Saturday, October 25, 2014

White House Astrologer Dies

By Michael Hoffman

Joan Quigley with her “charts,” posed hand and finger gestures.
Notice the arrow in the mirror at right (above the lampshade).

White House Astrologer Dies — No, we’re not referring to Obama's White House, or the White House in the Clinton or Carter administrations. Joan Quigley (Kansas City, MO April 10, 1927 - San Francisco, CA Oct. 21, 2014), was President Ronald Reagan’s astrologer. He’s the president relentlessly touted in Right wing media as a “true American” and "the greatest conservative to serve in the White House”—  one of America’s finest exemplars. As usual, this is smoke and mirrors for the suckers.

Quigley set the time for summit meetings, presidential debates, Reagan’s 1985 cancer surgery, State of the Union addresses and more. Without approval from the astrologer, Air Force One did not take off.

Donald Regan stated: “Virtually every major move and decision the Reagans made during my time as White House chief of staff was cleared in advance with a woman in San Francisco who drew up horoscopes to make certain that the planets were in a favorable alignment for the enterprise.” (cf. For the Record: From Wall Street to Washington).

In Nancy Reagan's 1989 memoir, My Turn, the former first lady said she called Quigley in the aftermath of an assassination attempt on the president. "I'm scared every time he leaves the house," she told Quigley, seeking advice on the timing of President Reagan's comings and goings...The former First Lady, who said she was highly embarrassed by the revelation of Quigley’s role (payments to Quigley had been made through a third party to try to keep the relationship secret), wrote in My Turn, "While astrology was a factor in determining Ronnie's schedule, it was never the only one, and no political decision was ever based on it.”

Joan Quigley graduated from Vassar College with a degree in art history. Following the interest of her mother in astrology, she apprenticed herself for a year to a person the New York Times identified as "a soothsayer named Jerome Pearson." After college Quigley penned an astrology column for Seventeen magazine. Quigley used the alias, "Angel Star" in some of her writing. Miss Quigley met Nancy Reagan through a client, the entertainer Merv Griffin. From 1972 to 1985, Quigley was a regular guest on Griffin’s syndicated talk show. A Republican, she worked on Reagan’s campaigns for governor of California. Quigley wrote a book about her experiences with the Reagans, What Does Joan Say? (This was the question which Quigley says the the President would often ask the First Lady when he was faced with an important decision).

Members of the Federation of American Scientists, including five Nobel laureates, protested Quigley’s influence over the Reagan presidency. Carl Sagan wrote in The Demon-Haunted World: “Nancy and Ronald Reagan relied on an astrologer in private and public matters — unknown to the voting public. Some portion of the decision-making that influences the future of our civilization is plainly in the hands of charlatans.”

Spokesman-Review (Spokane, Wash.) Oct. 25, p. A3

"Thou art wearied in the multitude of thy counsels. Let now the astrologers, the stargazers, the monthly prognosticators, stand up, and save thee from [these things] that shall come upon thee. Behold, they shall be as stubble; the fire shall burn them; they shall not deliver themselves from the power of the flame..."  — Isaiah 47: 13-14


Black Friday the 24th: a Fortean digest

Seven days before Halloween 2014, in the midst of national and international fears over the Ebola plague and "ISIS terrorism" (ISIS was an ancient goddess of witchcraft), the following events and “tragic coincidences” occurred in the American West, on Friday, October 24th.

RIVERSIDE: Tragic Inland coincidence in slaying of Placer County sheriff's investigator

Investigator killed by gunman in Sacramento area died the same day as his dad -- an Inland sheriff's investigator

Press-Enterprise (Riverside, California) • Oct. 24, 2014 Updated: 11:14 p.m.

On Oct. 24, 1988, Riverside County sheriff’s Investigator Michael David Davis Sr. died in a helicopter crash while trying to capture drug smugglers. Exactly 26 years later, one of Davis’ children, Placer County sheriff’s Investigator Michael David Davis Jr., was shot to death Friday during a gunman’s rampage in the Sacramento area. The tragic coincidence was troubling.

Rick Kothlow, who retired from full-time duty at the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department six years ago, was close friends with Davis Sr. after they worked together in Palm Desert. It was he who told Davis’ wife of the helicopter crash. On Friday, Kothlow said, he received an email from a cousin of Davis Jr., alerting him to the shooting in Northern California.

“I looked at my calendar and said, ‘Oh, God,’” Kothlow said in a phone interview. Kothlow knows the day too well. His father died on Oct. 24, 1977, after a long illness.

And 11 years later, Kothlow knocked on the door at Davis Sr.’s home. The person who answered was Davis Jr., who at the time was about 16 years old.

Friday, a man killed Davis Jr., 42, and Sacramento County sheriff's Deputy Danny Oliver, 47.

He injured a third deputy and seriously injured a civilian. The suspect, Marcelo Marquez, 34, was found hiding in a home in Auburn and was arrested.

Davis Jr. was one of five children.

Late in 1988, Davis Sr., 34, was involved in Operation Border Ranger, a joint drug smuggling interdiction operation in Imperial County conducted by six Southern California sheriff’s departments and state and federal authorities.

That night, the Army National Guard helicopter that carried Davis and other members of the team crashed into the mountainous area of western Imperial County. All aboard died instantly as the helicopter caught fire, according to a Riverside County Sheriff's Department biography of Davis Sr.

He was a highly honored Riverside County deputy. In 1986, Davis was named Palm Desert Peace Officer of the Year.

In 1987, he received the Riverside County Peace Officer of the Year Award, American Legion Peace Officer of the Year Award, was chosen No. 1 shooter in the state in the Master Class and was the second county sheriff’s deputy ever to receive the Medal of Valor. (END QUOTE)


This issue of the Riverside, California Press-Enterprise (online) contains a report on the following "23rd annual event,” which also occurred on Oct. 24, replete with a "makeshift morgue,” an "axe murder,” a "Ouija board” (the movie “Ouija” debuted nationwide October 24), “clowns with chainsaws,” and a link to the Twilight Zone via the invocation of the name of its creator, Rod Serling. 

RIVERSIDE: Students hone spooky theatrical talents at Ghost Walk

Students from Riverside’s Martin Luther King High School debuted their shrieking skills, gory makeup and zombie shuffling, plus some acting chops, on Friday at the 23rd annual Ghost Walk.

The Halloween event, which continues tonight, offers five spooky tours – two are G-rated, and the others PG-13 – at notable spots downtown, where costumed performers recite or act out scary stories. There’s also a paranormal tour, a jazz and hip-hop “Thriller” dance and carnival games.

But before the creepy curtain lifted on Friday’s Ghost Walk, students and adult volunteers had to set the stage with coffins and cauldrons, fire up the fog machines and put on morbid makeup.

About 300 high school students from Riverside and Corona are working on this year’s event, helping set up and tear down scenery, running the carnival games, guiding tours and performing, event coordinator Sandy Ramirez said.

At a tour stop in a vacant building at Sixth and Main streets, King High drama students created a complete “haunted experience” that features eerie tales set in the legendary catacombs below the Mission Inn. Theater teacher Roberta Pipitone said she crafted the students’ ideas into stories, which include a woman who kills her husband’s mistress with an ax and a makeshift morgue for victims of a flu epidemic.

Kitt Roberts, 17, had two jobs: running the sound effects in a room full of creepy toys and playing a zombie in the morgue. As part of the tech crew, she made signs and helped build a table that holds a Ouija board with a planchette – the heart-shaped piece that spells out letters – that seems to move by itself.

“I love going to amusement parks and watching movies and seeing how people create things, so I’m looking forward to being a part of something like that,” she said. This is Akio Ali’s second year doing Ghost Walk. The 17-year-old student said King High’s tour last year was one of the scariest, and this year includes something many people fear – clowns with chainsaws.

Ali, who got into theater after a spinal injury benched his football career, was part of a story about a poisoned prom dress. “I try to channel my inner Rod Serling for the creepiness,” he said.

Nayoko Edwards, 15, plays the mistress who gets axed in the head. She got to have a little fun with her part.

“I ask someone if they have an aspirin because I have a splitting headache,” she said.

Their hours of preparation paid off on the first tour Friday night, with a few visitors getting spooked and others admiring the B-movie-worthy screams emitted by several actors.

Members of Girl Scout Troop 155, from Moreno Valley, seemed entertained, and maybe a little spooked when they stepped outside to head to the next tour stop. “I hate clowns!” said Willow Beach, 11.

Grace Hudgens, 11, said the creepiest part was the story of a Mexican man whose remains were found in the catacombs. Heaven Law, 10, said she wasn’t frightened, except by “that part when somebody sawed something.”

Paula Beach, the assistant troop leader, said last year the girls went on one of the G-rated tours and wanted to amp up the fear factor this time. “Now they’re scared,” she joked. (END QUOTE).

The California "Ghost Walk" continues Oct. 25.


Also on October 24 as reported online by the same California journal:

SAN BERNARDINO: Window washer shocked by electricity, catches fire 

Oct. 24, 2014 Updated: 11:30 p.m.

A man washing windows on a county building in San Bernardino suffered an electrical shock and caught fire Friday, Oct. 24, when his 30-foot-long pole came in contact with a power line. The man was in critical condition at Arrowhead Regional Medical Center in Colton at last report, San Bernardino city Fire Department Battalion Chief Nathan Cooke said Friday afternoon.

Firefighters responding to a report of a man on fire about 11:40 a.m. at 1365 S. Waterman Ave. found the victim suffering from serious burns, Cooke said. His telescoping pole had touched a line charged with 115,000 volts, Cooke said. The middle-aged man was working with a partner, who was not injured, Cooke said. The incident happened at the Inland Regional Center, which serves people with developmental disabilities. The victim was believed to work for an independent contractor, Cooke said. The Occupational Health and Safety Administration and arson investigators were looking into the accident. Edison responded to cut off the electricity.


The NY Times reported that two officers named Davis were in the patrol car that pulled over suspected killer Marcello Marquez . We note that one of the officers has the same name as the first and only President of the Confederate States of America:

2 California Officers Are Killed in Rampage

With the police in the region on high alert, two officers stopped the truck in a residential area near Auburn, and Mr. Marquez shot them both, one of them fatally, and fled on foot, prompting the manhunt, said Dena Erwin, spokeswoman for the Placer County sheriff’s office. Ms. Erwin said the two officers were hit at close range with shots from an AR-15 semiautomatic rifle. Detective Michael David Davis, 42, was identified as the officer who was killed. The Placer County sheriff, Edward N. Bonner, said Detective Davis’s father was a deputy in Riverside County who was killed on Oct. 24, 1988 — 26 years ago to the day. The other officer, Deputy Sheriff Jeff Davis, was treated for a gunshot wound to the arm and released from a hospital.


The other spectacular October 24 killing, perpetrated by a “recently crowned prince," occurred in a state named after the first President of the United States of America:

Marysville shooter ID’d; 3 ‘very critical’
Official identified the shooter as freshman Jaylen Fryberg

By DOUG ESSER, Associated Press MARTHA BELLISLE, Associated Press
October 24, 2014, 11:12 am Updated: October 24, 2014, 11:20 pm

Marysville, Washington — A student recently crowned freshman class Homecoming prince walked into his Seattle-area high school cafeteria Friday and opened fire, killing one person and shooting four others — including two of his cousins — before turning the gun on himself, officials and witnesses said.

Students said the gunman was staring at his victims as he shot them inside the cafeteria at Marysville-Pilchuck High School. The shootings set off a chaotic scene as students ran from the cafeteria and building in a frantic dash to safety, while others were told to stay put inside classrooms at the school 30 miles north of Seattle.

An undated photo of Jaylen Fryberg, identifed by his family as the gunman at Marysville-Pilchuck High School in Marysville, Washington, according to CBS and KIRO in Seattle. Oct. 24, 2014

The gunman was identified as student Jaylen Fryberg, a government official with direct knowledge of the shooting told The Associated Press. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media.

Students and parents said Fryberg was a member of a prominent family from the nearby Tulalip Indian tribes and a freshman who played on the high school football team. He was introduced at a football game as a prince in the 2014 Homecoming court, according to a video shot by parent Jim McGauhey.

Marysville Police Commander Robb Lamoureux said the gunman died of a self-inflicted wound, but he could not provide more details.

Shaylee Bass, 15, a sophomore at the school, said Fryberg had recently gotten into a fight with another boy over a girl. “He was very upset about that,” said Bass, who was stunned by the shooting. “He was not a violent person,” she said. “His family is known all around town. He was very well known. That’s what makes it so bizarre.”

Three of the victims had head wounds and were in critical condition. Two unidentified young women were at Providence Everett Medical Center, and 15-year-old Andrew Fryberg was at Harborview Medical Center in Seattle, a hospital official said.

Another victim, 14-year-old Nate Hatch, was listed in serious condition at Harborview, the hospital said. Family members told KIRO-TV that Andrew Fryberg and Hatch are cousins of Jaylen Fryberg.

Witnesses described the shooter as methodical inside the cafeteria. Brian Patrick said his daughter, a freshman, was 10 feet from the gunman when the shooting occurred. She ran from the cafeteria and immediately called her mother. Patrick said his daughter told him, “The guy walked into the cafeteria, pulled out a gun and started shooting. No arguing, no yelling.”

A crowd of parents later waited in a parking lot outside a nearby church where they were reunited with their children. Buses dropped off students evacuated from the school, and some ran to hug their mothers and fathers. Patrick said after the shooting that his other daughter, a senior at the school, was “hysterical” when she called him from her classroom. “I thought, ‘God let my kids be safe,” he said.

Some students described Jaylen Fryberg as a happy, popular student, but social media accounts suggested he was struggling with an unidentified problem. On Wednesday, a posting on his Twitter account read: “It won’t last … It’ll never last.” On Monday, another tweet said: “I should have listened. … You were right … The whole time you were right.”

Marysville-Pilchuck High School has a number of students from the Tulalip Indian tribes. Ron Iukes, a youth counselor with the tribes, said Jaylen Fryberg was from a well-known tribal family. “They’re real good people, very loving, a big part of the community,” he said. “Jaylen was one of our good kids. It’s just a shock this happened. I’ve known this boy since he was a baby.”

Nathan Heckendorf, a 17-year-old junior at the high school, said he saw Jaylen Fryberg on Friday morning before the shooting and there was nothing to indicate he was upset. “He looked happy, everything seemed fine,” Heckendorf said.

State Sen. John McCoy, a tribal member, said the shooting devastated the tribal community. “We’re all related in one shape or form. We live and work and play together,” he said.

Hundreds of people prayed and sang at a church vigil Friday night for victims and family members. The Oak Harbor high school football team, which had been set to play Marysville later that night, lined the front row of Grove Church in their purple jerseys. The game was canceled and Oak Harbor offered to give the win to Marysville. “It’s something we need,” Felecia Thompson said about the vigil. “And getting together right away, we can help move through it.” (END QUOTE)


Michael Hoffman: With all the pharmacologically-linked school shootings in the past, reporters should routinely state whether or not a school shooter was reputed to be, or suspected of having ingested psychiatric medication, or any other drug. In the preceding news report, no such possible link is investigated.

Finally, we note another October 24 "coincidence": in 1929 the stock market crashed on Oct. 24, leading to the devastation known to history as the Great Depression.

What does this all mean, if anything? Are these macabre and eerie events "just coincidences," or are they somehow ritually invoked as a type of civic magic — transmitting subliminal programming to our subconscious?

Hoffman is the author of Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare and the editor of the perodical, Revisionist History.

Commentary and Analysis Copyright ©2014 by Michael Hoffman


Monday, October 20, 2014

Sodomite “rights” in “conservative" Idaho

We have not obtained donations sufficient to resume production of On the Contrary, and this blog remains suspended. However, in light of the national contoversy which has erupted here in our home base of Coeur d'Alene Idaho, concerning the struggle for Christian rights under assault from sodomite supremacy and "gay" tyranny, we believe it is our obligation to offer the public a link to a local news report, and a brief statement of our own. The reasonably objective local news report is here.

Sodomite "Rights" in Idaho

In response to queries expressing consternation that "conservative" Coeur d'Alene, Idaho passed homosexual "rights" legislation, we respond as follows:

Like much of the Right wing in America, Coeur d'Alene is "conservative" only in so far as conservatism enhances money-making opportunities. The god of both the Left and the Right in America is Mammon, not Jesus Christ. "Conservative" Idaho permits lenders to charge a 400% rate of interest on loans to the least of Christ's brethren.

The money-loving powers that be, here in the resort city of Coeur d'Alene, have decided that they can attract more tourist shekels if they make our town a "haven of tolerance," according to the degenerate trends now in fashion, viz. special legal privileges for males who engage in sodomy.

The brave Christians who operate the "Hitching Post" wedding chapel in Coeur d'Alene are standing their ground. May God prosper the cause for which they struggle.

Let them know you support their courageous commitment to the Gospel, either by e-mail:

or by postal mail: 524 Government Way, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83814. 

In Christ,
Michael Hoffman
Independent History and Research
Box 849, Coeur d'Alene 83816


Saturday, October 11, 2014

International Monetary Fund and the Making Manifest of What is Hidden

“Drop the zero, seven"

By Michael Hoffman 

On January 15, 2014, Christine Lagarde, the head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) gave a speech at the National Press Club in Washington D.C., following the IMF’s annual review of the US economy. (Lagarde has held several ministerial portfolios in France, including Finance, Agriculture, Commerce and Industry. She was also chairman of the international law firm, Baker & McKenzie. Since 2011 she has been managing director of the International Monetary Fund).

Here are her introductory remarks:
"Now, I’m going to test your numerology skills by asking you to think about the magic seven, okay? Most of you will know that seven is quite a number in all sorts of themes, religions. And I’m sure that you can compress numbers as well. So if we think about 2014, all right, I’m just giving you 2014, you drop the zero, 14, two times 7. Okay, that’s just by way of example, and we’re going to carry on. So 2014 will be a milestone and hopefully a magic year in many respects. It will mark the hundredth anniversary of the First World War back in 1914. It will note the 70th anniversary, drop the zero, seven-- of the Breton Woods conference that actually gave birth to the IMF."
In this writer's book Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare, the last edition of which was published in April 2001, I do something similar to Lagarde, in that I breakdown the significance of 2001 —  drop the zeros, twenty-one —  of the 21 Gateway of Black Jack.

My analysis would be regarded as that of a "nutjob" by establishment-media lapdogs, but Lagarde's analysis, using methods similar to mine is well-received and respected.

What she is doing in her speech, is making manifest a methodology which by her use of it gives it the stamp of veracity and authentication: There are indeed magic numbers, and there are indeed magic years in which those numbers play a significant part. 2001 was one such year, serving as the 21 Gateway.

The Crypocracy, via one of its most powerful mouthpieces, is telling the peasants, "you can read the universe like Hoffman does, because we do."

Are you listening?

Does this truth put you on the alert, or does it put you deeper into your trance?

What is the magical significance of the code name of Queen Elizabeth I’s Astrologer Royal?

What is the magical significance of the code name of Queen Elizabeth II’s secret agent, licensed to kill?

Drop the zeros, seven.


Thursday, October 09, 2014

The Talmud and the Israeli secret police

For the first time in history, all top Israeli secret police posts (Mossad, Shin Bet etc.) will soon be held by Orthodox followers of the Talmud. 

Forward newspaper reporter J.J. Goldberg explains why Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is packing top intelligence slots with strict followers of the Talmud 

(Michael Hoffman's Afterword follows this excerpt from Mr. Goldberg's report)

A Kippah on the Head of Israel’s Intelligence Chief
One by One, Top Spooks Replaced by Orthodox
By J.J. Goldberg • Forward • October 8, 2014

...After decades of domination by secular centrists, there’s been a dramatic surge of religious nationalist youth — settlers and yeshiva graduates — in crack (Israeli) combat units. A decade ago, secret reports began circulating inside IDF headquarters indicating that with Orthodox youth comprising nearly a third of officers’ training course graduates, religious conservatives would form a plurality of senior field commanders within a decade. This summer they began to make their presence felt.

Exactly what that means isn’t yet clear. The generals praise their fighting spirit. But reports surface of officers and rabbi-chaplains urging the troops to a holy war against the enemies of God.

...Major General Herzl “Hertzi” Halevi... is the first Orthodox Jew to command IDF Military Intelligence. Together with Shin Bet director Yoram Cohen, two of Israel’s three top intelligence services are now commanded by Orthodox Jews.

That will become three out of three in 2016 if Prime Minister Netanyahu remains in office long enough to replace current Mossad director Tamir Pardo, as he’s reportedly planning, with his current national security adviser, Yossi Cohen.

...In the spring of 2010 he asked his Security Cabinet for authorization to attack Iran, but the unanimous opposition of the service chiefs — IDF chief of staff Gabi Ashkenazi, Mossad chief Meir Dagan, Shin Bet chief Yuval Diskin and MI chief Amos Yadlin — convinced the cabinet to refuse. Infuriated, Bibi resolved to replace them. During the course of 2011 he ousted Dagan and Diskin. He also pushed for new faces in the IDF, which he doesn’t directly control.

The new crew, however, proved as bad — that is, moderate — as the old. That could explain why one position after another is now being filled by Orthodox Jews, whose views are, if not totally predictable, at least more likely to lean rightward.

The first was Yoram Cohen at Shin Bet. His appointment in 2011 caused a public uproar. The job had been promised to the agency’s No. 2, known as Y. However, Y headed the agency’s Jewish Division, tracking down settler radicals and interdicting so-called price tag attacks, which the State Department calls terrorism. As widely reported at the time, this alienated the settler leadership, which pressed for Cohen instead, and got him. Price tag incidents have since gone up. Arrests declined.

In 2012 Netanyahu tried to name Halevi, then commander of the Galilee Division, as his personal military secretary. Now came a showdown with IDF chief of staff Benny Gantz. It’s his job to offer nominees from which the prime minister chooses. Gantz wanted Halevi in another slot. Netanyahu, it’s said, wanted Halevi because of his background as an Orthodox Jew from a prominent Jerusalem Likud family. He lost.

Almost immediately he began pressing for Halevi to succeed (Major General Aviv) Kochavi at Military Intelligence. By late 2013 he’d won that fight. That summer he picked Yossi Cohen, another Orthodox Jew from an old Likud family, then serving as deputy chief of Mossad, to be his national security adviser, grooming him for Mossad chief.

The trend isn’t limited to the top slots. Israel’s military correspondents from left to right have been falling over each other throughout 2014 reporting on the Orthodox boom in the senior ranks. In January Haaretz’s Amir Oren caused a media furor with a report, titled “Dangerous Shin Bet,” that said three of the agency’s top four officials are Orthodox, including director, deputy director and chief of its Arab-Iran division.

...In February, Yohai Ofer of the right-wing daily Makor Rishon took on the Mossad. It had so many Orthodox senior agents that it hired an in-house rabbi to decide halachic questions like when Sabbath may be violated for an operation. In May, Amir Rappaport of the conservative Maariv published an overview of Orthodox leadership across the services. He said it was arousing a quiet furor within the security establishment. Kochavi’s battle for nuance on Hamas is the tip of an iceberg. In the end, the old guard can complain all they want. When the current process is done, nuanced evaluations of Hamas or Iran will be a thing of the past.  [End quote]

Read more at:

Michael Hoffman's Afterword:

The notion that Israeli "operations" were more “nuanced" prior to the rise of Orthodox Talmudists inside the Israeli security and military establishment is a failed analogy. The Talmud has always driven the ideology of Zionism —  but indirectly —  through the amalgamation of secular Leftist messianism with Talmudic Judaism which was achieved by the man who founded Zionism and who Karl Marx termed "my rabbi” —  the remarkable Moses Hess. (I have a long study of Hess in my book Judaism Discovered).

What was slightly hopeful in the past about Israeli secularists is that they were sometimes capable of producing a real mensch, in the sense of an Israeli leader attempting to free himself from the twin shackles of Talmudism and Holocaustianity; that man was Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, who was assassinated by an admitted follower of the Talmud, and on halachic grounds.

With the rise of openly Talmudic Orthodox Judaics in the officer corps and the secret police, Israeli policies toward Palestinians will become progressively more savage. The 2000-odd Palestinians wiped out in the latest massacre-down-the-memory-hole is nothing compared with the bloodbath to come.

Because the Israelis have the unstinting support of the US Congress, the vast majority of the American media and tens of millions of Fundamentalist Protestants and neocon "Catholics," they are proceeding with an escalation of mass murder operations and land theft in defiance of European public opinion.

Palestinian blood will flow and their land will be stolen at higher rates than ever at the hands of the followers of the Babylonian Talmud, for whom all goyim are little more than, in the words of Chabad founder Rabbi Zalman, "supernal garbage."

But who cares? Turn on the glass toilet and watch a rerun of the latest "Holocaust" movie and weep for the victims of the 1940s Nazis. It is always 1940 in America.

Michael Hoffman is the author of The Israeli Holocaust Against the Palestinians, and The Great Holocaust Trial: The Landmark Battle for the Right to Doubt the West's Most Sacred Relic.


Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Remembering Edgar Allan Poe on the anniversary of his death

Today is the 165th anniversary of the death of Edgar Allan Poe

"Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.”

Anti-masonic poet of antebellum America. Inventor of the detective and science fiction genres.
Was Poe's death at age 40 due to a blow to the head from an assailant?

 Audio CD
 Michael Hoffman Introduces Poe And Reads From His Works 

Contents: 1. Hoffman's Introduction to the life and work of Edgar Allan Poe. 
2. Hoffman reads "The Cask of Amontillado" and "The Raven" 

CD. 37 minutes. $15 postpaid in the USA. $20 to Canada. $25 Europe and Asia. 

Send US check, or money order in US Funds to 
Independent History and Research, Box 849, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816 USA

Or pay by to: rarebooks14[at] 
(substitute @ for "at" in the preceding e-mail address). 
If using Paypal, please add 5% to your total. Idaho residents please 6% tax.


Monday, October 06, 2014

Was the "Ebola virus" made in a laboratory?


Was the "Ebola virus" made in a Lab?

Opportunistic Infections and Opportunistic Encryption

By Michael Hoffman
Copyright ©2014 •  All Rights Reserved

I have no hard evidence that the deadly Ebola virus was made in a laboratory. As a longtime student of Twilight Language however, I am concerned about two facts: 1. a rather convoluted tale of how the virus was named, and 2. what sub-rosa message (if any) the letters of the  word "Ebola" represent when re-arranged.  

The following is taken from an October 4 (2014) interview with the Flemish virologist Prof. Peter Piot, said to be the "discoverer," in 1976, of the "Ebola" virus. He is currently the director of the London School of Tropical Medicine.

In an interview with England’s Observer newspaper, Piot states that victims of the pathogen were first infected in "Yambuku and the area around it," in what had been the old Belgian Congo. (In 1976 it was called Zaire; today it is again named Congo).

He gives the following account of how the virus was named:

Observer newspaper: You were also the one who gave the virus its name. Why Ebola?

Peter Piot: "On that day our team sat together late into the night – we had also had a couple of drinks – discussing the question. We definitely didn't want to name the new pathogen 'Yambuku virus,' because that would have stigmatized the place forever. There was a map hanging on the wall and our American team leader suggested looking for the nearest river and giving the virus its name. It was the Ebola river. So by around three or four in the morning we had found a name. But the map was small and inexact. We only learned later that the nearest river was actually a different one. But Ebola is a nice name, isn't it?"

Piot and an anonymous "American team leader" supposedly named the virus after "the nearest river," Ebola, which, as it turns out, was not the nearest river. This river-naming explanation is repeated by the Establishment media without question. 

Do you believe Prof. Piot’s account of how the virus was named? While I am not accusing Piot of any wrong-doing, I don't necessarily take his statement at face value. 

In the “Revelation of the Method” era in which we find ourselves, clues to mysteries and even the mysteries themselves are often openly revealed.

"Ebola" is a strong brand name like Exxon and Kodak. Piot's enigmatic statement that "Ebola is a nice name" is bizarre; almost a hint pointing to a clue.

What makes "Ebola" a “nice name” for a killer virus?

Rearranging the letters of the word Ebola I come up with: oe lab (OE Lab).

OE is an abbreviation for different subjects and reference points, one of which is "Opportunistic Encryption (OE)," which "refers to any system that, when connecting to another system, attempts to encrypt the communications channel."

Piot goes on to state that the virus is: "One of the deadliest infectious diseases the world had ever seen...we hardly have any way to combat this virus...And it is clear that the virus is mutating...that really is the apocalyptic scenario." 

In the last few years American popular culture has been infected with "zombie" memes and themes. Some critics of this culture view the behavior of Americans as increasingly corpse-like. In the folklore of voodoo, a zombie is a corpse animated by black magic. One form of this magic involves the invocation of “words of power.” 

If there were someone or something that creates animated corpses (i.e. zombies), one problem for those zombie creators would be the question how to keep them animated. Patently, zombies are only useful if they are walking and otherwise moving their body parts for more than a brief period.

With the preceding in mind, read what Prof. Piot says concerning one possible outcome of an Ebola mutation:

"From the perspective of a virus, it isn't desirable for its host, within which the pathogen hopes to multiply, to die so quickly. It would be much better for the virus to allow us to stay alive longer...a mutation that would allow Ebola patients to live a couple of weeks longer is certainly possible and would be advantageous for the virus...that would allow Ebola patients to infect many, many more people than is currently the case."

I recognize that “Ebola” may indeed be what the media are saying it is: a naturally-occurring disease that came of out of nowhere. Or is it? It may be necessary to decrypt “the communications channel” to discover that it is a form of germ warfare both physical and mental, which lives up to its “apocalyptic” branding.

Michael Hoffman is the author of Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare. His columns are made possible by donations from truth-seekers and the purchase of his books, newsletters and recordings

Friday, October 03, 2014

Follow-up on the Birch Society's smear of Vladimir Putin

The following is an e-mail from an American Catholic layman received in response to yesterday's On the Contrary column:

Dear Michael,
...Yesterday I read Bill Jasper’s attack on Putin and I thought to myself, I wonder what Mr. Jasper thinks of the comparison between politics in this country (Obama and his filthy go-alongs in the ZOG-controlled Congress) and Putin’s politically controlled atmosphere where the Russian legislature (Duma) almost unanimously (one vote a nay) condemned homosexuality and all its degenerate spin-offs in Russia.  Where else in the world do you see anything approaching this sterling moral and politically incorrect stance anywhere today?  And it is led by none other than Vladimir Putin. God knows what is going on the minds of Jasper, John McManus and his “Catholic” wannabes in the head-shop of the John Birch Society.  This is arrant hypocrisy—and treason!


Michael Hoffman replies to Pat:

Dear Pat

In their war on Vladimir Putin, the Birch Society joins the One-World forces of neocon Zionism. Birds of a feather flock together. This observation will not be lost on most of the people the Birchers are attempting to mislead. 

In my lifetime and career as a scholar, I have been invited to appear on exactly two national television programs: Iranian TV and Russia's RT network. In the latter case my appearance was broadcast outside of Russia and around the world. The corrupt pro-Zionist TV networks, such as the BBC in Britain, and FOX, CNN, CBS etc. in the USA, would never dream of having this writer address a national audience. By their fruits ye shall know them.

John Birch Society Chairman John McManus knows the score when it comes to Talmudic and Zionist perfidy, but like tens of thousands of other timid careerists, he refuses to do God's will by speaking forthrightly and exposing these iniquitous ideologies. Instead, he plays dumb. This is one main reason why evil rides so high in our world: men in positions of power and influence will not do their duty.

Fortunately, the John Birch Society is a mere shadow of its former self.  Their new assault on Putin will be seen for what it is -- a Cold War relic of a rigged chess game. Most of us know that President Putin is the bane of sodomite America, as well as Antichrist NATO and the Israeli-Russian oligarchs who are seething at his obstruction of their scheme to buy the media and politics of Mother Russia. Not a week goes by without the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times or FOX News attempting to stir up war-like hostility toward the leader of the Russian people.

Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary are protected from blasphemy in Putin's Russia, even as the Israelis, who enjoy immunity from Birch Society castigation and exposureharbor some of the vilest degraders of Our Lord and His Mother.

Truly we live in a world turned-upside down, a western world fanatically dedicated to placating the idol of Talmudic supremacy, which could be crushed tomorrow if Christian men and women would honor God and do their duty. 

For further research:


Thursday, October 02, 2014

Birch Society attacks Putin; Michael Hoffman replies

Birch Society attacks Vladimir Putin; Michael Hoffman replies

Mr. William Jasper's October 1, 2014 article (excerpted below) constitutes Zionist disinformation.

I will answer his most egregious charges. My replies follow his assertions:

 Putin - No Defender of Christian Faith and Morality

In a key article, William Jasper blows apart Vladimir Putin's facade of championing Christian values. 

Bill Japser of the Birch Society wrote:

 Invading, bombing, and occupying Chechnya, including destroying much of the country and wantonly killing many civilians, including women and children. Independent estimates of the number of civilian casualties in Chechnya range from 25,000 to 200,000.

Michael Hoffman replies:  Recall that Russia was fighting an ISIS and al Qaeda type of barbaric Islamic terrorism in Chechnya. Mr. Japser doesn't mention that fact. Putin's methods in Chechnya were brutal and I condemn them. Putin did in Chechnya what the US perpetrated in Iraq and what NATO did in Serbia, although Putin was not quite up to the standard of massacre and sadistic blood-thirst exhibited by the Israelis in their invasions of Lebanon, about which Jasper, of course, has nothing to say. 

Bill Japser of the Birch Society wrote:
• Murdering Russian journalists, whistleblowers, and dissidents who are brave enough to challenge his corrupt dictatorship. Famous investigative reporter Anna Politkovskaya is the most well-known example, but Reporters Without Borders and the Committee to Protect Journalists cite dozens of additional cases and have named Putin one of the world's top "predators" of journalists. 

Michael Hoffman replies: This has never been proved. These generalized accusations are standard boilerplate in the NY Times etc.  Jasper can't report that it is the Israelis who are the "top predators of journalists." We will probably never see a Birch Society author admit that fact in print. Meanwhile, the leading journalistic dissident in the West, NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, is being shielded by Putin in Russia. Again, Mr. Jasper omits this fact.

Where Mr. Putin has indeed pandered to alien forces of censorship has been in his recent criminalization of the scientific investigation of Auschwitz execution gas chamber claims; an act of censorship which is not listed in Mr. Jasper's indictment. We are not surprised.

Bill Japser of the Birch Society wrote:
• Expanding the "soft persecution" of Christian churches and organizations that are outside of the rigid state control exercised within the Russian Orthodox Church.

Michael Hoffman replies: Putin does not persecute, "softly" or otherwise, Judaism or non-terrorist Islam, neither of which is "rigidly controlled" by the Russian Orthodox Church. 

Putin has suppressed cults like the Jehovah's Witnesses. I disagree with this suppression.

"Evangelical" Protestant groups that are fronts for Mossad and other Israeli entities, are also interdicted in Russia.

For decades the Birch Society has made Russia the number one enemy of the American people and has never acknowledged Israeli perfidy or subversion. 

The revival of Christianity in Russia, however flawed, and the defeat of the Zionist oligarchs who had intended to transform Russia into a British/French/American-style Israeli satrapy, and simultaneous predatory capitalist paradise, has been thwarted by Mr. Putin.

Israeli assets like the Birch Society contribute to the neocon campaign to oust Putin and his allies, which includes most of the Russian people. They will not succeed. 

A few months ago we published in Revisionist History no. 73, "Masonic America: The Mormon Branch of the Brotherhood." I dare Mr Jasper to publish our study in the Birch magazine, The New American. It won't happen.  Birchers are heavily infiltrated not only by Zionism but Mormonism.

The New American will not allow ads for this writer's  revisionist books on their website. More than 50 years ago, John Birch Society founder Robert Welch admitted in a speech that the Birch Society was allied with the ADL -- the notorious Orwellian thought police who censor, smear and spy on patriotic Americans for the Israelis and their Mossad assassins. 

The most eminent anti-Communist of the 20th century was Alexander Solzhenitsyn. He was an ally of Vladimir Putin. Forgive me for having more faith in the judgment of  Solzhenitsyn than that of Bill Jasper and the John Birch Society.

Michael Hoffman