by Michael Hoffman
"Goldstone is similarly evasive over the unreliability of key 'eyewitnesses.' Like the flood of NGO publications in the immediate aftermath of the conflict (particularly those by Human Rights Watch, of which Goldstone was a board member) Goldstone’s so-called investigation is largely reliant upon 'eyewitness' Gaza testimony...On the basis of such flimsy testimony, Goldstone's recommendations are particularly sinister."
Kosky can say this about Palestinian eyewitnesses with impunity. In most of Europe no can say this about World War Two Judaic "eyewitnesses."
Judaic critics of Palestinian testimony to war crimes by Israelis are immune.
Gentile critics of Judaic testimony to war crimes by Germans are "biased, racist haters" subject to fines, imprisonment, blacklisting and termination of employment.
Truly, we are living in a Talmudic age, where the halachic diabilities assigned to gentiles are fully realized in the western world.
excepting those gentiles who devised the halachic diabilities - which is why mankind speaks everything upside down and backwards.