Saturday, January 10, 2015

"Cartoon blasphemy” links

“Satire is a sort of glass, wherein beholders do generally discover everybody’s face but their own.”  — Jonathan Swift

"Cartoon blasphemy” links
Judaic Cartoonist Art Spiegelman told the Canadian Jewish News that those who write satires of Holocaustianity “deserve a bullet.”

•The French government limits freedom of speech almost as much as the terrorists:   Rescind laws criminalizing “Holocaust denial” ! 

•Politically correct liberals beginning to turn against Charlie Hebdo:
Theyre accusing Charlie Hebdo of being “all white people” who were “racist, sexist, homophobic” blah blah blah:

•France has free speech which only Muslims violate? That’s a lie! Dieudonne and Robert Faurisson are banned in France. In France it’s illegal to publish doubts about gas chambers: 

•Help this link go viral: hilarious Tales of the Holohoax satirical comic book:
•Two men in Britain were jailed for distributing Tales of the Holohoax gas chamber cartoons: 

•Cartoon blasphemy of Holocaustianity is damned by the West:

•January 7: An Anniversary shared by Ernst Zündel and Charlie Hebdo:

•Cartoons satirizing barbaric rabbinic circumcision of infants — these cartoons were denounced by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL)

•Cartoon about Israeli venality denounced as “anti-Semitic” and withdrawn by Australian newspaper:  

Links are updated daily here

Pass on this list of links to your own contacts! 


  1. Anonymous11:20 AM

  2. Great graphic. Thank you for this. How can I get a copy suitable for reproduction?


    Glenn Greenwald published anti-Judaic cartoons to point out press freedom hypocrisy.


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