Sunday, December 28, 2008

Egyptian regime tricked Hamas into not evacuating

Editor's note:  Egypt is a dictatorship. "Democracy" is a joke there, yet it enjoys full US support and American taxpayer largesse because the Egyptian regime - despite much official safety valve hot air to the contrary - is a satrapy of the Israeli state. The Bush regime's talk of encouraging "democracy" in the Middle East is a farce. No matter how tyrannical an Arab state (Jordan, Saudi Arabia), if it covertly cooperates with Zionism, that is the sole criterion for a US buttress of a corrupt regime. 
Egypt stabbed Hamas in back

Egypt collaborated with Israel by deliberately misleading Hamas and allowing Tel Aviv to deal a blow to the movement, a report claims.  Citing diplomatic sources, the London-based daily al-Quds al-Arabi reported Sunday [Dec. 28] that Egyptian Intelligence Minister Omar Suleiman had deceived Hamas into believing that Israel would not launch an attack on the Gaza Strip in the near future.  According to the report, the misinformation lured Hamas into not evacuating its security compounds and headquarters.

Suleiman convinced a number of Arab leaders that Israel was intending to launch only limited operations into the Gaza Strip to mount pressure on Hamas ahead of signing a new ceasefire agreement, the report added.  Egypt told Hamas on Friday evening that Israel had agreed to begin talks on a ceasefire and would not attack Gaza before Cairo ended its diplomatic efforts, the daily quoted Hamas sources close to former Palestinian Foreign Minister Mahmoud al-Zahar as saying.  The report added that Egypt's assurance persuaded Hamas not to evacuate its security compounds in accordance with routine procedures in place after any threats by Israel. detail.asp...ionid=351020202 [Ken Waldron]



  1. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Keep these heavy hitting posts coming Mike -

    One of the articles mentions that this is the penultimate culmination of Israeli treatment of the Gaza strip over the past 60 years - I can't help but think back to an article regarding prospects for an attack on Iran based upon the (then) upcoming presidential election -

    I can't recall author's name or much detail - but the author's opinion was that the 'danger' would be highest for war under the condition and time period in which Bush would be a 'lameduck president' with an incoming Democratic president - look what we have now while people are busy having Christmas dinner or as they will be out getting hammered on New Years Eve as the economy crashes -

    This is a very dangerous time until Obama is in office for several months and gets his feet wet. (Not that such is a guarentee of no war) - any provocation, real or contrived may be the trigger of an all-out regional conflict.

  2. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Reporters in Israel in the late 80's i believe, loved to giggle about the fact that the head of Syrian Military Intelligence was a Jew and working for Israel.

    I doubt a SINGLE government in the Middle East is not under DIRECT control of the Israeli's.

    How could I say such a thing? We are all weeping for the Palestinian children - the Saudi's are building a indoor Ski park in the desert.

    The Arabs REALLY need to look hard at their leadership and wonder.


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