Monday, April 13, 2015

Success in Michigan: Hoffman lambasts usury before a crowd of 60

Last Saturday April 11 in the Lansing, Michigan area we addressed what the organizers of our speech said were sixty people, on the subject of our book, Usury in Christendom: The Mortal Sin that Was and Now is Not.

Our speech included new research not in the book on Florentine bankers and their growing control of the Renaissance papacy in 16th century Italy. We spoke for 90 minutes, after which listeners remained in their seats as some ten or twelve people lined up for a lively question-and-answer period.

Christian economist Daniel Krynicki, author of History of Money and Usury in America, was on hand to field questions on usury and inflation, and usury and hard money (gold and silver). He gave learned replies to both queries. We regret having had so little time to converse with him after having corresponded for the past two years. Daniel is the altruist researcher who provided an index to Usury in Christendom, which appears online here.

Our book table did a flourishing business, offering for sale our texts, CDs and DVDs. The entire event ran from roughly 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., after which some fifteen people and this writer repaired to a local diner for lunch and further conversation.

The meeting’s organizer, the courageous Christian activist John Mangopoulos, the father of five, subsequently videotaped two interviews with us for his Michigan “public access” cable television program. Over the years Pat Buchanan, Joseph Sobran, Otto Scott, Sam Francis and other conservative thinkers have appeared on John’s show. We are grateful to him and his family for the smooth operation of the meeting.

The highlight of the day was our conversation with a man from Grand Rapids, who informed us that as a result of hearing our talk, he had contacted a woman to whom he had loaned several thousand dollars in the past, to inform her that he was returning the $400 in interest he had charged her. Hallelujah!

We have been told that a DVD of the speech may become available in the near future. Watch this blog for details.



  1. Praise God for you and your message of revival to the traditional and holy. May the seeds you've sown take root and blossom as they have in my life, albeit slowly. Wife and I are finally completely free of debt and will not return.

  2. Where might we see John's interview? What's his TV program called? Is there a website? Thanks!

  3. To Dakota

    John’s program is broadcast in Michigan on Public Access cable television.

    For details on how to obtain a copy on DVD, e-mail:

    (substitute @ for AT in the preceding).


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