Wednesday, April 17, 2013

What about the other American terrorism?

While we congratulate ourselves on how noble we and our “pluralistic democratic” nation are, there is another terrorism, seldom the subject of investigation by the FBI, and never by the corporate media. It is a virtually silent terrorism against the most helpless Americans, and it undercuts our self-righteous image of ourselves as blameless targets of other people’s senseless wrath. Dr. Kermit Gosnell’s alleged atrocities are being minimally reported by the corporate media.

Wall Street Journal, April 17, 2013, p. A8

1 comment:

  1. Smokie2:37 PM

    Sounds a lot like a concentration camp to me. These abortion camps are the Auschitzes and Birkenaus of our little ones and this is the real Holocaust in our midst done under government sponsorship. When America decided it was all right to murder the little ones we lost our birthright as a nation.

    This is blood chilling. This guy is a monster. Anybody who would run an abortion mill is a monster. I'll walk a mile out of my way to avoid going near one. There are many things the U.S.A. has done that are shameful but killing our own babies is perhaps the worst. A Supreme Court that would come to that decision has already revoked any their right to judge anything. Our country is so disgusting and paltry.


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