Tuesday, September 08, 2015

ISIS terrorists infiltrating Europe disguised as refugees

Security? What security? Passports? What passports?

No security checks on migrants. ISIS terrorists easily infiltrating Europe disguised as "refugees.” 

The Cryptocracy desires this. A police state is the objective. 

Terrorists are needed to stampede the people into voting for police state security measures next year, after thousands of terrorist "migrant" sleeper cells are admitted this year, with no security measures in place. 


1 comment:

  1. Trying to "fit a hundred people into a small closet".
    And should a given leader panic and either refuse to open their border, or, having been overwhelmed, decide to finally close their border, they stand to have their self-preservatonal act slammed for being "bigoted", "insensitive", or "barbaric" and "inhuman".


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