Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Abdication of Pope Benedict XVI: More Questions than Answers

The Shrove Monday Abdication of Pope Benedict XVI: More Questions than Answers

By Michael Hoffman
Shrove Tuesday, A.D. 2013
Copyright ©2013. All Rights Reserved

"Spin at Shrovetide and the flax will fail. The wheels must all be packed away." 
--Jacob Grimm, Teutonic Mythology

While  media know-nothings describe him as a strict conservative, Pope Benedict walked in the revolutionary path of his predecessor, Pope John Paul II, in making obeisance to the Talmudic religion. He prayed in the Talmudic manner at the Western Wall in Jerusalem. Benedict met cordially with Israeli chief rabbis after they had endorsed a book calling for the extermination of the goyim, including infants. He visited the Israeli Yad Vashem "Holocaust" museum, and Auschwitz, where he did penance for Christendom. 

He made numerous visits to synagogues for services, but unlike the apostles of old, he spoke disgusting words of accommodation to the contemporary Pharisees assembled, reassuring them by his non-evangelism, that he would uphold the Second Vatican Council’s 1965 betrayal concerning Judaics and Talmudism, which has led to the sell-out of Jesus Christ's mission to convert Jews away from their oral traditions of Babylon, to a return to the Biblical faith which the Messiah of Israel had renewed. 

Pope Benedict further propelled Nostra Aetate ("In Our Time"), that masterpiece of Vatican Council II situation ethics which was expanded upon by the post-conciliar popes, and served as an affirmation that the post-Renaissance Church of Rome would not actively concern itself with the conversion of so-called"Jews" today. Every pope who assents to this Judas-doctrine becomes a crypto-rabbi; an arm of the Sanhedrin itself.

In 2007 Pope Benedict broadened permission for Catholics to celebrate the old Latin Tridientine Mass, which contains the pre-Vatican II prayer for Good Friday titled “For the conversion of the Jews.” It reads: “Let us pray also for the Jews: that almighty God may remove the veil from their hearts;  so that they too may acknowledge Jesus Christ our Lord. Let us pray.  Almighty and eternal God, who doest not exclude from thy mercy even the Jews: hear our prayers, which we offer for the blindness of that people;  that acknowledging the light of thy Truth, which is Christ, they may be delivered from their darkness."

This prayer is very different from the Talmudic prayer now used in most Catholic churches -- the wimpy Good Friday text of the New Mass of Pope Paul VI: "Let us pray for the Jewish people, the first to hear the Word of God, that they may continue to grow in the love of his name and in faithfulness to his covenant. Almighty and eternal God, long ago you gave your promise to Abraham and his posterity. Listen to your church as we pray that the people you first made your own may arrive at the fullness of redemption." 

Talmudists worldwide shrieked in outrage over the revival of the Tridentine Mass with its traditional prayer for an end to the "blindness and darkness" of those Judaics who reject Jesus Christ. In response to their lobbying and pressure, relying on situation ethics, Pope Benedict softened the language of the prayer. His revised prayer reads, "Let us pray also for the Jews. May our God and Lord enlighten their hearts, so that they may acknowledge Jesus Christ savior of all men." (St. Edmund Campion Missal and Hymnal for the Traditional Mass [2012], p. 208).

With the kind of doubletalk which has been a papal hallmark since situation ethics first led to the papal permission for the mortal sin of usury being first granted in 1515, Benedict dispatched Cardinal Walter Kasper to explain to the furious Talmudists that the pope's revised Good Friday prayer refers only to the time of Jesus’ second coming, and not now! This underhanded diplomacy mollified the 21st century Pharisees, who don't always fully comprehend that a crypto-rabbi on the papal throne needs to keep up appearances in order to preserve his credibility with the Catholics over whom he rules.

The Forthcoming Conclave

In the next few weeks there will be a conclave to elect a new pope. This conclave is scheduled to be presided over by Cardinal Angelo Sodano. According to journalist Jason Berry, author of Render Unto Rome: The Secret Life of Money in the Catholic Church (2011):

“Sodano...(is) the man who, more than any other, embodies the misuse of power that has corrupted the church hierarchy. Cardinal Sodano is hardly alone: a long list of leaders betrayed Catholics everywhere with their pathological evasions, sending known sex offenders into treatment centers to avoid the law, then planting them in parishes or hospitals where they found new victims. But Cardinal Sodano ranks with the Los Angeles Cardinal Roger Mahony as an egregious practitioner of the cover up. As John Paul II’s secretary of state, he pressured Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger...to abort a case filed in 1998 by several men accusing the Rev. Marcial Maciel Degollado, founder of the Legionaries of Christ, of abusing them as seminarians. Cardinal Sodano was a longtime beneficiary of money and favors from Father Maciel. Priests who left the order told me he received at least $15,000 in cash. Cardinal Ratzinger tabled the case until 2004 but, with John Paul dying, finally ordered an investigation. In 2005, Cardinal Ratzinger became Pope Benedict. Cardinal Sodano’s office then announced the Maciel proceeding was over, while people kept testifying. Benedict dismissed Father Maciel from ministry in 2006; Maciel died in 2008. Still, Cardinal Sodano lavished praise on the Legion, despite the news that Father Maciel had several children. In 2005, Cardinal Sodano was elected dean of the College of Cardinals, which will select the next pope. At 85 years old, he is too old to vote, though he will oversee the conclave, and surely have his candidate.”

The notorious child molestation-facilitator, Roger Mahony, who stated that Bishop Richard Williamson would be expelled if he attempted to enter Cardinal Mahony's cathedral in Los Angeles (as if Williamson would want to enter that hideous synagogue masquerading as a church), will also be one of the cardinals who chooses the next pope.

Sodano, Mahony and a rogues' gallery of molestation facilitators and usurers will choose the next pope of post-Renaissance Rome in the "conclave." According to a conversation this writer had in Rochester, New York with the Judaic-Irish double-agent Malachi Martin (a former peritus to Cardinal Augustin Bea and Paul VI), in the 1978 conclave to elect Pope John Paul I (who was likely assassinated), Cardinal Giovanni Benelli of Florence employed blackmail to exclude any votes for Cardinal Eduardo Piornio of Argentina, who was said to be the papal candidate favored by the Cryptocracy. Malachi Martin claimed that during the conclave, Benelli put dossiers on the desks of some of the cardinals who favored Pironio. Martin alleged that those dossiers contained files and photographs of the cardinals' girlfriends, boyfriends and masonic membership papers. If Martin’s allegation is true, this would explain how a thorn in the side of the Cryptocracy, Cardinal Albino Luciani, was elected on the fourth ballot, becoming Pope John Paul I, who reigned for only 33 days.

Will there also be such ruthless tactics at this 2013 Lenten conclave, similar to the ones that Martin alleged were at work at the conclave in August of 1978?

What’s the real reason behind Pope Benedict XVI's sudden abdication of his throne? 

Don't be hoodwinked -- his abdication does seem to have been sudden. As George Weigel, in a Feb. 11 interview with ABC News, stated, "I find the timing of this somewhat surprising since the pope is leading the church right now through what he calls a year of faith, a special year devoted to the theological virtue of faith, the proclamation of Christian faith throughout the world..."

Benedict abdicated on Shrove Monday, in the midst of the old, three day Catholic season of Shrovetide that began Sunday and culminates today on Shrove or Fat ("mardi gras") Tuesday, the last day before Ash Wednesday and the beginning of the austere season of Lent. Shrovetide is especially prominent in traditional English, German and Russian culture. Shrovetide (in German "Fastnachtspiele"; in Russian "Maslenitsa"), is a time marked by the "mistaken identities" of carnival (from the Latin carne vale, "farewell flesh"),  as well as for being shriven, ie. confessing one's sins and receiving forgiveness. The carnivalesque revels predominate however, and Shrovetide was a period associated with license, in which Lügenmärchen (tall tales) turned society upside-down. Was his Shrove Monday abdication the tragic aftermath of an event in which God had reached into the pope's heart and converted him, at least temporarily? Was Benedict about to make a radical move against his Zionist masters, or reveal a secret devastating to the Cryptocracy? Did the Cryptocracy then tempt him by "making him an offer he couldn't refuse" -- his silence in exchange for a guarantee of a life lived in peaceful seclusion, instead of a poisoning made to look like heart failure or some other seemingly natural geriatric fatality?

I don't have the answers to these questions; nevertheless, it is important to ask them, rather than being satisfied with the predigested explanations of the Establishment's spin doctors. It seems that a mystery is afoot. It behooves us to be wary, and refuse to accept pat answers that are not really answers at all. At the same time, we should be cautious in the face of wild speculation and reckless rumor-mongering. Prudent skepticism and vigilance are the watchwords, toward both the official tale as well as unscrupulous persons who may seek to exploit the ambiguities for their own self-serving motives. Muddying the waters with a hundred different wild theories is an old stratagem of the invisible empire.

The “Prophecy” of Malachy “the seer”

Speculation is already at fever-pitch as various hucksters invoke the name of the Irish Saint Malachy, the 12th century bishop of Armagh who, it is alleged, predicted that the next Pope after Benedict will be the last one, who will be named (or nicknamed) "Peter the Roman, who will nourish the sheep in many tribulations; when they are finished, the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the dreadful judge will judge his people."

As the story goes, the medieval Malachy experienced a strange vision about the future that included the name of every pope, 112 in all from his time forward, who would rule until the end of time. Pope Benedict is the pope supposedly named “Gloria Olivae,” (“Glory of the Olive),” in St. Malachy’s ancient prophecy, and there will be only one more pope after Benedict, “Peter the Roman,” during whose reign comes the end of the world: "In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will reign Peter the Roman, who will feed his flock amid many tribulations, after which the seven-hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people. The End."

There are a couple of rather daunting problems with this “prophecy” attributed to a saintly Irish bishop who may never have uttered them. First and foremost: the Bible says that no man knows the time when the end of all things will come: “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.” (Matthew 24:36). An Irish bishop, no matter how saintly, cannot contradict the Word of God when it comes to foreknowledge of the end of the world.

Second, every textual analyst worth his or her salt probes the provenance of a document to assess its authenticity. In this case, the origin is dubious. It is said that, “St. Malachy gave an account of his visions to Pope Innocent II, but the document remained unknown in the Roman Archives until its discovery in 1590.” This writer has trouble taking the word of the sixteenth century Renaissance Church of Rome in this matter. Hence, from both the point of view of the Word of God, and from the text’s own shadowy provenance, it seems that the putative “St. Malachy prophecy” is a counterfeit intended to manipulate credulous persons by raising the psychic tension and expectation surrounding the next pope, leading to much superstitious mania tending to occlude both our God-given powers of reason, and any genuine revelations God may want to transmit to us which may run contrary to expectations concerning an Irish “seer” and The Last Pope of All Time (cue the organ music).

Notice how the double mind is directed, and schizophrenia is induced, on a mass scale. The media pushes two stories simultaneously, one prosaic, the other mystical. The first story frames the news of the papal abdication in simplistic terms, as an open-and-shut case of a humble pontiff wishing to abdicate before his "frailty" leads him to mistakes in policy and governance. If this is true, then Pope Benedict is no kind of a Christian “papa” (father): he has a solemn duty to fulfill the office of the papacy until he really is too physically or mentally debilitated to do so. As it now stands, he seems to have all his wits and faculties about him. He appears to enjoy a good appetite. He is healthy enough to walk and travel, but not to serve as pontiff for another six months or a year? This is what we’re supposed to swallow. Anyone so obstreperous as to refuse to buy it is viewed as little more than a  conspiracy theorist. 

At the same time, the media, however whimsically, is spreading a conspiracy theory of its own, of a supernatural “Catholic prophecy concerning the end of the world.” It appears that End of the World jitters need to be stoked regularly, for some reason. Harold Camping’s prophecy was widely publicized for this purpose in 2011. In 2012 it was the “Mayan prophecy” which had the masses on edge. In 2013 a Catholic saint is being exploited for similar ends.

Let us not be dragged down by delusion. Where there is clarity and truth there we will find His Church and His shepherds. Something is rotten in Rome, and that’s nothing new. It has been that way since at least May 4, 1515, when situation ethics first gained firm purchase inside the papacy.

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  1. IllinoisCatholic1:57 PM

    A year ago came the article "The Pope will die in 12 months"


    In the middle of last year came this story about a possible "Vatican Spring": http://www.intrepidreport.com/archives/6202

    What will come out of the chaos in the Vatican? A progressive, modernist pope who does more damage under the Vatican II umbrella? u

  2. Good post Michael. Given all that you have laid out, now is probably the time for a non-European pope who is not personally burdened with 'guilt' and feel the need to appease various historical, ethnic and religious groups or feel to make a high priority the conversion of the agnostic and secularist European masses. Actually, an African pope would throw the enemies of the Church 'off their game' since their own sins are scarlet when it comes to the treatment of Africans over the last 2,000 years. The European people are a lost cause for the most part, contracepting and aborting themselves to eventual extinction. Given limited resources and manpower the focus should be in spreading the gospel in the developing world and the maintenance and support of the orthodox Catholics elsewhere. I truly believe that 'orthodox Catholics' will undergo persecution in the West in the coming decades and there will be further widespread apostasies as a result.

  3. To PJ Mulvey

    It is difficult to disagree with your thesis in that I am sometimes driven to despair by the self-extinguishing nature of the modern European and Euro-American. However, if we view them as Christendom’s “Israel” in that they are responsible, more than any other people, for the spread of the Gospel to the four corners of the earth, I don’t think God is through with them by any means. However, if they continue down the path they are on, He may allow the fate that befell Israel of old to come upon them — their lands invaded by strange peoples who more or less carry them off into captivity and enslavement, as did the Assyrians and Babylonians to the Israelites in antiquity.

    The refusal to be the people God wants us to be is both a personal and national failure. Our faith compared with that of sincere Africans, to take your example, often pales by comparison.

    My main objection to what you have written is to your suggestion of collective guilt — “the scarlet sins of Europeans” with regard to the treatment of Africans. If collective guilt is ethical, then what of the collective guilt of the Africans who cannibalized and sold their brother Africans into slavery for generations?

    Read journalist Keith Richburg’s seminal book, “Out of Africa: A Black Man Confronts Africa."

  4. IllinoisCatholic9:27 AM

    The danger of having a non-European pope, and a especially a non-Italian pope, is that an outsider might not be familiar with Romanita. Modernist European hierarchies also still likely have a lot of money and could sway the choices of a poorer non-European through strategic use of donations. Remember the German alliance during Vatican II and the money the prelates associated with that alliance gave to the hierarchies in developing countries to vote a specific way?

    I think it's possible that the resignation of BXVI is ushering in some sort of completion of Vatican II. The perhaps superficial appearance of orthodoxy under JPII and BXVI allowed the masters behind the scenes to continue to fool lay Catholics and ignorant clergy into thinking that the Church had not changed when indeed it had. The masters behind the scenes in Rome are experts at gradualism and trickery.

  5. Mr. Hoffman,

    Two links on Benedict XVI's new president of the Vatican Bank. Do you see any change in the talks between the SSPX & the Vatican with the departure of Benedict XVI? Or will Groupe de Réflexion Entre Catholiques (GREC) still be the driver?




  6. To John Stevenson, who wrote:

    "White people are much more difficult to control than others and they must be destroyed as a cohesive group.”

    Sir, surely you jest! It is “white people” who keep the murderous Israeli ethnic-cleansing apparatus afloat n the Middle East. It is white people who stupidly and overwhelmingly voted for George W. Bush in 2004, after nearly four years of his lies, foreign wars and treason.

    It is white people who would have put the Money Power’s masonic Mormon Romney into the White House, leading to war on Iran for counterfeit-“Israel."

    More humility is called for and less of that race-pride that is remindful of the rabbis.

  7. Justin Gleesing3:39 PM

    The true Good Friday prayer for Talmudists calling themselves Jews reads: pro perfidis Judaeis. For the Church of Christ (as opposed to the synagogue of satan and its superficially antagonistic buttrusses) is not racialist as Mr Hoffman notes on page 18 of his excellent 'The Rôle of the Merchants of Venom' &c.

  8. Malachy's "prophecies" are no different to the "prophecies" of Nostradamus and thus in time will be proven just as false. As the apostle Paul wrote: "...whether there be prophecies, they shall fail..." (1 Cor 13:8). Methinks all the fixation by the Western media on apocalyptic predictions and then such failing time and again will only add to the future persecution of Christians who will be able read the signs when the final Beast and False Prophet are revealed and the end will truly be upon us, as Paul wrote: "For when they shall say, peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child, and they shall not escape"(1 Thes 5:3).

  9. Trent7:20 PM

    I admit I was at first skeptical about your take on the papal resignation Michael and that there was "more than meets the eye" going on behind the scenes. But, alas today the breaking news confirms many a people's suspicions as Benedict XVI cites "blackmail, corruption and gay sex" among the reasons for his abdication (see Vatican scandal cited in Pope resignation
    So well done Michael you have a new convert in me and I won't be doubting you again!


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