Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Latest News: progress on the Usury book


I am continuing my work on my forthcoming book on the history of the rise of the Money Power in the West, "Usury in Christendom: The Mortal Sin that Was and Now is Not."

This book was due to be sent to the printer right about now. We could not do that however, because, thinking the book was finished and just needed a final proofreading, God afforded me the grace to stumble upon an extensive body of original material related to early usury practices in the city-state of Florence, and I could not pass it by and maintain my faith with God -- I do not consider myself in charge of my writing or publishing -- that will strike some as mystification or self-delusion. Critics are free to call it what they choose (Matthew 5:11). I soldier on, in the belief, mistaken or otherwise, that God wants this book written and He wants it done right. Consequently, I am in the midst of adding a substantial section on the roots of usury in Florence in the period after Dante and before the ascendance of the Medicis. This research is doubly important from the point of view of my thesis of the Talmudic-Kabbalistic penetration of the Roman Catholic Church by Renaissance neo-Platonists who used Florence as their base of operations. The banking operations of the Florentine Money Power preceded the "Christian" Kabbalism which, in later decades, Medici-sponsored Catholic intellectuals would successfully seed inside the Vatican.

In the past couple of weeks we have had to spend hundreds of dollars to purchase rare texts containing primary documentation on usury in Florence (it also flourished in Venice). Some of these have arrived, others are in transit. I am working night and day to incorporate this material as quickly as I can so that we can get a page count for the book and offer it in a pre-publication sale while it is at the printers. We need to raise funds soon. A pre-publication sale is the most reliable means by which we can pay the printing bill and hopefully pay off some of the deficits incurred while I was writing and researching the book. You will be notified when the book is offered at a discounted price ahead of its publication date. In the meantime, if anyone can help us at present we would be most grateful.


In between writing the book, we have been battling harassment from Amazon.com. Readers who have been with us since 2008 will recall the embargo Amazon placed for months on the sale of our large hardcover book, Judaism Discovered, after a rabbi submitted a complaint. Now we have been battling Amazon in two areas. Since June 20 Amazon has prevented us from adding book reviews to the Amazon web page that offers our 2011 book, Judaism's Strange Gods. We contacted them immediately in June and they have replied by giving us a number of responses, such as, that the reviews are blocked because of a "legacy issue" (?), a "technical issue," or alternately, claiming that the problem is fixed and we could re-submit the reviews, which we have done repeatedly since June 20, to no effect. Obviously, having favorable book reviews by third party reviewers on the Amazon web page for Judaism's Strange Gods would increase our sales. As it is, sales of Judaism's Strange Gods are fairly robust without the reviews and despite the fact that Amazon will not sell the book at a discount, as it does for hundreds of thousands of other volumes it markets below retail.

Amazon has also been interdicting this writer's reviews of other people's books. In June of 2011 we posted what is, I think it is reasonable to say, a fairly devastating critique of the book Genocide Denials and the Law -- a tome authored by some of the Cryptocracy's most highly placed judges, attorneys and other inquisitors, dedicated to jailing those who doubt the homicidal dimensions of the most sacred relic of the otherwise agnostic West, the "gas chambers." Genocide Denials and the Law is intended to serve as a template for lesser fry among legal beagles worldwide, to guide them in instituting their own repressive laws and jaundice toward those skeptics who dare to cast doubt on some aspect of the enormous corpus of allegations made against the German people grouped under the Orwellian Newspeak term "The Holocaust." 

My June 2011 review of Genocide Denials and the Law was eventually taken down by Amazon. For quite a while I could not spare the time to address the issue, but on Sept. 2 I sent in the review of the book again. It was rejected on the basis that tipsters informed Amazon that I had used "excessive quotes" from the book to make my points, and "excessive quotes" were not permitted in a review. (Care to place a wager concerning the identity of these ever-vigilant tipsters?). Yesterday I submitted to Amazon another version of the review, with many of the quotes censored, as Amazon indicated. The review is now online here. (Readers who would like to read the entire, uncensored review as it first appeared in print can purchase a copy of Revisionist History newsletter no. 57 here [scroll to the issue titled “Criminalizing Doubt"). It is worthwhile to review books at Amazon, in so far as time permits. The potential audience is vast and one has the rare opportunity to directly challenge the buncombe of some of the grandest poobahs in the pantheon of political correctness; a forum afforded a revisionist gadfly nowhere else before so large a potential audience.

We're under constant attack from various quarters. The Amazon imbroglio is only one part of the adversary's offensive.


In the wake of the Republican Money Power gala in Tampa, we put together a digest of the news of the week and it's available for your perusal hereTopics include: Taxpayers foot the bill for Republican billionaires; Republican 'Patriots' for China; Romney's sister: "A ban on abortion is never going to happen in a Romney administration"; Mark Potok's Media Immunity; Feminist Shulamith Bath Shmuel Ben Ari Feuerstein - Prophetess of Artificial Insemination; and: Bernanke intends to print more money.



  1. Look into the Fugger banking dynasty, I believe they were run by a man named Schwarz.

  2. Yes, the Fuggers are in my book.


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