Monday, April 28, 2014

Donald Sterling’s racism and Judaism’s justification for the slave trade

Donald Sterling’s anti-Black racism in the context of 
Judaism’s justification for the African slave trade 

Featuring a speech by Tony Martin PhD. with an introduction by Michael Hoffman, author of Judaism’s Strange Gods, and Judaism Discovered.

Incident at Wellesley: 
Jewish Attack on Black Academics 
by Tony Martin 

In January 1993, I was minding my own business and teaching my Wellesley College survey course on African American History when a funny thing happened. The long arm of Jewish intolerance reached into my classroom. Unknown to me, three student officers of the Jewish Hillel organization (campus B’nai B’rith stablemates of the Anti-Defamation League), sat in on my class and remained for a single period only. Their purpose was to monitor my presentation. As one of them explained in a campus meeting later, Jewish students had noticed The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews among my offerings in the school bookstore. 

The book documents the considerable Jewish involvement in the transatlantic African slave trade, the dissemination of which knowledge they, as Jews, considered an “anti-Semitic” and most “hateful” act.  One hour and ten minutes undercover convinced these three young Jews that I was teaching this book as a legitimate historical work. They seemed to think that it belonged rather in the realm of “hate literature.” There appears to have been some prior collusion between the Hillel students and their adult counterpart, the Anti-Defamation League, for Hillel almost immediately began passing out ADL materials targeting the book. These included, inevitably, an ADL reprint of “Black Demagogues and Pseudo-Scholars” by Harvard University’s Henry Louis Gates, Jr., (New York Times, 20 July, 1992), African America’s most notorious Judaeophile. In the weeks and months to come, Gates would be quoted in nearly every attack on my use of the book, as proof that “all” respectable, distinguished and right thinking African American scholars condemned it.
The Jews unilaterally anointed Gates with the mantle of head African American scholar in charge of Black academia. He became, in their contrived and wishful thinking, the personification of the entire African American community.  The Hillel activists left my class and headed straight for the president, dean and associate dean of the college. They then went to the current chair of my own department, Africana Studies. Like their elders (for example in the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, by whom Hillel operatives are formally trained in the art of deception and dirty tricks), they evinced a bulldog-like instinct for going after the jugular of their intended victims.

For the last three decades of Jewish assaults on Black progress, that jugular has usually meant the economic livelihood of Black people.  By the time that four of the Hillel executive and their rabbi director came to see me they had already mobilized those they perceived of as capable of doing me grievous economic harm. Their task was made considerably less arduous by the fact that the dean of the college, incoming acting president, outgoing chair of the board of trustees, incoming chair of the board of trustees, head and deputy head of the student government, most of the faculty holding endowed chairs and a goodly portion of the tenured faculty, not to mention sundry other persons in high positions, were all Jews….

Dr. Tony Martin resists Jewish attacks against Black progress 
The Final Call • February 2, 1994 (an excerpt)

When Dr. Tony Martin introduced The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews as a reference book for a one-day discussion in his African American Survey course, all hell broke loose. Martin, a professor of Africana Studies at Wellesley College and noted for his scholarship on Marcus Garvey, came under attack by Jewish organizations and leaders for using the Nation of Islam published book and for the audacity to even suggest that Jews were involved in the slave trade. Despite the call for his resignation, Dr. Martin launched his own counter-attack and called on his Jewish detractors to address the issue instead of using a media smear campaign to avoid dialogue.

Final Call (FC): What is the Jewish “onslaught?” 

Dr. Tony Martin (TM): There are two Jewish onslaughts. There’s an onslaught against me personally, and I put that onslaught in the context of the wider Jewish attack against Black progress over the last several decades. I’ve even reached back into the origin of the Hamitic “myth” about 1,000 years before the slave trade started when Jewish Talmudic scholars invented one of the most offensive of al the racial myths concerning Africans – namely that Africans were supposedly cursed by God through Noah when He cursed the descendants of Ham in the book of Genesis.

In the Biblical story Noah cursed Ham’s children, but the Jewish Talmudic Rabbi’s, around about 3rd or 4th century AD, injected a racial and racist ingredient into that (Biblical reference) by identifying Ham as a Black person and by somehow taking that (Biblical reference) to mean that Africans were cursed forever. When the slave trade started, that Hamitic myth was revived as a pretext for enslaving Africans. I reach all the way back to that point to try to put my subjective situation in a historical framework.

FC: Why did Jewish scholars choose to make it a Black thing?

TM: I have been thoroughly confused as to their motivation because in the Old Testament of the Bible there are favorable references to Africans – the Queen of Sheba, the Garden of Eden was situated somewhere near Ethiopia, an Ethiopian saved the life of the Prophet Jeremiah, etc. This Hamitic myth comes up again in the 15th century AD and it becomes the major justification for our slave trade. My argument is that the Hamitic myth, by providing the intellectual and quasi-religious underpinning for the slave trade, actually killed more Africans than any other aspect of the slave trade.

FC: What’s behind the media cover-up of the ADL spying case?

TM: it relates to the great Jewish influence in the media. I quote Charles Silverman, a Jewish writer who in 1985 cited that all the editorial positions at THE NEW YORK TIMES were occupied by Jews. He talked about the great Jewish presence in the WALL STREET JOURNAL, the Jewish influence at the WASHINGTON POST. … 

FC: If you were to say what the Jewish writer said, you’d be branded anti-Semitic.

TM: The charge of anti-Semitism has become the Jewish way of stifling debate. Jews use their access to the press to simply smear whomever they disagree with. My strategy is to try to force them to deal with the issues. When they are forced to deal with the issues they are not very effective. Also, the anti-Semitism label links them to the holocaust and places them in a “victim,” situation where they can call upon the sympathy of everybody. That masks the fact that they are now, in fact, the richest ethnic group in America.

FC: You state in your book that there needs to be a ‘frank admission’ of Jewish involvement in the slave trade before there can be a real relationship between Blacks and Jews. Will that ever happen?

TM: I’ve seen an ever so slight shifting of the Jewish position. In the beginning, they were denying any involvement in the slave trade at all. After a few months they began to say they were involved but only marginally. Recently in the WASHINGTON POST, for the first time in the major media, an article finally appeared admitting totally that Jews were very involved and that all of those who denied their involvement did not know what they were talking about. Maybe that’s a sign they are inching their way to some kind of overall admission. (end of excerpt)


The late Tony Martin, PhD. was Emeritus Professor of Africana Studies at Wellesley College, Massachusetts, where he taught from 1973 to 2007. He was a visiting professor at Brandeis University, Brown University, and the University of Minnesota. In 1965 he qualified as a Barrister in the English court system. He received his doctoral degree from Michigan State University.

Professor Martin has authored, compiled or edited 14 books. His most recent is Caribbean History: From Pre-Colonial Origins to the Present (2012) published by Pearson Education. Earlier works include Amy Ashwood Garvey: Pan-Africanist, Feminist and Mrs. Marcus Garvey No. 1, Or, A Tale of Two Amies (2007), Literary Garveyism: Garvey, Black Arts and the Harlem Renaissance (1983), and the classic study of the Garvey Movement: Race First: the Ideological and Organizational Struggles of Marcus Garvey and the Universal Negro Improvement Association (1976).


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