Monday, July 03, 2023

Christian Nationalism: Blessing or Menace?

 Christian Nationalism: Blessing or Menace?

American Independence in the Light of Christ

Book Review 

Douglas Wilson, Mere Christendom 

Canon Press, 2023; 257 pages; hardcover

Reviewed by Michael Hoffman

"...I could assess Mere Christendom as an invaluable practical manual and leave it at that, but it would be damning it with faint praise. There are exegetical depths from which any Christian, intellectual or not, will derive much profit, and despite its flaws, this work is probably the most useful account extant of why and how America should be resuscitated through faith in Jesus, while deflating the Handmaid’s Tale hysteria that attaches itself to all serious campaigns to revive our Christian heritage. .."

Read the review online at this link


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