Monday, January 25, 2021

The Talmud Contrasted with the Ethics of Thomas Jefferson


My Speech in Montana

Purchase the DVD here

By Michael Hoffman

I spoke for 75 minutes at Rev. Dr. Chuck Baldwin’s Liberty Fellowship Conference last Saturday in Kalispell, Montana, along with the eminent historian, Prof. Thomas DiLorenzo (speaking on “The Real Lincoln”).

My topic was, “The Babylonian Talmud, Its Impact on America Contrasted with the Ethics of Thomas Jefferson.” I received a standing ovation at the end of the address from the approximately 250 persons assembled.

(An all-region DVD of the speech has been issued and may be obtained at this link).

We sold many books and made many new contacts. Dr. Baldwin treated my wife and myself like royalty. The Liberty Fellowship is a family affair —  large families with children trained in the way they should go, as Scripture indicates. This is the basis for our survival and victory. The man assigned to my security detail is the father of eleven impressive children. His slim, attractive wife and many of those children, were present.

A man from Italy presented me with his translation into Italian of my book, Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare. He is attempting to find a publisher in Italy for it. He undertook the translation gratis.

A lovely anti-Communist family from Poland, now resident in the U.S,. introduced themselves. Their precocious ninth grader is being home-schooled with the Logos curriculum.

We met Kalispell physician (M.D.) “Doctor Annie,” a dynamo who was among the first to scientifically question the COVID-19 hysteria.

We were pleased to see Black, Hispanic and Asian Christians in the audience, as well as one man of Judaic descent who is following Our Savior Jesus Christ.

Seated at the banquet table on Friday  left to right: Michael Hoffman, Prof. Tom DiLorenzo and Rev. Dr. Chuck Baldwin

Liberty Fellowship is highly organized and has deep roots in the local community. I wish you all could have been there to experience the camaraderie, as well as the brilliant lectures by Pastor Baldwin and Dr. DiLorenzo. I was privileged to spend quality time with both men over two successive evening dinners, benefiting from their expertise.

The drive from our base in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho via US 90, then to Montana state highways beginning near St. Regis, and turning just before Plains, Montana through the Flathead Indian reservation, grants those fortunate to travel this old pioneer road, startling proof of our Creator’s magnificence. I said to my Kalispell interlocutors, I didn't see how anyone who experiences this spectacular view of the Bitterroot Mountains every day could become overly depressed or morose. The divine grandeur is simply too magnificent and overwhelming. True Christians are flocking to the area in droves.

Our thanks to Chuck and Connie Baldwin for a fabulous weekend in which we were afforded the opportunity to convey to an alert and enthusiastic audience new research on Thom Jefferson’s views on the Talmud and the occult, and to “inoculate” them against Talmudic hate speech and halakhic usurpation of our court system. 

Michael Hoffman autographing one of his books, near a volume of the Talmud, left open on the table (at bottom right)

We placed a volume of the uncensored (Steinsaltz) Babylonian Talmud open on our book table  tractate Sanhedrin  with the hate speech passages underlined in Aramaic and English, a fairly irrefutable means of establishing our thesis. Exposing bigotry and extremism is our educational mission.

Soli Deo Gloria,

Michael Hoffman

An all-region DVD of Mr. Hoffman's 75-minute speech is available for purchase here


Wednesday, January 06, 2021

Trump’s January 6 Gift to the Deep State

By Michael Hoffman

On January 6 Donald Trump's puppets acted their scripted part in the Cryptocracy's theatre 

This report was online free of charge as a public service from January 7 to January 16. It has been greatly expanded into the 12 page January edition of Revisionist History® newsletter, and is now available only to those who subscribe or who purchase issue no. 112 


Independent History and Research

Box 849 • Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83816


Tuesday, January 05, 2021

Constitutional Remedy for Big Tech Censorship and Cancellation

Robert Goodfriend's remedy for draconian online censorship by Silicon Valley tyrants ought to be passed by Congress without delay to ensure the survival of freedom and the advancement of knowledge, in accordance with our liberties as guaranteed in the Bill of Rights

"I agree with Rick White that 'Laws Governing Online Speech Need Reform, Not Repeal' (Wall Street Journal op-ed, Dec. 23). 

"Outright repeal of Section 230, which grants immunity from liability to internet platforms for content posted on their sites by third parties, would prompt even more censorship. The social-media companies would try to protect themselves from litigation over all kinds of potentially offensive or illegal content that users post. 

"Since the First Amendment is a well-litigated line between permissible and impermissible speech consistent with the values of a free society, it offers the best solution for regulating the social-media companies. 

"The government should condition the grant of immunity under Section 230 on a pledge from the platforms not to censor third-party content unless it falls outside the protections of the First Amendment, such as libel, threats to overthrow the government, direct threats of physical violence and certain types of indecent material. 

"Censoring 'hate speech' or content suspected of originating with hackers couldn’t meet this standard because such speech is within the protection of the First Amendment. 

"Any internet provider that refused to adopt this policy would lose the protections of Section 230 entirely."

Robert Goodfriend

