Saturday, June 21, 2014

Talmudic contempt for Palestinians results in collective punishment

The Spiritual Source of Israeli War Crimes and Collective Punishment of the Palestinian People:

 According to the Babylonian Talmud, and many post-Talmudic halachic authorities, no mercy is to be shown to subject nations

By Michael Hoffman

"If a non-Jew killed another non-Jew, or a non-Jew killed a Jew, the killer is liable for execution; if a Jew killed a non-Jew, he is exempt from punishment.” — Quoted from the Babylonian Talmud: Steinsaltz Edition. Sanhedrin 57A, 107.)

In his book Tanya, a text sacred to Chabad-Lubavitch Judaism, Rabbi Zalman teaches that Gentiles are "waste and refuse." In chapter one of Tanya, Rabbi Zalman imparts the teaching that non-Jewish souls, "emanate from the unclean kelipot which contain no good whatever.” — Quoted from the Lubavitch-authorized edition of Likutei Amarim Tanya by Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Lyady, Bi-Lingual Hebrew-English edition [Brooklyn, New York, Kehot Publication Society, 1993].

"The Jew by his source and in his very essence is entirely good. The goy (non-Jew), by his source and in his very essence, is completely evil. This is not simply a matter of religious distinction, but rather of two completely different species ('shnei minim nifradim').” — Quoted from Rabbi Sadya Grama, Romemut Yisrael Ufarashat Hagalut. (Rabbi Grama is a graduate of Beth Medrash Govoha, a renowned Orthodox yeshiva in Lakewood, New Jersey)

"What he (Rabbi Grama) seems to be saying is that Jews have a 'ruchniyus' (spiritual) dimension that is part of their essential makeup and that renders them inherently distinct and superior.” — Quoted from Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, executive vice president for government and public affairs of Agudath Israel of America, describing the thesis of Rabbi Grama.

Two Israeli “settler” rabbis, have issued a religious guide for Israeli soldiers in their book Torat Hamelech: Dinei Nefashot Bein Yisrael Le'Amim ("The King's Torah: Laws of Life and Death between Jews and the Nations”). “The prohibition ‘Thou Shalt Not Murder' applies only 'to a Jew who kills a Jew,' write Rabbi Yitzhak Shapira and Rabbi Yosef Elitzur of the West Bank settlement of Yitzhar. Non-Jews are 'uncompassionate by nature' and attacks on them 'curb their evil inclination,' while babies and children of Israel’s enemies may be killed since 'it is clear that they will grow to harm us.”

 Many prominent rabbis including Dov Lior, Ya’acov Yosef and Yitzchak Ginsburg have endorsed Shapira and Elitzur’s genocidal  Torat Hamelech book, which has been distributed to Israeli leaders and army commanders and sold in Israeli bookshops.

Chabad-Lubavitch Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburg is the founder and senior dean at the Od Yosef Chai yeshiva in Yitzhar. Ginsburg wrote the book Barch HaGever in praise of Israeli mass murderer Baruch Goldstein, who slaughtered dozens of Arabs as they prayed in the Ibrahim Mosque in Hebron. Ginsburg is also the rabbi who decreed that it is acceptable to kill a non-Jew for his liver if a Jew needs a liver transplant. 

Don't be hoodwinked: the ideology that fuels Israeli oppression, dispossession and violence against Paletinians is the Israeli state religion of Orthodox Judaism. In the following article you will observe the attitude of contempt toward the Palestinians exhibited by the Israeli army as taught by Talmudic Judaism. Collective punishment of the Palestinian people is the result of this teaching. Palestinians are less than human in the eyes of the Orthodox rabbis of counterfeit "Israel," the Israeli army, and the executives of the American news media.

Hoffman is the author of Judaism’s Strange Gods; and Judaism Discovered. He is a former reporter for the New York bureau of the Associated Press. Hoffman’s writing is funded by donations and the sale of his publications and speeches.

Wall Street Journal reports that 250,000 Palestinians “will suffer” for the kidnapping of three Talmudic youths:

Hebron Bears the Brunt of Israeli Manhunt
Dozens of Palestinians Detained in Nighttime Raids by Soldiers Searching for 3 Teenagers Who Disappeared a Week Ago

By Nicholas Casey • The Wall Street Journal
June 21, 2014 • Page A8

HEBRON, West Bank—Israeli soldiers came after dark to the house of Akram Qawasmi, a 50-year-old Palestinian construction worker who lives in the hills overlooking this city. He says they used explosives to knock down his door, blindfolded him and his family and took one of his sons away.

The nighttime raid was just one of many conducted on homes and businesses in and around Hebron since three Israeli teenagers disappeared last week while hitchhiking nearby.

Dozens of Palestinians have been detained in a crackdown that has raised fears that the city, long a tinderbox in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, could reignite. On Friday, clashes erupted between Palestinian youths throwing rocks and the Israeli military, resulting in the killing of a teenage boy by soldiers in the Hebron village of Dura.

Over the past week, Palestinian security forces have mostly withdrawn from the streets they guarded for years, giving way to convoys of the Israeli Defense Forces as they pass. No Hebron resident under the age of 50 is allowed to leave the region.

"If the escalation on the Israeli side is going to continue, my fear is this could have reactions from the Palestinian people and this is in no one's favor," said Dauod Zatari, Hebron's mayor. (This is one objective of the collective punishment of Hebron’s Palestinian population, to incite a violent response from the Palestinians which the American media would then exploit to reinforce the Palestinians-are-terrorists image, while omitting the context — Palestinian armed resistance being reprisal for Israeli collective punishment — Hoffman). 

A senior IDF commander said in an interview that the military believes measures aimed at the civilian population can be useful in rooting out Hamas, the Islamist group the military says was behind the June 13 disappearance of the teenagers. Hamas is based in Hebron.

"There is a dilemma of how much pressure to put on the terrorists themselves and how much to put on the population," the commander said.

"I think the Palestinians understand the situation: Someone did something outside the rules of the game." He added: "If there is kidnapping in Hebron, then they will suffer.”

Tradition holds Abraham was buried in Hebron in a holy site claimed by both Muslims and Jews. Following the Six-Day War, an early Jewish settlement was built and now 700 settlers live among 250,000 Palestinians.

That has created a city ripe for clashes, what many see as a microcosm for the overall conflict. Massacres here include a 1929 pogrom of Jews and the 1994 mass shooting by settler Baruch Goldstein, who killed 39 Muslims and injured 100 more at the Tomb of Abraham.

More recently, Palestinian snipers have gunned down Israeli soldiers and banners on the Jewish side bear slogans against Palestinian aspirations for a state.

"Every child learns the name 'Hebron' here, it's the cradle of history and religion," says Noam Arnon, a council member in the Jewish settlement. That means extremists on both sides "come to use this place as a stage.”

Hisham Sharabati, a researcher at Al-Haq, a Ramallah-based human-rights group that documents alleged abuses by both Israelis and Palestinians, said a crackdown this broad hasn't been seen in Hebron since 2002, when Israeli soldiers moved in after the second Palestinian uprising.

At that time, much of the population of Hebron was fighting the Israeli occupation, whereas he said the alleged kidnapping would have involved only a few individuals who have likely already fled town.

In Taffuh, a village of 1,800 residents on the north side of the city, Mr. Sharabati said Israeli soldiers have so far raided 80% of homes there. The military also searched two mosques, and converted a youth center and 10 houses as bases for soldiers, he said.

Mr. Qawasmi, the construction worker, said his home was first raided this past Sunday.

Two days later, Mr. Qawasmi said soldiers raided his home a second time and kept his family in the kitchen while they searched through his sofas. Thursday night his two brothers, age 47 and 42, were summoned for questioning by Israel's internal security service. "We haven't heard from them since," he said. [End Quote; emphasis supplied]


Friday, June 13, 2014

It’s okay to believe Establishment-approved conspiracy theories

By Michael Hoffman

Richard Hofstadter's shopworn tome, The Paranoid Style in American Politics (1964) is dusted off whenever the Establishment wants to discredit a consiracy theory that comes too close for comfort concerning its own crimes and treachery.

George W. Bush's Attorney General, Michael Mukasey, recently used Mr. Hofstadter’s book to discredit Edward Snowden. One might gather from Mukasey’s disinformation and that of another penman in this field, Cass Sunstein, author of Conspiracy Theories and Other Dangerous Ideas (2014), that, to be consistent, these Establishment factotums would pour just as much derision on conspiracy theories when they are circulated about enemies of the Establishment.

(Mr. Sunstein's book seeks to discover why "perfectly rational people sometimes believe crazy conspiracy theories." The insinuation being that if you believe in conspiracies you're crazy).

Actually, it's this premise itself which is “crazy." Establishment-approved history is replete with thousands of claims of conspiracies, from the genuine one that killed Julius Caesar, to the dogmatic one that a bunch of Arabs from the caves of the Third World were solely responsible for destroying part of the Pentagon and three skyscrapers, while killing thousands of Americans on Sept. 11, 2001.

What Sunstein, Hofstadter, Mukasey and now Andrew Kramer of the New York Times are trying to assert are the prerogatives of royalty. These Establishment-anointed spokesmen are telling us, the peasants, not to believe conspiracy theories about the U.S. System, but that we should definitely believe conspiracy theories about the Russian government. Take the example at hand. Here below is Mr. Kramer, foreign correspondent for the NY Times, writing in the June 13 online edition:

Ukraine Claims Control of Port City
By Andrew E. Kramer 
June 13, 2014

"...Over the long term, Ukraine, with its far larger though badly equipped and poorly trained army, has more forces, and it is unclear how long the separatists can hold out without more support from Russia. That is something Moscow cannot offer openly without risking more severe Western sanctions. The result is misdirection and sleight of hand, and a conflict of endless puzzles and mind games.” (End quote)

Here is a copy of an e-mail which we sent to Kramer June 13:

Dear Mr. Kramer,

You wrote concerning alleged Russian government acts in Ukraine: “...The result is misdirection and sleight of hand, and a conflict of endless puzzles and mind games.”

This statement of yours would be denounced as conspiracy theory if written about the United States government's operations in Iran, Syria or Kiev. It’s interesting to observe how alert you are to alleged machinations by Moscow. I haven’t read anything similar from you about CIA actions in Ukraine. Perhaps “our side” is always above board and devoid of “mind games”?

Michael Hoffman

(End quote)

As of June 16 Mr. Kramer had not replied.


For further research:


Thursday, June 05, 2014

Movie Advisory: "Edge of Tomorrow"

By Michael Hoffman

While it’s not exactly a Rosetta Stone of the sub-rosa, nonetheless, the epistemology at the center of the movie "Edge of Tomorrow,” which is being officially released to American theatres by Warner Bros. on D-Day, 2014, is intriguing on a couple of levels.

At first glance it resembles another assembly line, CGI summer blockbuster, with Tom Cruise in the lead, yet in the midst of the pro forma mayhem and other visual appeals to adolescent boys, is an epistemology of conspiracy theory and a doctrine of eternal recurrence as manifested in a ubiquitous youthful pastime which I will not mention because it would be a spoiler.

There is about ten to fifteen seconds of sexual innuendo, and other than that, it's practically chaste. The violence is of the antiseptic kill-the-aliens variety, rather than beheadings and evisceration of humans.

I bought the cheapest ticket -- no 3D or Imax. I was there for the message, not the medium. There are some lessons here, at the surface as well as closer to the bottom of the waters where dwells the "Omega."

I recommend you do not consult reviews or anyone who has seen "Edge of Tomorrow." The less you know about this film going in the better in terms of the arcana being imparted, which appears beguilingly simple once the viewer gets the drift of the mystery.

As for what is being conveyed, I’ll leave that discernment to the viewer, who can revisit the subject again, and again, and...

"Edge of Tomorrow." Directed by Doug Liman; written by Christopher McQuarrie and Jez and John-Henry Butterworth, from the novel “All You Need Is Kill,” by Hiroshi Sakurazaka; director of photography, Dion Beebe; edited by James Herbert; music by Christophe Beck; production design by Oliver Scholl; costumes by Kate Hawley; visual effects supervisor, Nick Davis; produced by Erwin Stoff, Tom Lassally, Jeffrey Silver, Gregory Jacobs and Jason Hoffs; released D-Day, June 6, 2014 by Warner Bros. Pictures. Running time: 1 hour 53 minutes.

WITH: Tom Cruise (Cage), Emily Blunt (Rita), Bill Paxton (Farell), Brendan Gleeson (Brigham), Jonas Armstrong (Skinner), Tony Way (Kimmel), Kick Gurry (Griff), Franz Drameh (Ford), Dragomir Mrsic (Kuntz) and Charlotte Riley (Nance).

Rated PG-13 (Parents strongly cautioned).

Hoffman is the editor of Revisionist History newsletter and the author of Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare; a sequel is due in 2015.
