Thursday, April 21, 2016

Latest genetic research on impostor Jews

Many so-called “Jews” are impostors with no rights to Palestine and no descent from Abraham

By Michael Hoffman

Turks in Jerusalem in 1855 masquerading as Jews.

The majority of the world’s "Jewish" population is descended mainly from people from ancient Turkey, rather than from the Middle East. New research suggests that the so-called “Jewish” population of eastern Europe – known as “Ashkenazic Jews” – are descendants of Greeks, Iranians and others who colonized what is now northern Turkey more than 2000 years ago, and were then converted to rabbinic Judaism. These findings have been put forth by Israeli-born geneticist, Dr Eran Elhaik of the University of Sheffield. 

Access Dr. Elhaik’s research here:

A question for Protestant Fundamentalists and Catholic modernists
How does the Bible define the “synagogue of Satan”? [The answer is in the Book of Revelation, chapter 2, verse 9]. The answer cannot be "anti-semitic because true Jews are not in the synagogue of Satan. The synagogue of Satan is comprised of impostors  counterfeit Israel.

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  1. Tamar was herself of Canaanite descent.

  2. Not so, Tamar was of Semitic blood, not Hamitic Canaanite blood.

  3. When viewing contradictory comments regarding the works of not only published researchers but researchers dealing with depraved subject matter, probing the depths of Jewish historical psychopathology as does Mr. Hoffman, such comments should be viewed as being of "janitorial quality" to quote a famous European historian.

  4. Mr Hoffman, According to the title of your post,there are jews with rights to the land of palestines? Why?

  5. On second thought the title doesn't necessarily imply that as such, imho

  6. yes2truth said...
    'Not so, Tamar was of Semitic blood, not Hamitic Canaanite blood.'
    How do you know that ? Did you see her birth certificate ?


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