Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Asking Prof. Lipstadt to prevent YouTube censorship

Asking Deborah Lipstadt to prevent censorship of YouTube video about her labeling David Irving “Amalek

Copy of  e-mail to Prof. Lipstadt

Deborah Lipstadt 
Emory College Department of Religion 
31 August 2016

In the near future we will be placing on YouTube a video of my speech, “Lipstadt, Amalek and Irving,” analyzing the ominous implications of your use of the term “Amalekite” to describe dissident historian David Irving. 

As you may recall, the video of my speech first appeared online via Googles video service. 

On January 27, 2006 you denounced my speech on your blog as a “revolting video attack." After your denunciation  and two days after Mr. Irving was sentenced to prison in Austria for giving a revisionist lecture  my video was banned by Google. 

We call on you now to inform your powerful acolytes in the top echelon of the corporate media that our video should not be censored. Let’s see you pre-empt censorship, in keeping with your stated principles, rather than sanctimoniously decrying it only after speech critical of you has been tyrannically suppressed. 

Yours for Freedom, 
Michael Hoffman 


Editor’s Note: The  Lipstadt, Amalek and Irving video had passed Google’s review process and was approved for broadcast by Google. 

The finding, on the part of Google almost a month after it had been placed online, of a “violation,” can only be due to behind-the-scenes pressure exerted on Google. 

The video had been broadcast from January 24 to Feb. 22, 2006 with, according to Google, 1708 “page views” in that time period.

Regarding this censorship, an in-depth report and analysis of Prof. Lipstadt's damage control stratagem and dissembling will appear in our hard-copy Revisionist History newsletter no. 86, which will be published later in September.

When “Lipstadt, Amalek and Irving” appears online on YouTube, readers of this blog will be notified. 

This vital work is made possible by donations, and the sale of our publications, and CD and DVD recordings.


  1. She never took the stand, she had a football team of Lawyers proving she was wrong in every way.

  2. DRBO

    Exodus 23:2
    Thou shalt not follow the multitude to do evil: neither shalt thou yield in judgment, to the opinion of the most part, to stray from the truth.

    Tobias 14:10-11
    Hearken therefore, my children, to your father: serve the Lord in truth, and seek to do the things that please him: And command your children that they do justice and almsdeeds, and that they be mindful of God, and bless him at all times in truth, and with all their power.


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