Saturday, February 25, 2012

Robert Faurisson revisionist movie interview online

February, 2012: Prof. Faurisson, who has been prosecuted multiple times in France due to publishing his doubts over the existence of homicidal gas chambers in Auschwitz, receives a courage award in Tehran from Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, during the Iranian “Hollywoodism" conference on Zionist influence over Hollywood. Prof. Faurisson is on the right, holding the award. Ahamdinejad is to his left.

Paul-Éric Blanrue’s French documentary film “Un Homme”: 
(Click on the British flag on the film's home page for English chapters and subtitles).


Iranian 'Conference on Hollywoodism and Cinema' 

By: N. Maruani & A. Savyon

On February 2, 2012, Tehran hosted the second "Conference on Hollywoodism and Cinema" as part of the 2012 Fajr International Film Festival. The conference was attended by 48 academics from the U.S., the U.K., France, Canada, Belgium, Greece, Spain, Tunisia, Italy, Egypt, Russia, Lebanon, Azerbaijan, and Palestine. As specified in the conference's final statement, it focused on Hollywood's purported role as "the most powerful tool of Zionism" in influencing world opinion according to the interests of the "American-Zionist military-industrial complex," while emphasizing Iran's "ability to be the center for producing elegant anti-Zionist films."The conference addressed five key points: "Narration in Hollywood," "[The] Role of Cinema in the World Awakening," "'The Role of Hollywoodism and Human Decadence," "Portrait of [the] Future in Hollywood," and "Hollywoodism and Zionism." Among the issues discussed at the conference were "Hollywood and Holocaust," "Palestine [i]n the Line of Fire," "Hollywood and Apocalypse," "Hollywood, Darwinism and Liberalism, and "Hollywood's Exploitation of World Events, Such as the Holocaust and 9/11, for the Sake of Zionist Policies.”

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who, on February 2, 2012, claimed that the West and Zionism use Hollywood's film industry as a means to maintain their world domination, delivered the opening speech for the event, in which he called for a new world order. He also presented an award for "courage, strength, and force" to French revisionist Robert Faurisson, who attended the conference along with several other prominent French Holocaust deniers. Also present was son of Hollywood director Oliver Stone, who converted to Shi'ite Islam during his visit to Tehran.

President Ahmadinejad presented prominent French Holocaust denier Robert Faurisson with an award at the conference and met with him in private. Faurisson's latest paper, titled "Against Hollywoodism, Revisionism," which was likely the basis of his lecture at the conference, explains "Hollywoodism's part in creating the myth of 'the Holocaust'": "'The Holocaust' of the Jews became a sort of religion whose three main components are the extermination, the gas chambers, and the six million martyrs... After the war a whole propaganda developed around this holy trinity of 'the Holocaust', a whole industry of 'the Holocaust', a whole business: the 'Shoah Business.'" For the article in full, see Faurisson's Unofficial Blog. Following are comments posted on this blog regarding the international conference on Hollywoodism:

 "On February 2, 2012, in tandem with the thirtieth International Fajr Film Festival in Tehran, President Ahmadinejad inaugurated an international conference on Hollywoodism… Amongst the participants at this conference were three anti-Zionist and anti-revisionist rabbis, respectively from Britain, the United States and Canada, along with some other Americans (one of them a Jewish intellectual) and a large French contingent… 

"More than courageous, [Ahmadinejad's] conduct is heroic. The man and his people, cruelly affected by the West's blockade, aspire only to peace. It is absurd to claim that Iran would take the initiative of launching atomic bombs or any other bombs on the State of Israel, since inevitably those bombs would kill and maim as many Muslims and Christians as Jews…

"If there is nonetheless a bomb that Ahmadinejad will not hesitate to use, it is the one I have called 'the poor man's atomic bomb,' the bomb of revisionism which, killing or maiming no one, will get the better of a huge imposture, – that of 'the Holocaust' or 'Shoa' – which, for its part, serves to justify ad infinitum new wars and new crusades. Too many minds in the Western world remain conditioned by the 'Holocaust Industry' and 'Shoa-business' but, thanks to revisionism, recovery is possible and, by the same token, peace could once again have some chance."

Robert Faurisson was invited to the conference in part on account of a documentary film about him titled "Un Homme" ("A Man") directed by Paul-Eric Blanrue, who was also invited and to whom tribute was also paid. In Blanrue's one-and-a-half-hour film, Faurisson answers questions pertaining to his life. In a website dedicated to the film, it is available for download free of charge with English, German, Arabic, Italian, and Croatian dubs.

Blanrue has published a book titled Sarkozy, Israël et les Juifs, which was translated into Arabic and Farsi, in which he aims to show that Sarkozy, whom he depicts as unconditionally pro-Zionist, promoted Israeli interests at the expense of those of France. (End quote) 


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