Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Masonic Scottish Rite New World Order Boast

By Charles Saunders

Here is something from the November/December 2013 issue of Scottish Rite (the magazine published by the Southern Jurisdiction Scottish Rite of Freemasonry and  formerly called The New Age). In its "Holiday Hints” section it promotes a Heavy Metal music album along with a selection of other books devoted to Masonic history.  The album is titled, "Dream Theater, Black Clouds and Silver Linings," by John Petrucci from Roadrunner Records (2009), available on the Internet for $16.63.(ASIN:B0026JSLHW).  Here are the lyrics from the song, “A Rite of Passage":

Since the New World Order
Played upon our Fears
Spreading accusations of radical ideas
...This is the New World Order
Plague upon our Peers
Spreading accusations of radical fears
The brotherhood of wisdom, Strength and dignity
Its rituals and secrets
Remain a mystery
Beneath an ever watchful eye
The angels of the Temple fly
Turn the key, Walk through the gates
The great ascent to reach a higher state
A rite of passage, the final stage, a sacred home
Unlock the door and lay upon a stone
A rite of passage
Men of wealth and power...Influence and fate,
Philosophers and leaders
Are members of the Trade
Bound by open honor
Like the Rose and the Cross
An enigmatic union
Of Esoteric thought
The seven stars,
The rising Sun
A perfect world, its new Life has begun
A rite of passage.

(End quote)
Is the Scottish Rite bragging here, in esoteric language, that much of what is said about the New World Order is true? Here, no doubt, is a hint to the 32 and 33 degree about what their order is really about.   Maybe the lyrics should instead be called Childhood’s End after Arthur C. Clarke's Novel.


1 comment:

  1. Dear Charles

    These lyrics would seem to fit in with the Revelation of the Method, which, as you know, is timed to coincide with the current age, in which our minds have been sufficiently processed so that having the conspirators reveal their true identity and goals only results in our apathetic contemplation of their triumph over us. This is what is probably being suggested in these lyrics, which you have brought to our attention.


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