Friday, December 16, 2011

Hitchens has died: he once debated Hoffman



  1. He took him early. I guess there was no point in delaying, the enemy had this one locked up securely. Too bad; he gets very many of the upper class English. Mr. Hitchens might have followed the High Anglicans like Manning and Newman. Pity.
    My, how vast is the power of the Jews. They are truly a Behemoth, crushing truth and flattening opposing opinions like a bull stepping on flies. Poor agnostic Hitchens was sucked into their vortex like dust.

  2. “ vast is the power of the Jews.”

    Do you mean Zionists and Talmudists or every person considered a “Jew” on earth today, including the unemployed and the marginally employed?

    Why needlessly alienate many Judaics of good will by making all of them part of an enormous conspiracy against the good and the true? This is racist generalization and it plays into the hands of the rabbis.


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