Thursday, August 10, 2006

I am at War with Fascist Judaism

by One of the 7,000*

Statement of Michael Hoffman on President George W. Bush's declaration of war with a particular religion, "Islamic fascism"

Jesus Christ was not attacked by "Islamic fascists" but by the ideological heirs of today's rabbis. The modern creed of Orthodox Judaism is the same traditional Mishnaic religion as that of the ancient Pharisees who hounded, hunted, stoned and murdered Jesus Christ.

Today, rabbinic fascists are at war with God and all those who love Jesus. One of Judaism's seven "Noahide" laws for non-Judaics prescribes the death penalty for "idol worshippers." Adoration of Jesus Christ constitutes idol worship according to the highest legal authority in Judaism, the Mishneh Torah of Rabbi Moses Maimonides.

Islam is a Christian heresy, the most extreme of all such heresies, but it is still Christian, whereas Judaism is the declared enemy of Jesus Christ and has been since A.D. 33.

Bush is a member of the Judeo-masonic secret society known as Skull and Bones. As such, he is spiritually an appendage of Judaism and he will do the bidding of the rabbis in shedding blood and making war, so that counterfeit "Israel" may continue to plunder land and murder civilians without limit.

In declaring war on the religion of Islam on behalf of racist, murderous Judaism -- the world's most dictatorial, freedom-hating tyranny - Bush has unleashed the darkest demons from Gehanna onto planet earth.

The mad Judas in the White House has made certain that for which Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush Sr. and Bill Clinton laid the groundwork: war without end, and the transformation of America from a Christian Republic into a rabbinic dictatorship that will make Orwell's 1984 look like Mr. Rogers' neighborhood.

May all lovers of freedom continue in the God-ordained struggle against the Chief Priests and their modern heirs, the rabbis of fascist Orthodox Judaism.

To George W. Bush I declare, Caesar had his Brutus and Charles the First his Cromwell, and may you profit from their example.

We will have no King but Jesus!

Michael Hoffman 

*One of the 7,000 of I Kings 19:18



  1. Anonymous4:22 PM

    As usual sir, you lay it out straight, plain and clear for all to see. I concur ... we will have no King but Jesus!

  2. Anonymous1:37 PM

    If the state of Israel is a counterfeit, where is the real mccoy? Who represents true Israel in the world today? Who created the counterfeit and why?

  3. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Michael Hoffman, you are a very sick fucked-up son of a whore. You are the greatest argument I can think of for keeping abortion legal. Unfortunately your mother didn't choose that option. Its not the Jews' fault your dad sodomized you. Go get help.

  4. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Michael Hoffman II is a historian par excellence. It is such a pitty that these brainwashed P'rushim followers have to share their lack of intelligence with the world. Everyone who can read hebrew and aramaic that isn't under the mind-control of a 'rabbi' knows that Rabbinism is a grand fraud. These internet cult-members lashing insults at Mr. Hoffman II is more than enough proof the the lack of integrity of their pharisaic halacha. Thank you Mr. Hoffman II for your enlightening research.


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