Tuesday, October 16, 2012

BOOK: Usury in Christendom - Pre-publication Sale

Pre-publication Sale. Reserve your copy

The Mortal Sin That Was and Now Is Not

416 pages. Illustrated. Quality paperback

For most of the first 1500 years of Christianity usury, the lending of money at interest, was unanimously condemned by the Fathers of the Early Church, and by popes, councils and saints, as a damnable sin equivalent to robbery and even murder. Any interest on loans of money, not just “exorbitant” interest, was defined de fide as a grave transgression against God and man.

This pioneering study of the rise of the Money Power in Christendom confronts the reader with a startling datum: the overthrow of magisterial dogma and the approval of scripture-twisting heresy occurred inside the Church centuries before the Enlightenment and the dawn of the modern era, culminating in the overthrow of divine truth; an epochal act of nullification.

Usury in Christendom resurrects the suppressed biblical, patristic and medieval Catholic doctrine on interest on money, provides new information on the record of early Protestant resistance to the usury revolution, and the discernment, by Dante and other visionaries, of usury’s sub-rosa connection to a host of abominations that continue to plague us today.

Western civilization was profoundly disfigured by the exculpation of the charging of interest on debt. The result has been a pursuit of usurious profit unconstrained by the Word of God, the dogma of His true Church, and the consensus patrum of fifteen centuries.

Hoffman's history of how a den of thieves robbed the followers of Christ of their patrimony is grounded in an extensive study of rare and primary sources, and represents a landmark revisionist history of how the breeders of money gained dominion over the West. 

Table of Contents: Introduction. Biblical, Patristic and Magisterial Teaching. Precursor: Usury banking in Catholic Florence. Usury and Simony in Catholic Germany. The Reformation: Usury Pro and Contra. A Faithful Irishman Persecuted by the Hierarchy. Agents of the Money Power. Quality of Life. “Jewish” Usury. St. Anthony of Padua at the Usurer’s funeral. John Jewel Smites Usury. Timeline of Papal Usury. Dogma of the Council of Trent. Glossary of Terms. Bibliography.

Comprehensive List of Contents: Double-Talking Encyclical. King Edward’s Act Against Usury. Critical Distinction Between Ger and Nokri. Christ’s Parable of the Talents, and the Mammon of Unrighteousness. Leviticus Jubilee. Root and Branch of the Money Power. Escape Clause for Mortal Sin. Usury and the Fathers of the Early Church. Unanimous Medieval Struggle Against Interest on Money. The Dogmatic Third Lateran Council. Council of Lyons II. Council of Vienne. Usury in Medieval Canon Law. Magna Carta’s Bishop. Confessors’ Manuals Classifies Usury as Mortal Sin. Christian Economics of Thomas Aquinas, Dante Aligheri, Ezra Pound, Wendell Berry, Arthur Penty, Vincent McNabb, John Ruskin. The Canker that Consumes the Conscience. The Unholy Trinity of Florence. The Usurer’s Dilemma. The Usurer’s Fire. The Usurer’s Indulgence. The Ciompi Insurrection. Manifest and Occult Usury. Mortal Sin for a Worthy Cause. The Den of Thieves Returns to the House of God. Catholic Origins of Usury Legalization. Usury Unites With Simony. The Catholic Roots of Protestant Capitalism. Casuistry and Usury. Early Years of the Protestant Campaign Against Usury. Biting and Profitable usury. Some Myths of Max Weber. Early Puritan Resistance to Economic Secularization. Permission for Usury in Late Stage Puritanism. A Capitalist Summa: Ludwig Von Mises & Ayn Rand. Misdirection from the Right. Judaizers and Judaizing. Primacy of Gentile Usury. Breeding of Money. 1917 and 1983 Codes of Canon Law, and much more.

Pre-publication Sale in the USA: $17.50 plus 3.50 shipping: Send $21.00 total 

3 books for $55 postpaid • 5 books for $80 postpaid.  Idaho add 6% sales tax. 

Please note for your records: Publication date is Dec. 15, 2012 
Delivery by Christmas cannot be guaranteed. 
Order earlySale is subject to stock on hand. Offer good only while supplies last. 

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Independent History and Research • Box 849 • Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83816
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  1. My understanding is that Jean Chauvin, known to history as John Calvin, was the first to distinguish between unlawful usury and reasonable interest.

  2. Dear Jack

    Thank you for your comment.

    Your statement is the standard formulaic myth of Roman Catholic apologists, paleo-Right wingers and even some Protestants.

    It has no basis in fact.

    Before Calvin was born this distinction had been made.

    The documentation is in my book.

  3. Brandon4:13 PM

    I really look forward to your book, Mr. Hoffman. Do you have any information on the stance of the various Orthodox Christian churches on usury? Have they been generally opposed?

  4. To Brandon

    Good question.

    My book actually has two subtitles: "The Mortal Sin that Was and Now Is Not"

    and another that appears on the book’s title page: “A Study of the Rise of the Money Power in the West”

    My book does not take up the subject of usury in the Christian East.

    One would think that the Orthodox, with their enormous reliance on the Patristic literature, would adopt an overwhelming opposition to interest on money as the position of the Greek and Russian Church. I am by no means an authority in this area and did not specifically investigate it, but from what I came across in the course of researching usury in Western Christendom, I was surprised to see allegations from more than one source that interest on money was not an issue in the Orthodox Church -- which means, presumably, after the eleventh century, i.e. after the break with Rome, when the formal institutional entity of the Orthodox assumed its ecclesiastical structure.

  5. Jason8:41 AM

    What are the plans for this work after the pre-publication sale, assuming the product moves well? Here's hoping it's available through Amazon. While I've ordered it pre-pub, I'd like to give it a review after reading.

  6. Dear Jason

    It is kind of you to promise to review the Usury book on Amazon.

    Unfortunately, Amazon won’t announce the sale of the book until we actually have it in hand.

  7. Anonymous9:28 AM

    I reserved a copy as well. I, too, would like to get up-to-date info concerning the history of the money Power. Fr. Denis Fahey did a commendable job exposing the Money Power, given his resources, but inevitably, some of his sources were wrong, especially the one concerning Calvin's distinction between non-productive and productive loans. Thank you for doing this!


  8. I am really looking forward to reading this book. What will the easiest and cheapest way to buy this book in the UK?

  9. Dear Mr. Sinclair

    Sincer you reside int he United Kingdom your best bet might be to order the book from Amazon. Here is the URL:

    or just search for it by title at Amazon.com

  10. I just read your exchange with A. Keiser on his Amazon review of your book. How would you respond to his latest reply?

    God bless!

  11. Dear Paul

    Please see here:

  12. Thank you for that! Everyone must know of the importance of this issue; the Catholic Church must again confront usury and make clear clarifications, for the good of everyone. Fr. Hunter was right to endorse your book. I haven't finished it, but so far it has been very revealing. Mr. Keiser indeed has been obfuscating the issue, bringing up other issues not involved at all.

  13. Just wanted to drop a note of encouragement. Greatly appreciate all you are doing and have done. Please keep up the good fight... you have no idea how far reaching your works truly are.

  14. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Will you put this book on amazon kindle? I really desire to read it.

  15. To the Kindle Reader:

    It will cost us about $700 (or more) to correctly transfer our “Usury” book to Kindle format. When we raise the funds we will do so.

    Thank you for your interest in our work.


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