Thursday, August 17, 2006

National Public Radio (NPR) Broadcasts Zionist Delusions 8/16

33 days of bombing Lebanon by Israelis is turned by tax-supported National Public Radio (NPR) on its Aug. 16 afternoon newscast into “the fighting between Hezbollah and Israel.”

NPR on Aug. 16 also featured Jeffrey Goldberg of The New Yorker for a ten minute uninterrupted Israeli commercial about “anti-semitism” and Arabs who hate “Jews.” Goldberg was completely delusional and he was blaming the victims; as though after 34 days of bombing, any anti-Judaic sentiment by the people of Lebanon would be wholly illegitimate and criminal.

Of course there was no reference whatsoever to the anti-Arab racism that motivated a super-power to collectively punish an entire civilian population of Arabs and kill 1,000 of them.

Goldberg was supported in his crazy chauvinism by the female NPR interviewer who sounded and acted as if she were Ariel Sharon’s niece, instead of an objective reporter charged with challenging the dogma of her interview subjects. This lengthy NPR segment reminded me of a Nazi broadcast wherein two Hitlerite reporters are decrying anti-German sentiment among the Poles they had just bombed and invaded.


Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Orthodox Judaism's Support for Israeli Warfare

Israeli holocaust against Lebanon compared to "Moses' war against the Midianites"

Rabbi says Israeli warfare will "will bring redemption to the world at large"

Study-and-Warfare Project Seeks Soldiers
by Hillel Fendel

The study-and-sword partnership has gained momentum, but organizers are concerned that many soldiers have not yet signed up for a study partner to pray and study in their merit. Project "Safra VeSayfa" - literally, book and sword, or study and warfare - was formed for the express purpose of linking individual yeshiva students with specific IDF soldiers. The student "adopts" the soldier by studying Torah in his name and praying for his safety. Rabbi Simcha HaCohen Kook, the Chief Rabbi of Rechovot, as well as the Bostoner Rebbe, Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Horowitz of Har Nof, Jerusalem, have seconded the call for such partnerships.

Rabbi Kook contacted the National Council of Young Israel on this matter, explaining the seriousness and gravity of the situation. He noted the Medrashic teaching that in Moses' war against the Midianites, Moses drafted 1,000 pairs from each tribe. Of each pair, one fought in the war - and one prayed specifically for him. The Torah later teaches that the Israelites did not suffer any losses.

"By connecting the soldier to Torah study and prayer," says Maayan Ohr of Tekoa, founder of Safra VeSayfa, "the yeshiva student lends strength to the soldier on the battlefield, who then transforms this force into defending and saving our homeland." In addition, she says, "We hope to increase the sense of mutual responsibility, build a deeper connection and encourage a spirit of cooperation within our people. Unifying their strengths will bring redemption to the world at large."

For more information on the program, including how it started as a graphics project for a teacher who originally requested "nothing to do with politics or religion," click here.

Maayan says that in light of many requests from Jews around the world to pray for soldiers, it is vital to spread word of the program as far and wide as possible so that more soldiers can sign up. She also emphasizes the importance of signing up Jews from all around the world, "as the time differences will allow people to study and pray on the soldiers' behalf even while here in Israel many are sleeping." Soldiers and students who wish to participate are asked to sign up by email, at "".


Monday, August 14, 2006

The Ku Klux Judaism of David Mamet

The catchall solution: First blame the Jews
By David Mamet | Baltimore Sun | August 10, 2006

Twelve hundred years of European anti-Semitism, murder, rape and theft may be laid in large part, at the foot of the Gospel of John. ("He would not go about in the temple, because the Jews sought to kill him," John 7:1. "You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires," John 8:44, etc., New Oxford Annotated Bible.)

Now, any and every religion has some portion of its foundation text that is morally and ethically repugnant: Jewish morning prayers, where the man "thanks God that he was not created a woman," or in Deuteronomy 21:18-21, "the rebellious child must be taken outside the camp and stoned to death." The Gospels did not cause anti-Semitism, but they licensed it, to Christian Europe. 

(End quote from Mr. Mamet)

Michael Hoffman replies:

Mamet is a Hollywood script-writer, director and playwright. He also dabbles in ritual and stage magic and Kabbalah with his factotum, the magician Ricky Jay. In his first paragraph, Mamet offers the familiar indictment of the Gospel of John as "licensing 'anti-Semitism." What this con-artist will not tell his readers is that the Old Testament also contains powerful anti-Jewish pronouncements by Yahweh's Prophets. Is it “anti-semitic”?

To gauge Mamet's dishonesty, examine how he deliberately garbles the Morning Prayer of Judaism: "where the man 'thanks God that he was not created a woman." Actually in that prayer the Judaic male thanks the god of the Talmud for not making him "a slave, a gentile or a woman."

The deceitful Mamet won't quote that part of the prayer because it might cause his readers to put two-and-two together and come up with the source of Israeli contempt for the lives of non-Judaic Arab civilians: rabbinic law and the prayers of Judaism.

Mamet's column in the Baltimore Sun is an ignorant, chauvinist rant that parrots the same shopworn cliches, "The world hates us. We are blameless.” 

This from a supposedly sophisticated progressive who, in his books and plays, "nobly" exposes the underside of traditional Southern Christian culture. Mamet is an extreme manifestation of Talmudic-tribalism and Ku Klux Judaism who has made it his vocation to self-righteously deflate American Christian tribalism.

For our last laugh, dig this line from Mamet: "And much of the liberal West, thrilled to have a victim to worship, nods along." He's criticizing any solidarity with Arab victims of Israeli massacres on the basis that such solidarity constitutes a morbid liberal victim cult.

Yet Mamet is a card-carrying member of the biggest victim-worshipping cult of them all: Holocaustianity.

Copyright©2006 by


Sunday, August 13, 2006

The Ho-Hum Holocaust



Hannah Arendt called it the banality of evil and here it is on the front page of the New York Times. 25 Arabs snuffed today. 

No big deal, no war crimes trials, no mournful holocaust-talk of “ t's happening again;" just another day full of dead Arabs.

The dogs bark and the Israeli slow motion genocide caravan rolls on.

Israelis Bomb UN Convoy

"...In one overnight airstrike (Aug. 12), a convoy of some 500 vehicles carrying civilians and Lebanese security forces, escorted by United Nations peacekeepers and fleeing north from Merj' Uyun with permission negotiated with Israel, was struck near Shtaura in the Bekaa Valley.

"Witnesses and hospital officials said at least six people were killed, including a Lebanese Army officer. The Israeli military said the convoy was fired upon because of a 'suspicion' it might contain Hezbollah fighters. TV images showed wrecked cars, a woman's shoes and other belongings scattered across the road.

" ...Aid convoys from the United Nations and other relief agencies have been unable to get help to the countryside for days. Relief workers say they must phone the Israeli Embassy in Washington to ask for permission for convoys to travel and it is rarely granted.

Source: John Kifner and Greg Myre, "After U.N. Accord, Israel Expands Push in Lebanon," NY Times August 13, 2006.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Terror "Plot" Pays Big Dividends for Bush and Blair

by Michael A. Hoffman II
Note the last item in the column from the front page of this morning's online New York Times: "Arrests bolster GOP as Election Nears." Lebanon is off the front pages of the British newspapers and Republicans are back on top in American politics, all thanks to a mouthpiece media that accepts at face value the conspiracy claims of US and British governments that believe that in wartime truth is so precious it must be protected by a bodyguard of lies. Deception in wartime is a staple of US and British intelligence. This is an axiom about which the US media are unwilling to breathe a word.

Bush and Blair lied about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, but they would never lie about a terror "plot" in England? Yeah, right.

Historically, the mission of journalists is to be skeptics and adversaries of Big Brother, probing and investigating government pronouncements, and testing their veracity, but not any more. Now the media is an echo chamber for an "infallible" government. When it comes to pronouncements about "terror attacks," Bush and Blair enjoy the status of the pope.

When Republicans in the US are low in the polls or Israeli war crimes are focusing world-wide horror and revulsion on Zionism, along comes an Al-Qaeda-"linked" terror attack or terror "plot" in time to rehabilitate Bush, Blair and "Israel."

Merely a coincidence?

Moreover, even if this "shampoo" explosives tale were true, why does the West react to it as if we are all innocent little lambs minding our own business in our neck of the woods, rather than allies of Israeli mass murder in far-away Lebanon, where we have no business? Do we imagine that we will assist the Israelis in blowing Arab grandmothers and infants out of their beds and there will be no nasty repercussions?

The Israelis and Americans have taught the Arabs that collective punishment is a legitimate form of warfare. Collective punishment is official Israeli policy. The Israelis have declared that since the people of Lebanon tolerate Hezbollah, they too are rightful targets of bombs, missiles and cluster weapons.

If and when the Arabs turn that logic upon us, and target American and British civilians for tolerating Bush and Blair, suddenly it is a monstrous evil; "Islamic fascism" at its devilish work.

George W. Bush and Tony Blair are deliberately inciting war with the Muslim world by such actions as funding, arming and approving Israeli genocide in Lebanon. The problem with war, aside from its obvious crimes and sins, is that the resulting war fever tends to close the minds of the citizens who are being drummed into lock-step, "patriotic" formation behind "their leaders," so that clear thinking is the first casualty.

The first President Bush helped to rehabilitate war as an instrument of US policy in the first Iraq war. Bill Clinton furthered that rehabilitation in the name of the "good cause" of waging war against "Serbian evil."

Clinton and NATO fought that "evil" so effectively that their bombing killed an estimated 10,000 civilians. Geoge W. Bush has pushed the envelope to where we are now: perpetual war against a dehumanized foe, with all the tools we used vis a vis the far more sinister atheistic Soviet Communists -- diplomacy, trade, negotiation -- cast on to the neo-con's junk heap of history.

But if we sift through that heap we will find that history teaches that war is almost always an instrument for swelling the size of government, curtailing civil liberties, enlarging the police forces and spy apparatus, enriching the military-industrial complex and killing the innocent by the thousands and the millions.

None of this has to happen. America can pull out of the Middle East. Without the American Goliath to back their killings and land thefts, the Zionists would have to make peace with their neighbors and the billions spent on the "war on terror" could go to making the US energy-independent.

To have for President of the United States, a depraved, secret society retard and murderer like George W. Bush can only be a curse on us for our sins: our selfish refusal to have large families, our rampant materialism and our vicious, buccaneer capitalist economic system based on shylock interest rates.

The Republicans are up in the polls? If this is true, and I trust pollsters about as far as I can throw them, it signifies that Americans are up for a Judaic war of annihilation against dehmanized native people; that our children and our grandchildren will still be fighting this war; a war that will see the imposition in the US of identification papers, preventive detention of dissenters, the suspension of the Constitution, the rise of a president-dictator, the enactment of the Talmudic Noahide laws and the death of the liberty for which generations of Americans have fought and died.

Never was a revolution more necessary in these United States.

Copyright©2006 by

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Thursday, August 10, 2006

Deconstructing Aug. 10, 2006 Wisconsin Speech by Bonesman Bush

by Michael Hoffman 

THE PHOTO: Note the sense of sterility and isolation in this photo. The "masses of people" from whom Bush allegedly derives his mandate are nowhere to be seen. Only spook-like figures in black suits and another black-suited man at a microphone. The aircraft in the background is supposed to connote the threat to aviation posed by terrorists, but it is more likely to summon the image of the bird of prey used by Israeli (state) terrorists to bomb Lebanon. Kennedy purported to impart a vision of "the New Frontier" and Johnson "the Great Society." The vision furnished by Bonesman Bush, as evinced by this staged photograph, is of a nightmare world drained of all life and subject to one man rule backed by secret agents.

THE VIDEO: The video of this speech shows Bush delivering "his" words with little passion or conviction. With a couple of exceptions when his voice rises slightly (for example, when delivering this line: "It is a mistake to believe there is no threat to the United States of America"), Bush recites his statement in a drone-like monotone, rather than speaking with animation. There is a zombie quality of the ventriloquist's dummy, which Bush only half-heartedly attempts to conceal.


TWILIGHT LANGUAGE KEY WORDS: stark reminder | nation at war | Islamic fascists | will use any means to destroy those of us who love freedom | this venture was excellent | there are people that still plot | people who want to harm us for what we believe in | we have given our officials the tools they need | we will take the steps necessary | we live in a dangerous world | our government will do everything we can | to protect our people | from ...dangers

DECRYPTION OF SUBLIMINAL MESSAGE: I repeat, we fascists are making war on Islam. We will use any means to destroy those who love freedom. This venture was excellent. We still plot to harm those who do not believe in us. Officials have the tools and will take the steps necessary to make the world we live in dangerous. Our rulers will do everything to protect officials from danger.


President Bush Discusses Terror Plot Upon Arrival in Wisconsin
Austin Straubel International Airport Green Bay, Wisconsin

Aug. 10, 2006. 10:54 A.M. CDT THE PRESIDENT: The recent arrests that our fellow citizens are now learning about are a stark reminder that this nation is at war with Islamic fascists who will use any means to destroy those of us who love freedom, to hurt our nation. I want to thank the government of Tony Blair and officials in the United Kingdom for their good work in busting this plot. I thank the officials in Washington, D.C. and around our country who gather intelligence and who work to protect the American people. The cooperation on this venture was excellent -- cooperation between U.K. and U.S. authorities and officials was solid. And the cooperation amongst agencies within our government was excellent. This country is safer than it was prior to 9/11. We've taken a lot of measures to protect the American people. But obviously, we're still not completely safe, because there are people that still plot and people who want to harm us for what we believe in. It is a mistake to believe there is no threat to the United States of America. And that is why we have given our officials the tools they need to protect our people. Travelers are going to be inconvenienced as a result of the steps we've taken. I urge their patience and ask them to be vigilant. The inconvenience is -- occurs because we will take the steps necessary to protect the American people. Again, I appreciate the close cooperation between our government and the government of the United Kingdom. The American people need to know we live in a dangerous world, but our government will do everything we can to protect our people from those dangers. Thank you. (End quote)


I am at War with Fascist Judaism

by One of the 7,000*

Statement of Michael Hoffman on President George W. Bush's declaration of war with a particular religion, "Islamic fascism"

Jesus Christ was not attacked by "Islamic fascists" but by the ideological heirs of today's rabbis. The modern creed of Orthodox Judaism is the same traditional Mishnaic religion as that of the ancient Pharisees who hounded, hunted, stoned and murdered Jesus Christ.

Today, rabbinic fascists are at war with God and all those who love Jesus. One of Judaism's seven "Noahide" laws for non-Judaics prescribes the death penalty for "idol worshippers." Adoration of Jesus Christ constitutes idol worship according to the highest legal authority in Judaism, the Mishneh Torah of Rabbi Moses Maimonides.

Islam is a Christian heresy, the most extreme of all such heresies, but it is still Christian, whereas Judaism is the declared enemy of Jesus Christ and has been since A.D. 33.

Bush is a member of the Judeo-masonic secret society known as Skull and Bones. As such, he is spiritually an appendage of Judaism and he will do the bidding of the rabbis in shedding blood and making war, so that counterfeit "Israel" may continue to plunder land and murder civilians without limit.

In declaring war on the religion of Islam on behalf of racist, murderous Judaism -- the world's most dictatorial, freedom-hating tyranny - Bush has unleashed the darkest demons from Gehanna onto planet earth.

The mad Judas in the White House has made certain that for which Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush Sr. and Bill Clinton laid the groundwork: war without end, and the transformation of America from a Christian Republic into a rabbinic dictatorship that will make Orwell's 1984 look like Mr. Rogers' neighborhood.

May all lovers of freedom continue in the God-ordained struggle against the Chief Priests and their modern heirs, the rabbis of fascist Orthodox Judaism.

To George W. Bush I declare, Caesar had his Brutus and Charles the First his Cromwell, and may you profit from their example.

We will have no King but Jesus!

Michael Hoffman 

*One of the 7,000 of I Kings 19:18


Christians in Pakistan Offer Memorial to Victims of Israeli Holocaust in Lebanon

Aug. 10, 2006--At St. Anthony's Church in Lahore, Pakistani Christians light candles during a special prayer service for the victims of Israeli bombings in Lebanon.

Once Upon a Time...

by Michael A. Hoffman II

Once upon a time a dragon was burning cities to its north and committing mass murder on an unimaginable scale. Now this dragon had previously been able to present itself as a lovable curmudgeon, but when the creatures of the western forest saw in their magic mirrors the burned corpses and the cries of the women and children whom the dragon had incinerated, they began to doubt the dragon and question their support for him.

Now the dragon was more subtle of all creatures, and it cast a spell as follows, "British authorities said today that they had thwarted a terrorist plot to blow up multiple airliners traveling between Britain and the United States and cause mass murder on an unimaginable scale."

By the dragon's enchantment the attention of the forest creatures of the west was shifted from the real life victims of his fire, to the imaginary contours of his fairy tale, and thereafter the dragon breathed his fire with renewed vigor and impunity.


Browse an extraordinary collection of Michael A. Hoffman's books, pamphlets, newsletters, speeches and films

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

"Nazi Holocaust" Moralists Have No Compassion for Lebanese Victims of Israeli Terror

by Michael Hoffman 

Increasingly we are seeing that those like Elie Wiesel, Steven Spielberg and Daniel Jonah Goldhagen, who wring political currency and moral mileage for the Israeli regime from perpetual "Nazi Holocaust" memorials, monuments, commemorations, classes and movies, are siding with Israeli absolutists, for whom the security of the Zionist state and the total depravity of Islam, are a priori doctrines contravening humanitarian concern for the civilian victims of indiscriminate Israeli bombings.

One of these frauds is Harvard University's Prof. Goldhagen, who can be found mouthing off in today's Los Angeles Times, espousing the Israeli tunnel vision --outrage and horror that anyone would want to destroy the Israeli entity -- even as Goldhagen calls for the destruction of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Judaic zealots are incapable of perceiving the hypocrisy of this "morality" of theirs, whose sole yardstick is the welfare of Judaics first.

Goldhagen, Wiesel, the New York Times and legions of others like them seek to confer blamelessness on the Israelis through perptual Nazi "Holocaust" obsession.

Talmudic racism and Zionist Judeo-racial supremacy are prevalent among those who have made a career out of hating and stigmatizing the Germans as hereditary "executioners," even as the accusers are complicit in the Israeli holocaust in Lebanon, going so far, as Goldhagen does, to urge an extension of that holocaust to Syria and Iran.

This tends to show that "Nazi Holocaust" propaganda is essentially a cynical exercise in generating further guilty solidarity with the Israeli war machine and its "moral capital" of dispossession and murder of indigenous Arabs.

Remember that fact the next time some "Holocaust Survivor" comes to your school or community. Ask them what they did to stop the Israeli holocaust against Lebanon. If they can't give a cogent answer, give them the bum's rush. These disgraceful Ku Klux Zionists use the suffering of the innocent during World War II, to prop up Israeli mass murder in our time.

The victims of World War II deserve spokesmen and representatives of integrity, who fight for all marginal, voiceless and oppressed people of any race or religion, rather than partisan bigots who see the world solely through Israeli eyes.

Those who seek to destroy the Islamic Republic of Iran while claiming that any similar ambition with regard to "Israel" is some kind of cosmic crime, expose a chauvinism that has strong parallels to Master Race ideology.

It's time to defy these sanctimonious "Holocaust" frauds in every forum where they presume to impose their Israeli jingoism.

Copyright ©2006



Haaretz August 9, 2006 | The Associated Press

LOS ANGELES - A foundation created by filmmaker Steven Spielberg will donate $1 million to relief efforts in Israel as it battles with Hezbollah. The Righteous Persons Foundation will make an initial contribution of $250,000 to the Jewish Federation of Los Angeles Israel Crisis Fund. The foundation will then follow up with gifts to the New Israel Fund and other organizations that are providing relief to those evacuated from northern Israel, said Marvin Levy, foundation spokesman. The Jewish Foundation will use its donation to support emergency efforts for evacuated children, install shatterproof glass in Haifa's three hospitals and provide emergency assistance at the Nahariya hospital, he said. The New Israel Fund will use its donation to set up crisis hot lines and provide food and other emergency supplies to families in northern Israel, Levy said.

Browse an extraordinary collection of Michael A. Hoffman's books, pamphlets, newsletters, speeches and films:

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

NY Times Performs Damage Control for Israel and Lowers Qana Death Toll to 29

In an article ostensibly oozing sympathy for civilians in Lebanon, we caught the NY Times lowering the death toll for Sunday's Israeli massacre in Qana, to 29 (see the last sentence in the screenshot above, taken from the Times's website on the evening of Aug. 2 PDT).

Authorities in Lebanon have said that the death toll in Qana was at least 57-60, with dozens of children killed. But the newspaper of record is doing damage control for the Israeli killers by arbitrarily lowering the number of their victims.

How is the NY Times able, on Aug. 2, a mere three days after the bombing in Qana, to arrive at a total number of deaths at Qana at 29? The Times does not say "an estimated" 29. It fixes the figure at 29 without qualification or reference to its revisionist source. In other words, this is "history" by New York Times fiat. This is the zionist mentality.

Has the Times sent a forensics team to Qana?

I think not. I think we are seeing the maufacture of history, holocaust-denial, and tampering with the documentary record, before our very eyes.

Something similar happened twelve years ago, in the wake of Baruch Goldstein's massacre at the mosque in Hebron on Purim, 1994. The 40 Palestinians he killed magically became 29 in the US media, and that phony figure has been the official death toll in Goldstein's massacre ever since.

"...the Lebanese government and the Lebanese Red Cross said they had confirmed 57 deaths in the attack and they stood by their figures....'It's confirmed that there are 57 bodies,' said Elias Diab, an official in the Lebanese Red Cross operations room in Beirut. 'Twenty-seven of them are children." Chicago Tribune, Aug. 3, 2006.

The Israeli invasion of Lebanon "has killed more than 900 people and wounded 3,000, with a third of the casualties children under 12, Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora said in a video message to the Organization of the Islamic Conference in Malaysia." [Reuters, Aug. 3. 8:33 a.m. EDT].

Copyright ©2006 


Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Christians and Qana

Qana is believed to be the site of the Miracle of Cana. 2006 years ago Jesus turned water into wine at a wedding, in the very same place that the Israelis turned 37 children into corpses on Sunday.

"Four out of five Lebanese Christians support Hezbollah in the current conflict, according to a poll conducted last week by the independent Beirut Center for Research and Information." (Jefferson Morley, Washington Post, Aug. 1, 2006).

All for the Dollar: While Lebanon burns, Saudis Launder Billions for Bush

by Ahmed Amr

Behind Condi Rice's cult-like smile, lurks a crazed neo-con fanatic immersed in apocalyptic fantasies. It remains to be seen just how many Lebanese mothers will lose their babies while she entertains her demonic hallucinations...Not to be outdone, the demented war criminal who pollutes the corridors of the White House has vetoed UN cease-fire resolutions and derailed an Italian effort to end the hostilities in Lebanon. To assure the success of his war-mongering obstructionist policies, Bush dispatched Paul Wolfowitz to the gathering in Rome. Just to rub it in, the architect of the Iraqi war was all smiles as he pressed a handshake on the visibly distraught Lebanese Prime Minister.

As Karl Rove will tell you, the path to victory in November depends on rallying the Armageddon-worshipping, end of time Protestants who drool every time a Palestinian or Lebanese family is blown to smithereens. In their estimate, every crisis in the Middle East brings us one step closer to the rupture. Pray for the end of times and pass the ammunition.

Given their dismal poll numbers, Bush and the Republicans can hardly afford to alienate Israel’s amen corner at the New York Times. Neither can the Democrats afford to lose the affections of militant Likudnik operatives at CNN and FOX. Until the polls close in November, both parties will be competing to determine who can best lick the boots of Ehud Olmert.

In America, Israel is a domestic affair. The ethnic Zionist lobby gets what it wants or sets off brigades of media hyenas to eat the raw flesh of any politician who displays squeamishness about wasting Arab lives. Witness the ‘anti-war’ Howard Dean accusing anyone opposing Israeli war crimes of ‘anti-semitism.’ He can’t have forgotten that he lost his White House bid when he called for a more ‘even-handed’ foreign policy in the Middle East. As chairman of the Democrat leadership, he seems to be applying the valuable lesson learned on his ill-fated campaign – don’t mess with the Israeli lobby ninety days before a mid-term election.

Some Arab-Americans still entertain silly notions about changing the minds of their congressmen by explaining the other side of the story. Fat chance. One hundred Senators gave unequivocal support to Israel. Under normal circumstances, you can’t line up that many Senators to support their own children. True enough, you can always find the occasional Senator willing to express concern about war crimes committed by US marines. But when it comes to Israel, they all studiously avert their eyes from the deliberate targeting of civilians and the systematic destruction of vital infrastructure.

The Israelis can nuke the entire Middle East and still have the audacity to bill the American government for the cost of the operation. Any dissenting Senator can and will be taken to the shed for re-education sessions – but not before getting a campaign crippling lashing from Israel’s spiritual brethren who toil in the mass media monopolies.

Every member of our parliament of whores has innocent Palestinian and Lebanese blood on their hands. By giving their unconditional blessings to the mayhem in Lebanon, the Senate was just making the obvious point that no Arab child is safe while the U.S. Congress is in session.

Of the many actors responsible for this blood bath, the Israelis are perhaps the easiest to understand. They never had a need for fig leaves to begin with. As far as Tel Aviv is concerned, this is just an exercise in low intensity warfare. The Israelis simply do whatever they can get away with. Without ever bothering to charge them, Israel can hold thousands of Palestinian and Lebanese civilians prisoner. But if the other side decides to detain a few soldiers, Lebanon and Gaza can be incinerated. In exercising the ‘right to defend itself’, Israel reserves the privilege to indiscriminately carpet bomb South Lebanon with guided missiles and cluster bombs. And America gets to replenish Israel’s arsenal.

The newest Israeli rule is that all the fighting, killing, abductions and mass destruction can only take place in designated ‘Arab’ areas. The Israeli army can murder, maim and terrorize anyone on the other side of the Green Line or the Blue Line. In fact, they can cross any red line they want and commit any war crime that satiates their appetite for brutalizing their subjects. And to engrave that rule in stone, Tel Aviv has secured a permanent American license to use collective punishment measures up to and extending to starvation and the systematic destruction of vital infrastructure. Any resistance to Israeli unilateral measures is considered the work of terrorists. Any questions?

As for the United Nations and ‘Coffin’ Annan, they have become nothing more than an annex of the State Department. Following in the footsteps of his son, Annan is not the kind of man to refuse a lucrative offer – like killing the investigation of how his first born looted Iraqi oil revenues. He has presided over the gutting of the world organization to the point where the UN is now merely another tool of convenience in the arsenal of the Bush administration.

To their credit, some European nations – notably France and Italy – have used their limited influence to bring the hostilities in Lebanon to an end. But, the Bush administration had no problem circumventing these efforts. For an American politician, Israel is more important than the entire continent of Europe.

Moving on to Egypt - a country that no longer matters. Does it really make a difference that 99% of Egyptians are against the war in Iraq and the fire bombing of South Lebanon? The Egyptian government granted a tacit endorsement of Israeli aggression against Lebanon. Both Hamas and Hezbollah are seen as extensions of the Muslim Brotherhood – the only real domestic opposition to the Mubarak regime. As they say in this corner of the planet, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

As always, the real Arab elephant in the room is the House of El Saud and its allies in the surrounding oil sheikdoms. Why exactly did the influential Gulf monarchs decide to cast their lot with Tel Aviv? Here we are at peak oil. Petro dollars are flowing by the tens of billions into Gulf coffers. And Saudi Arabia drops its last fig leaf and demonstrates to one and all that it has struck an alliance of convenience with Israel and given the Israeli war machine a green light to ravage Arabs in Lebanon and Gaza.

On the face of it, it doesn’t make much sense. The one Arab country that has the leverage to shelter the region from American-financed Israeli mass murder decides to publicly turn on its own people. And King Abdallah has announced that he will pick up the bill for some of the damage inflicted by the Israeli bombings. Israelis bomb. Saudis pay. Such a deal.

Unfortunately, for all their wealth, the Saudis have yet to perfect a way to bring back the dead or reattach missing Lebanese limbs. For the Saudis, the Lebanese and Palestinians are ‘throw away’ people. All this nonsense about Arab solidarity is merely a circus act to shore up the legitimacy of the kleptocrats in the Gulf.

We may never know the precise nature of the secret Saudi agreements with the United States and Israel. In this case, the Saudis probably signed on to fight a proxy war with Iran – which is seen as the sponsor of Hezbollah. The Saudis are experts at proxy wars – having supported and financed Saddam’s war against Iran – a conflict that lasted eight long years and cost a million lives on both sides. They participated with gusto in the systematic decimation of the secular Arab national movement. It’s no secret that the Saudi monarchy was elated at the outcome of the six-day war – hoping it would bring down Nasser’s regime. And the Kingdom’s role in the first and second Gulf war is a matter of public record.

Still, it’s worth taking a guess as to why the oil monarchies went public with their support for Israel’s plan to bomb Lebanon into rubble. Perhaps the Bush administration promised to dampen the influence of Iranian-backed militias in Iraq. Can it be a mere coincidence that Washington is suddenly increasing its troop levels in Baghdad and taking on Moqtada Sadr’s militias? Did the Saudis strike a bargain to increase Israeli influence in Lebanon in exchange for a decrease of Iranian influence in Iraq?

Any proxy war against the government in Tehran always finds ready support on the Arab side of the Gulf. As administration insiders have already hinted, ‘the new Middle East’ will revolve around Saudi leadership of the Arab camp with a supporting cast that includes Egypt and Jordan. It’s doesn’t seem to matter that the Saudi regime is not exactly a brilliant model of democratic evolution in the region.

It matters not that Israeli guns are now battering the two most democratic governments in the Arab Middle East – the popularly-elected leaders of Lebanon and the Palestinian authority. All Bush's talk of democracy is nothing but a marketing campaign for domestic American consumption. The Arab intellectuals taken in by this neo-con ruse need to start taking commonsense supplements on a regular basis.

To harness this moment of clarity, it is essential to understand that America’s invasion of Iraq needs to be divorced from the Likudnik fantasies of reshuffling the Levant to suit Israel’s expansionist whims. At the end of the day, America’s military entanglements in the Gulf are a service performed for the richest families in the history of the world. Far from supporting democracy, the grunts in Iraq are there as a mercenary expedition to protect the absolute monarchs who act as custodians of the oil plantations. When it comes to wagging the tail of the American dog, Saudi Arabia and the Israelis get equal opportunity access.

Saudi Arabia and their Gulf allies are major partners in American-Israeli ventures. Most astute observers know that King Abdallah can permanently end all foreign military adventures in the region without firing a single shot. Every last American soldier would be home for Christmas if the oil sheikdoms stopped taking dollars in exchange for their oil.

No oil cut off is required. If the Arabs just stopped accepting American currency – the dramatic effect on world economies would lead to major realignments that neutralized American influence in the region. The economic rationale for the American Empire would dissipate into thin air. Washington would pressure Israel to implement resolution 242 in the same manner that it is squeezing Lebanon to implement resolution 1559.

Of course, King Abdallah and his ruling clan are fully aware of this. While they feign impotence, they retain immense leverage over developments in the region. It’s not about their lack of ability to influence events in Lebanon. Rather, it is because the Saudis have other priorities – like smuggling oil revenues denominated in petro-dollars to American and European capital markets.

The business of the House of Saud is money laundering on an epic scale.The business of America is currency exporting. Together, the Saudis and Americans impose the dollar as an international currency that accounts for eighty per cent of all international transactions. This allows the United States the luxury of running huge trade deficits by obliging other countries to maintain huge reserves of the only currency the Saudis accept in exchange for their black gold – the American dollar.

The Saudi support for the devastating Israeli assaults on Lebanon and Gaza is nothing more than a political transaction to maintain their lucrative money-laundering franchise. Lebanese and Palestinian civilians need to understand that this is not personal. It’s just the way the Saudis do business.

For years, Saudi sponsored media outlets have propagated an image of a benevolent regime that defends the faithful against foreign crusaders. Most recently, the Saudis regime took a high profile role in confronting the insolent Danish publication that insulted the prophet. They went so far as to recall their ambassador. But here we are – a few short months later – and the Saudis are making nice with the American-financed Israeli campaign to dismantle Lebanon and enforce the “Condi/Weisglass” accord – the secret agreement that will allow Olmert’s government to annex half of the West Bank.

The key to Arab salvation is in passive resistance to American-Israeli designs on the region. Unfortunately, that key is locked away in the House of Saud. All Arab intellectuals need to harness their efforts to open a public debate to help explain why the Saudis are feigning impotence while Lebanon and Gaza are being mercilessly torched.

To effect a full disclosure of Saudi rationales for supporting the invasion of Iraq and Lebanon, we need to understand and propagate the nature of the American imperial project in the Gulf and the full extent of the Saudi money-laundering racket. Once the average citizen in the Middle East and the US understands that this is a war to protect the almighty dollar – we can call on people of good will around the world to dump that blood soaked currency. The onus will then fall on the House of Saud to explain why they will not participate in a straightforward dollar boycott to defend their ‘Arab brothers.’

Of course, Arab intellectuals can always revert to their old habits of taking inventory of how many innocent women and children are being slaughtered. They can continue to document the vicious destruction of infrastructure and make a fuss about collective punishment and American double standards. There will still be those Arab-Americans who will continue to bang their heads on the wall and waste endless efforts in letter-writing campaigns to convince a single senator that Palestinians and Lebanese are part of the human race.

Forget all that. George Bush doesn’t care about Arabs – unless they have deep Saudi pockets. It’s a waste of time to appeal to non-existent American compassion. And it’s a pipe dream to expect a sudden moral awakening among the policy makers in Washington. You can parcel post a dismembered Lebanese or Palestinian child to the homes of every Senator in Washington and still be met with a blank stare. One of the qualifications for career advancement at the State Department is to demonstrate complete indifference to the death and mutilation of innocent Arabs. That’s just the way America is, and Arabs – especially Arab-Americans – should stop deluding themselves about what makes Washington tick.

So, what to do now that all the fig leaves have fallen? Gather them and burn them with the dollar.


Monday, July 31, 2006

"Israel has lost the battle for hearts and minds"

A desperate Lebanese family awaits evacuation in Tibnine.

FDQL: Fire Dept. Qana Lebanon, 7/30.

Zheia Bateool, age 2, is released from a hospital in Lebanon after she was treated for burns and shrapnel wounds suffered when her family home was bombed by Israelis.

"The perception that Israel has lost the battle for hearts and minds, and that Hezbollah and Iran have won, was reinforced by the Israeli attack on the Lebanese village of Qana, which killed dozens of civilians, including many children."
— Michael Slackman, New York Times, Aug. 1, 2006

The Qana Tipping Point
Jefferson Morely, Washington Post, Aug. 1, 2006

The Israeli air strike on the Lebanese village of Qana early Sunday morning did more than kill 57 civilians. According to a wide range of commentary in the international media, it inflamed already boiling public opinion in the Arab world against Israel, undermined what little support the United States has among the Lebanese people, and illuminated the continuing inability of Israel and the United States to achieve their goal of decisively weakening Hezbollah.

On Monday, the leading English-language news sites in the Arab world -- including, the Jordan Times, the Beirut "Daily Star," and the Arab News -- featured photos of rescue workers carrying the dusty bodies of children from the wreckage of a Qana apartment building where they had taken refuge. The headlines were blunt: "Israel Massacres Kids," said the Arab News in Saudi Arabia. The Qana attack wiped out concerns in the Sunni Arab world, voiced early in the conflict, about Hezbollah and its allies in Shiite Iran.

The Daily Star and many other sites emphasized a historical angle that most Americans were probably unaware of: that Qana had been the site of an unprovoked Israeli attack on a refugee camp in 1996 that killed 106 civilians. "The Israeli butchers have added a new line to their bloody record," said Al Ahram, the leading daily newspaper of Egypt whose editor is appointed by the country's pro-American leader Hosni Mubarak. "This dark chapter resembles the one that took place ten years ago. The place is the same... the butchers are the same and the victims again are innocent children and women."

Almost ninety percent of all respondents agreed that the United States “is not an honest mediator” in the Middle East. The Bush administration has said that its goal is bolster Lebanese democracy. The vast majority of Lebanese don’t believe it...

Lebanon's Daily Star newspaper said July 31 that the Qana massacre has boosted support for Hezbollah. “Now that fresh images of the broken bodies of the women and children of Qana are being shown on our television screens, the idea of forgetting has become all the more unthinkable. These images have stirred the anger and outrage of even the most moderate Lebanese, proving that Israeli brutality - not Hizbullah - has become Israel's own worst enemy. Israel's unabashed butchery in Qana has only demonstrated to many of those who were on the fence that there is indeed a legitimate need for resistance.”



On Jul 31, 2006, at 21:11, B.F. wrote: Re: "Israel has lost the battle for hearts and minds."

This has truly been my experience. The information gathering efforts of so many people on the internet has been stellar. May God bless them all, and most especially yourself. Any sincere person with half a brain could piece the story together from the information available. And as you say, many people are tracing the pathology back to it's source in rabbinic Judaism, which is a very positive development.

From the work I've been doing on internet forums it's obvious that the big guns of Zionist apologetics are sitting this one out. It has been a great window of opportunity to get the message out in places where I'm certain that I would have been tarred, feathered and then lit on fire before being banned from the forum at any other time.

It's a small triumph, and sadly it came at the expense of the suffering of an entire nation, but it's a triumph nonetheless.

As one who always attempts to keep a level head, I wonder, what do we make of it all?

I am of the opinion that at some point Zionists are going to attempt to create anti-"Jewish" sentiments on a much greater scale as a means of drawing the more liberated Judaics into the fold. Could that be related to what's happening here?

Sincerely, B.F.


Yes, I agree, the Israelis may generate their own atrocity sympathy through black ops.

Second, they commit crimes and massacres in Lebanon based in part on psychological and other studies that determine that the carnage will be but a hazy memory a year from now.

The April, 1996 Israeli massacre at Qana, which according to Amnesty International was deliberate and unprovoked, was described by both the NY Times (Steve Erlanger) and the LA Times yesterday, July 31, as having been an accident. There is no price to pay for this holocaust denial on the part of the these major newspapers. Even if the blame were pinned squarely and deservedly on the Israelis by the US media, Qana '96 has not been indelibly memorialized in any way: no monumental statue, no annual commemoration, no documentary movie with interviews with the survivors; no stirring song, renowned poem or gripping theatre to enshrine it for all time.

Furthermore, Beirut was horribly firebombed throughout the summer of 1982 by the Israelis, including schools and hospitals. No one remembers it today, not even the victims. The Arab memory for 1982 is mainly of the September massacre at the Sabra and Chatila refugee camp, not the city of Beirut (particularly in August) under Israeli terror-bombing.

Whenever the bombs stop falling in Lebanon, the world will turn its eye to some other disaster zone, perhaps in Asia or America's own hurricane alley. At that point it will be up to the Arabs to kindle the memory of what transpired in Lebanon in the summer of 2006. Let's hope they change their apathetic, amnesiac ways, otherwise, as time progresses, the memory of Israeli war crimes will recede, as it always has, even as the memory of what the Nazis did to Judaics (real and imagined) more than 60 years ago, becomes, by some perverse wizardry, ever more vibrant and compelling.

This is the psychology which the White House and Jerusalem are banking on to extricate themselves over the long term. Yes, I believe the Israelis are losing the battle for hearts and minds in the short-term. But in the long view, this loss is by no means certain, as yet.

Israelis Massacre Children in Qana

This man's mother, wife, and five children were all killed by the Israelis in Qana.

One of the injured, Mohammed Shalhoub, lies on a stretcher on his way to the hospital. His 2-1/2 year old daughter was killed in the bombing.

Child wounded in Israeli terror attack at Qana.

Civilians killed in Israeli terror bombing in Qana

A rescue worker removes the body of a Lebanese child from the rubble of a building in the aftermath of an Israeli terror bombing in the village of Qana, near the southern Lebanese city of Tyre.

"34 Children Among 57 Dead in Israeli Strike." --Rone Tempest and Paul Richter, Los Angeles Times, 10:03 AM PDT, July 30, 2006

Images of children’s bodies tangled in the building’s ruins, being carried away on blankets or wrapped in plastic sheeting were aired on Arab news networks. The televised images of stiffened, dust-covered bodies of children being pulled from the wreckage spread rage. In Qana, Khalil Shalhoub was helping pull out the dead until he saw his brother’s body taken out on a stretcher. “Why are they killing us? What have we done?” he screamed.

Iraq’s top Shiite cleric, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, demanded an immediate cease-fire in Lebanon, warning the Muslim world will “not forgive” nations that stand in the way of stopping the Israeli bombing. Headlines of “Carnage’’ and “Barbaric’’ filled the front pages of newspapers across the Arab world July 31, and a member of the parliament of Kuwait, a staunch ally of the United States, called American policy makers “sons of dogs’’ for supplying the bombs for the Israeli attacks, news services said. The European Union foreign policy chief, Javier Solana, issued a statement saying that “nothing can justify” the Qana "airstrike."

Nearly 550 Lebanese civilians have been killed in Israeli attacks, with as many as 200 more missing, according to the Lebanese Health Ministry. Nearly 2,000 have been wounded, the ministry said. Israel apologized for the deaths in Qana but blamed Hezbollah guerrillas. The Israeli defense chief, Amir Peretz said, “An Israeli pilot has never been given an order to hurt civilians.”

"Nazi Holocaust" propaganda has dulled the sensibilities of the world to holocausts against Arabs

By Michael Hoffman

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Today we awaken to the dreadful news, according to the Associated Press, that the Israelis bombed several homes in the southern Lebanon village of Qana early Sunday, "killing at least 56 people, most of them children, in the deadliest attack in 19 days...."

Even Jack Straw, the former British Foreign Secretary, said of the Israeli attacks: "These are not surgical strikes, but have instead caused death and misery among innocent civilians."

This is the second Israeli mass murder at Qana. In April, 1996, Israelis murdered 102 Arab civilian refugees at a United Nations camp in Qana. An Amnesty International report described the Israeli attack as deliberate. The July 31, 2006 New York Times describes the 1996 slaughter in accordance with the official Israeli military account, as a case of the Israelis having "mistakenly shelled a United Nations post in Qana..." Link
The Israeli holocaust against Lebanon continues, while the world does nothing. Ever more Arab women and children in Lebanon are murdered with impunity. They are less than human in the eyes of the West.

Nothing like this would ever be permitted if it were Judaic children who were dying. In such a case, the words, "The Holocaust is happening again, the world must not stand by silent!" would reverberate from every pulpit, radio, TV and newspaper front page in America. But since it is the children of Lebanon who are being killed, "sub-human Amalekites" according to the secret teaching of the Orthodox rabbis, the US obstructs a ceasefire, with help from American journalists, editors, clergymen and the US Congress.

This is a shame, and a disgrace. It proves that the perpetual, pious human rights tears shed over the "Nazi Holocaust against the Jews" in schools, churches and national museums and memorials day-in-and-day out, have nothing to do with ensuring that it "never happens again" to "any other people."

Rather, "The Holocaust" is a cynical power-politics hammer used to build special privileges and a sense of sacred awe and racial superiority for Judaics, which in turn renders them forever immune from war crimes prosecutions, or any interdiction of the holocausts which they perpetrate against Palestine and Lebanon.

If "The Holocaust" was a true human rights lobby for all mankind, then Elie Wiesel, Deborah Lipstadt and Steven Spielberg would be using their clout and prestige to demand an immediate end to Israeli mass murder in Lebanon.

Instead, Wiesel is on record supporting Israeli bombing in Lebanon, while the vast majority of the Israeli people, including the "Holocaust Survivors" among them, also endorse it.

"Holocaust" propaganda has dulled the moral sense of the West. The "Holocaust" is little more than an arm of Zionist psychological warfare for the maintenance of Judaic superiority, racial and ethical, throughout the earth, not for saving the lives of other marginalized peoples.

In fact, it seems to have given the Israelis a hubris as supra-human ethicists with a license to kill civilians without moral qualms or the least fear of war crime prosecution.

No doubt the movie Spielberg will make about what is happening in Lebanon, will show Israeli commanders and troops agonizing about their bombings. But in reality there are no such reservations, just exultation and the arrogance of stone-cold killers swaggering in the knowledge that their murder spree is backed by US super-power money and might. (The Israelis are not so brave when they have to confront Hezbollah militiamen on the ground, man-to-man, rather than from 30,000 feet up in the cockpit of a jet-bomber).

The racial and moral superiority engendered for the Israelis by "Nazi Holocaust" propaganda is the reason why the massacre at Qana in 1996 was forgotten, allowing it to happen all over again in 2006.

"Never again"? Ha!

"Never Again" does not apply when it comes to Israeli extermination of the people of Lebanon, according to an exact Zionist timetable that brooks no "ceasefire." The Israelis will cease fire when every Lebanese woman and child they intend to slaughter is properly dead and buried, and not before. And the "Nazi Holocaust"-saturated human rights campaigners will sit on their hands, exactly as they have been trained to do by Spielberg and Wiesel, and a parade of professors and preachers.

Tears, guilt, classroom curricula, movies and museums are reserved for the victims of the Nazis. Cluster bombs, napalm, missiles and cannon shells are reserved for helpless Arab mothers and their children, with applause from Hillary, Elie and four hundred members of the House of Representatives.

This, in part, is why I am a "Holocaust" revisionist. As sanctimony, "The Holocaust" exceeds the Pharisees in bloated hypocrisy, and as a prop for Israeli mass murder, it is a bloodthirsty alibi for arrogant Zionist supremacy and mass murder.



Haaretz | July 31, 2006

An Israeli air raid on the Lebanese village of Qana which killed at least 56 civilians was the result of indiscriminate Israeli bombing which amounts to a war crime, Human Rights Watch said. The New York-based rights group said Sunday's strike on Qana which killed 37 children suggested the Israeli military was treating southern Lebanon as "a free-fire zone."

"The Israeli military seems to consider anyone left in the area a combatant who is fair game for attack," Human Rights Executive Director Kenneth Roth said in a statement. "(The Qana attack) is the latest product of an indiscriminate bombing campaign that the Israel Defense Forces have waged in Lebanon", the statement said. "Indiscriminate bombing in Lebanon (is) a war crime," read the statement's headline.

Israel says it warned civilians to leave southern Lebanon, where it says it has been targeting Hizbollah guerrillas. But the Lebanese government says Israeli bombardment of roads and cars made it impossible for people to escape...Human Rights Watch said responsibility for Qana rested "squarely with the Israeli military”.

