thread which Pius XII, in his famous discourse Nel contemplare of October 12th 1952, summed up in three historic phrases, corresponding to Protestantism, the Age of Enlightenment and Marxist atheism: Christ – yes, Church – no. God – yes, Christ – no. Finally the impious cry: God is dead; in fact: God has never been.” [Hoffman: The “indissoluble” thread is not, since it has managed to dissolve part of the fabric of the conspiracy against God and man which Mattei’s tired old Church of Rome propaganda tale omits. 1. Luther’s protest (“revolt”) was fueled in large part by the rise of the Money Power inside the Church and with it Medici Pope Leo X’s permission for gradual usury under cover of “monte” banking house of “compassion;” and 2. Leo X and his hierarchy having approved for years the Talmudic-Kabbalistic Judaization of the revolutionary Hermetic-Catholic change agent Johannes Reuchlin, who was defended and advanced by a proto-Rosicrucian movement that would eventually become the basis for Freemasonry. Hence, these crimes are laid beginning at the door of the pontificate of Leo X who initiated them, not with Luther who reacted to them].

The anarchic yearnings of Communism were already implicitly present in the first Protestant negations – observed Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira: “Whether from the point of view of Luther’s explicit formation, all of the tendencies, all of the mind-set, all of the imponderable elements of the Lutheran explosion, carried already in itself, in a very authentic and full way, even if implicit, the spirit of Voltaire and Robespierre, Marx and Lenin” (Revolution and Counter-Revolution, Sugarco, Milan, 2009, pp.61-62).

[Here we have on display the rank ignorance of the Italian and Spanish papalolaters. Voltaire despised the Old Testament which Luther venerated. Robespierre was a Jesuit-educated revolutionary who imbibed from post-Renaissance Jesuit papalolatry the doctrine that “error has no rights.” He applied it to his enemies as had the Church of Rome. Marx and Lenin despised the Christian faith and Luther was most certainly a Christian who had denounced violence in the service of ideological coercion. Lutherans were severely persecuted under Communism]

In this respect, the errors the Soviet Russia spread, starting from 1917, were a chain of ideological aberrations from Marx and Lenin which went back to the first Protestant heresiarchs. The 1517 Lutheran Revolution can therefore be considered one of the most nefarious events in the history of humanity, on par with the Masonic revolution in 1789, and the Communist one in 1917. Further, the message of Fatima, which foresaw the spreading of Communist errors throughout the world, contains implicitly the rejection  of the errors of Protestantism and the French Revolution. [The Italian author imagines that his authority is sufficient to have these absurdly didactic statements believed; here he is only preaching to his own choir].

The start of the centenary of the Fatima apparitions on October 13th 2016 was buried under a blanket of silence. That same day, Pope Francis received in the Paul VI Audience Hall, a thousand Lutheran “pilgrims” and in the Vatican a statue of Martin Luther was honored, as appears in the images Antonio Socci published on his Facebook page. 

Next October 31st, moreover, Pope Francis will go to Lund in Sweden, where he will take part in a joint Catholic-Lutheran ceremony commemorating the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. As can be read in the communiqué drawn up by the World Lutheran Federation and the Papal Council for the Promotion of Christian Unity, the aim of the event is “to express the gifts of the Reform and ask forgiveness for the division perpetuated by Christians of the two traditions.

The Valdese theologian and pastor, Paolo Ricca, involved for decades in ecumenical dialogue, voiced his satisfaction “seeing as it is the first time a Pope commemorates the Reform. This, in my opinion, constitutes a step forward with regard to the important aims that have been achieved with the Second Vatican Council, which -  by including in its texts and so giving value to some fundamental principles and themes of the Reform – marked a decisive turning point in the relationships between Catholics and Protestants. By taking part in the commemoration, as the highest representative of the Catholic Church is prepared to do, means, in my view, to consider the Reform as a positive event in the history of the Church which also did some good for Catholicism. The participation at the commemoration is a gesture of great relevance also because the Pope is going to Lund, to the home of the Lutherans; as if he were one of the family.  My impression is, in a way I wouldn’t know how to define, that he also feels part of that portion of Christianity born of the Reform.”

According to Ricca, the main contribution offered by Pope Francis is “his effort to reinvent the papacy, that is, the search for a new and different way of understanding and living the ministry of the Bishop of Rome. This search – presuming my interpretation somewhat hits the mark  - might take us a long way, since the papacy – because of the way it has been understood and lived over the last 1000 years – is one of the great obstacles to Christian Unity. It seems to me Pope Francis is moving towards a model of the papacy different to the traditional one, with respect to which the other Christian Churches might take on new positions. If it were so, this theme might be completely reconsidered in ecumenical circles.”

The fact that this interview was published on October 9th by Vatican Insider, considered a semi-official Vatican site, makes one think that this interpretation of the Lund trip as well as the papal intentions, have been authorized and are agreeable to Pope Francis.

During his audience with the Lutherans on October 13th, Pope Bergoglio also said that proselytism, is “the strongest poison” against ecumenism. “The greatest reformers are the saints – he added -  and the Church is always in need of reform”. These words contain simultaneously, as is frequent in his discourses, a truth and a deception. The truth is that the saints, from St Gregory VII to St. Pius X, have [indeed] been the greatest reformers. The deception consists in insinuating that the pseudo-reformers, like Luther, are to be considered saints.  The statement that proselytism or the missionary spirit, is “the strongest poison against ecumenism” must, instead, be reversed: ecumenism, as it is understood today, is the greatest poison against the Church’s missionary spirit. [Ecumenism, more appropriately and accurately religious syncretism, was pioneered and promulgated by Catholic heretics who were protected by the Renaissance popes: Rev. Fr. Marsilio Ficino and that favorite of Saint John Paul II and Cardinal Henri de Lubac: Giovanni Pico della Mirandola. Both of these two Renaissance occult syncretists were creatures of the Medici dynasty. Their theology was transmitted to the hierarchy of the Church by papal conspiracy; the aforementioned Reuchlin was Giovanni Pico’s student. All three, Ficino, Pico and Reuchlin, had Judaic handlers who directed their path of infiltration of the Church upward and onward]

The Saints have always been moved by this spirit, beginning with the Jesuits who landed in Brazil, the Congo and the Indies in the XVI century, while their confreres Diego Lainez,  Alfonso Salmeron and Peter Canisio, at the Council of Trent, fought against the errors of Lutheranism and Calvinism.

Yet, according to Pope Francis those outside the Church do not have to be converted. At the audience on October 13th, in an off-the-cuff response to questions from some young people, he said: “I like good Lutherans a lot, Lutherans who truly follow the faith of Jesus Christ. On the contrary, I don’t like lukewarm Catholics and lukewarm Lutherans.” [Why this special objection concerning Lutherans when the pope believes publicly that “Jews” do not have to be converted to Catholicism? Where was the outrage when Pope Saint John Paul and the “conservative” Pope Benedict XVI and their successor Francis, all decreed (or insinuated) that “Jews” do not need to be converted to Catholicism? Lutherans are an easy target compared to rabbis. The papal non-proselyte pledge was first made on behalf of the Talmudic blasphemers of Jesus. It only follows from that papal perversity that Lutherans would not be subject to proselytism if Judaics are not. Always this obsession with symptoms rather than root causes]

With another deformation in language, Pope Bergoglio calls “good Lutherans” those Protestants who do not follow the faith of Jesus Christ, but its deformation and “lukewarm Catholics” those fervent sons and daughters of the Church who reject the equalizing of the truth of the Catholic religion with the error of Lutheranism.

All of this brings us to the question: what will happen in Lund on October 31st?  We know that the commemoration will include a joint celebration based on the Liturgical Catholic-Lutheran guide, Common Prayer, elaborated from the document From Conflict to Communion. The Common Catholic-Lutheran Commemoration of the Reformation in 2017, drawn-up by the Catholic-Lutheran Commission for the unity of Christians. There are those who rightly fear an “intercommunion” between Catholic and Lutherans, which would be sacrilegious, since the Lutherans do not believe in Transubstantiation. Above all, that it will be said Luther was not a heresiarch, but a reformer unjustly persecuted and that the Church has to rehabilitate the “gifts of the Reform.”  Those who persist in considering the condemnation of Luther proper and think his followers heretics and schismatics, must be harshly criticized and excluded from the Church of Pope Francis. But then again, to what Church does Jorge Mario Begoglio belong?

[End quote from Mr. Mattei]

Hoffman: Mattei’s is the language of the Inquisition: “heretics and schismatics.” To employ these explosive and potentially wounding brands however, is not ipso facto wrong, as long as the employment is without the stain of the sin of omission, is made in historical context, and is scrupulously accurate. 

The Talmud publisher, mortal-sin-of-usury enabler and simonaic Pope Leo X (he staged a plot against his own life so he could rake in more shekels), a scion of the Medici dynasty’s citadel of banking and sodomy in Florence, was a far greater heretic than Luther; moreover he was the father of Luther’s revolt: for the way in which Leo colluded with the evil Catholic banking house of Fugger in collecting the shekels from the sale of indulgences, which mortally wounded the young Luther’s faith in the papacy. 

Without citing these truths, Mattei’s verbiage is not much more than shopworn, 19th century Vatican boilerplate. In consideration of his omissions, and the fact that his dumbed-down Catholic readership is ignorant of the true history of Pope Leo X, his thesis is gravely fallacious and fatally warped.

Dear Mr. Mattei: please begin your autopsy of the roots of Freemasonry, the 18th century French terror and the Marxist-Leninist Communist gulag, with the occult-Catholicism which was the harlot-mother of it. Neoplatonic-Hermetic-Kabbalistic Catholicism infiltrated the highest echelon of the Church of Rome in the wake of the Council of Florence, and Lorenzo de’ Medici’s Florentine Academy. Not one of the occult Catholic heretics in this timeline was ever long imprisoned, much less executed; meanwhile the leading opponent of it, the Servant of God Girolamo Savonarola, was quickly burned to death.

The Catholic Church had stood for 1400 years as Christ’s ecclesia, and a bulwark of the Gospel, until the coming of the Renaissance and the revolutionary popes of that era. 

For “traditional” Catholics to regurgitate cartoon versions of history only serves the Cryptocracy’s agenda of sowing confusion and misdirection. 

In view of the authentic, suppressed history of the Renaissance papacy, the pontificate of Pope Francis is not surprising or anomalous; it represents the fulfillment of the fertile seeds of syncretism planted by popes of the Renaissance. Until Catholics have the courage and independence of mind to learn these truths and act upon them, the great task of restoration will come to nothing.

Michael Hoffman is the author of the The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome, forthcoming in 2017 from Independent History and Research, America’s leading publisher of revisionist history.  To browse an online catalog: U.S. residents see here
Canada and overseas: here

Independent History and Research Box 849, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83816 USA 


  1. I'm really looking forward to reading your new book: "The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome". I need to fill an important lacuna in my knowledge of the Church.

  2. Dear Mr. MacDonald

    Thank you. (I’m approximately 65-70% finished).

    Michael Hoffman


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