Friday, November 27, 2009

Court appeal for men imprisoned for distributing Hoffman's satire

Court hears appeal for two men imprisoned for distributing Hoffman's "Holohoax" satire

In Britain, in Leeds Crown Court, on July 10, 2009, Simon Sheppard received a sentence of 4 years and 10 months and Stephen Whittle two years and four months. Mr. Sheppard's sentence comprised 12 months concurrent on three counts relating to distribution of Tales of the Holohoax, a satirical comic book by Michael Hoffman.

On July 14 the Court of Appeal gave leave to appeal against conviction on all the Internet counts, but refused leave to appeal with respect to the hard copy counts. The full appeal before three British judges commenced on November 26, 2009 at the Law Courts, Strand, London, and runs through Nov. 27.

An appeal will also be made to the European Court of Human Rights over the decision by the Leeds Appeal Court judge not to review the notorious decision in Reg. v. Birdwood when Judge Pownall's decision that "the truth is no defense" - was upheld.

Friends of freedom of the press can can write the imprisoned men as follows:

Simon Sheppard, A8042AA, Wing B3-25, HMP Leeds, 2 Gloucester Terrace, Stanningley Road, Leeds, LS12 2TJ, United Kingdom.

Stephen Whittle, A8041AA, Everthorpe Prison, Beck Road, Everthorpe, Brough, East Yorkshire, HU15 1RB, United Kingdom.

Michael Hoffman comments

Several years ago I decided to withdraw Tales of the Holohoax from circulation because it was being pirated without the inclusion of my explanatory essay on satire, which had been published at the end of the comic, and because the comic book itself had become a source of misunderstanding concerning the nature of my scholarship.

Mr. Sheppard did not abide by my request to halt his copying of Tales of the Holohoax. He even sent it to a British synagogue, which was very foolish. Nevertheless, I have considerable sympathy for the plight of these two free press activists, and great respect for Mr. Sheppard’s refusal to “repent.”

Meanwhile, Kurt Westergaard, the artist who drew the most inflammatory of the anti-Muslim cartoons in Denmark is today a wealthy, free man. According to the Huffington Post of April 8, 2009:

“Prints of the Danish cartoon depicting Islam's Prophet Mohammed as a suicide bomber in 2005...will now be sold by the Denmark Free Press Society for $250 each. One thousand copies are to be printed and sold, with each having a designated number and signature by the artist, Kurt Westergaard...The image won Westergaard international fame....he has never apologized or expressed regret for the drawings...(or) for being a ‘free artist’...he enjoys the backing of free speech and free press advocates around the globe in this regard. A notable example of one such NATO Secretary General and Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen, who defended the drawings in 2006”

Prison for those who distribute a satire of wildly exaggerated "Holocaust" fairy tales, and $250,000, international fame, and accolades from the media and the Secretary General of NATO to the author of anti-Mohammed satire.


Monday, November 09, 2009

Trial by Media: Major Hasan is declared guilty

Rush to Judgment fits a Familiar Pattern

by Michael Hoffman | Nov. 9, 2009 |

On Nov. 8 the Sunday New York Times declared Nidal Malik Hasan guilty of the Fort Hood shootings (James C. McKinley Jr. and James Dao:"Fort Hood Gunman Gave Signals Before His Rampage"). This is the familiar trial by media accompanied by the equally familiar "lone nut" imputation.

David Berkowitz was declared solely guilty of the "Son of Sam" murders in New York in 1977, on the day of his arrest.

Ted Kaczynski was declared solely guilty of the "Unabomber" killings on the day of his arrest.

How do the media and the government know that an alleged perpetrator is indeed guilty and is indeed solely guilty in the first few days after the apprehension of the suspect, unless the media and the government are in on the crime itself?

Criminology 101 tells us that the day of the arrest is the day the investigation begins in earnest. The Constitution tell us that a suspect is innocent until proven guilty.

Cryptocracy May Choose to Substitute Lone Nut Profile with Islamic Terror Plot

In all government conspiracies wherein a mouthpiece media is instrumental in supporting the official script, a declaration of guilt is infallibly promulgated, concerning a suspect who is often then branded a "lone nut," though in Major Hasan's case there may be an effort to implicate Muslim theologians as indirectly responsible. There is also a move to create a 9/11 link with Hasan. (A truly outrageous version is here).

 If the Cryptocracy chooses to drop the lone imputation, then it will do so in order to fabricate a 9/11-style Islamic terror conspiracy. Such a move would likely not entail a focus on the two other gunmen seen by eyewitnesses in Fort Hood, since these shooters are probably government agents and not Muslim extremists. Anything is possible however, since we have already seen Major Hasan resurrected from the dead, with nary a peep from the media over that remarkable act of prestidigitation.

If the Fort Hoodwink shootings were not a government conspiracy but an actual criminal investigation,  the investigators would be much more circumspect and tentative in their statements and would be actively engaged in a deep and time-consuming investigation of the crime from all angles, without pre-conceived notions, including the investigation of the numerous anomalies in this case which we have already stated (see: "The Hoodwink in Texas").

An investigation that focuses this early in the case exclusively on a "Muslim terror conspiracy" is an indication of a script being in place, otherwise investigative journalists would seriously consider all leads, including those that lead to the government itself. These would begin with Virginia Tech, Hasan's alma mater and the scene of another shooting-spree slaughter where initially it was stated that two shooters were involved. (See Revisionist History newsletter no. 44, "Certain Anomalies in the Case of 33 Deaths at Virginia Tech").

Those who are skeptical of the degree to which spectacular crimes are initiated and then exploited by the Cryptocracy's technology of mass mind control for processing the Group Mind of America, should consider the following information, leaked to us by a correspondent. He writes, "There is another blog that I keep up with, though it can only be viewed by registered members, so I can't link you to it directly, but I thought you would appreciate this little kernal of information that the author revealed in a recent post about a tie-in between the (Fort Hood) shooting and the V-tech massacre":

"Just two days before the Virginia Tech shootings which took place on April 16, 2007, "Saturday Night Live" (SNL) did a rather strange 'Digital Short' skit in which ordinary people just started shooting at each other with a hypnotic song playing in the background carefully synced to each and every shooting in the skit....And now, more than 2 years later, the same song (or at least a song liberally sampling the chorus of the song, 'Hide and Seek', now renamed 'Whacha Say') is back, playing constantly on the radio. In fact, the song is, right now, #1 on the charts! I mean, it even looks as though it just became #1 within the last few days!"

You will note that there is a proliferation of movies (here and here), books and television specials about "secret societies," including their influence --both real and imagined -- on the founding of America and in the rise of the CIA. These productions are generally popular and lucrative for the corporations that produce them.

But pondering involvement of a secret society inside our contemporary US government and its possible involvement in current events like Fort Hoodwink becomes a risible proposition for most of the very same consumers of the media's secret societies narratives.

In other words, when the sheeple are cued to believe in the activities of "secret societies" in American history, they do so, on cue, and when cued to believe the story of the Fort Hood shootings exactly as described by the government and its media mouthpieces, they also believe on cue -- refusing to countenance any possible role for a secret society in the Texas attack. This phenomenon would appear to indicate a serious bipolar malaise in the American people.

If we had genuine investigative journalism in this country from even one organ of Big Media, the Cryptocracy might be thwarted and the actual string-pullers in Texas brought to justice. But what we have in fact is a vile government-mouthpiece media which, from the 9/11 terror attacks to the shootings at the army base, are despicable partners in the hoodwink.

The New York Times makes a point of stating Hasan's nationality in the opening paragraphs of its Nov. 8 report: "Major Hasan was born in Arlington, Va., on Sept. 8, 1970. His parents, Palestinians who had immigrated from the West Bank in the 1960s, moved the family to Roanoke when he was a youth.

We can discern the direction the Fort Hoodwink attack is going to take by the following remark from a teenager said to be casually acquainted with Hasan, and which the New York Times regarded as nonetheless sufficiently worthy of publication in the already cited Sunday, Nov. 8 edition:

...(According to Duane Reasoner Jr., an 18-year-old alleged friend of Hasan): "In the Koran, it says you are not supposed to have alliances with Jews or Christians, and if you are killed in the military fighting against Muslims, you will go to hell."

"Jew and Christians vs. Muslims" is precisely the dogmatic equation the Cryptocracy has already successfully seeded throughout the conservative Right wing. (This phenomenon was the subject of our cover story in Revisionist History newsletter no. 48).

Fort Hoodwink will help spread this meme deeper in American society. The war of civilizations must go on, with HBO's Larry David and other Zionists like him on "our" side, and the Palestinians on the other. Joseph I. Lieberman, the Orthodox Judaic Senator from Connecticut, announced on Sunday that "he would hold hearings to explore whether Major Hasan's actions constituted terrorism." Hasan has not yet even had a trial!

And wouldn't you know it? Fort Hoodwink occurs just at the time the "Goldstone Report" had made the Palestinians into victims of Israeli mass murder in the Group Mind. At the very least, the shootings mitigate that impression and may perhaps even cancel and reverse it.

Copyright ©2009. All Rights Reserved.

Hoffman is the author of Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare.


Thursday, November 05, 2009

The Hoodwink in Texas


In addition to the Nov. 5 - Nov. 7 reports herein, there are numerous additional remarks in the "Comments" section [see bottom of this post] by readers and by Mr. Hoffman.


From, 19:26 Pacific Time

"Remember, remember the fifth of November 
Gunpowder, treason and plot.
 I see no reason why gunpowder treason should ever be forgot."

SCRIPT CHANGE: The dead lone nut gunman has been resurrected and so have the eyewitnesses who saw more than one shooter.

The story here on the West coast at circa 5:35 pm Pacific Time from ABC, CBS and NBC on their nightly newscasts had been that Dr. Hasan had been killed and that he was the lone gunman (contrary to earlier reports of eyewitnesses seeing more than one shooter).

Now the gunman is said to be alive and the story of eyewitnesses and another shooter is being circulated again.

What does this signify? It signifies that a ceremony is underway in the Manchurian candidate's laboratory of mind control and mind games. They're showing us how fake is their facade, how thin their storyline is, how much they lie and masquerade and yet..and yet...we still believe them.

Nov. 5 symbol: V for Vendetta; also here

 Copyright ©Michael Hoffman • All Rights Reserved

*** Nov. 5, 2009

12 Dead, 31 Wounded in Base Shootings
By Maria Newman
Published online NY Times | November 5, 2009 18:49 Pacific Time

Note: The NY Times article originally posted at the preceding URL has been radically altered with no note to that effect. The Times censored the following statement: "several eyewitness reports of more than one shooter." The Times added the statement: "...In the confusion of a day of wild and misleading reports..." This amounts to falsification of a news report. Why the need to do so? Here below are excerpts from the article as it originally appeared online on Nov. 5 at:

An Army psychiatrist about to be deployed to combat zones overseas killed 12 soldiers and wounded 31 others on Thursday afternoon at Fort Hood in Texas, the authorities said. The gunman, who was identified as Major Nidal Malik Hasan, was shot by police forces and is being treated at a local hospital and in stable conditionEarlier reports that the suspect had been killed turned out to be wrong, said Lt. Gen. Robert W. Cone, the commanding officer at Fort Hood.

Mr. Hasan, 39, who had been promoted in May and previously worked at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, was about to be deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan, according to Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison. Her spokesman, Jeff Sadoski, said Major Hasan was upset about his pending deployment. Carrying two guns, one a semiautomatic weapon, Mr. Hasan began firing around 1:30 p.m. central time at a deployment center where soldiers received last-minute medical attention and instructions before being shipped out overseas, Mr. Cone said.

Mr. Hasan “opened fire, and due to the quick response of the police forces, he was killed,” the general said. “There were several eyewitness accounts that there was more than one shooter,” he said.
(Emphasis supplied; end quote from the New York Times online, Nov. 5, 2009 and subsequently censored by the Times).


Ft. Hood Investigators Focus on Motive
By Clifford Krauss and Jack Healy
NY Times website | November 6, 2009 | 12:53 pm Pacific Time

He's a Muslim Militant (Auto-Suggestion):

"...suggested soldiers may have heard him shout...Allahu Akbar"

(Is that like "...several eyewitness accounts of more than one shooter..."?)

NY Times:  Reports suggested that soldiers may have heard him shout something like “Allahu Akbar” — Arabic for “God is great!” — just before he fired two automatic handguns.

A Costume for the Charade:

NY Times: He was shown on a security video tape from a local convenience store wearing religious garb just hours before the shooting.

How could one shooter do so much damage? Explanation: government agents killed some of the victims:

NY Times: It may take some days or more to untangle ballistics evidence to conclude whether a single gunman was able to discharge so many bullets or whether multiple casualties were caused by single bullets. Local radio reports have also raised the possibility that some people were shot in a cross fire between Major Hasan and several military and civilian police officers.

Why did US Army General Cone declare that the alleged shooter, Hasan, was dead? 
Answer: The general's disinformation was due to the "hospitalization process."

At his Thursday night press conference, Cone attributed the mistaken report about Hasan being dead to "confusion at the hospital."...The alleged shooter has been in custody "throughout the hospitalization process," Cone said.



Nov. 7 Update
Feds refuse to answer questions:

"...military and federal investigators pointedly refused to release further details on how the shootings happened, why there were initial reports of multiple attackers and why officials took several hours to correct news media reports that Major Hasan had been killed."

Source: "Big Questions on Gunman; Few Details," NY Times website, Nov. 7, 2009 | 2300 Pacific Time |

Additional updates are here


Monday, November 02, 2009

Larry David's Talmudic mentality and urinating on an image of Christ

Where is the exposure of Larry David's Talmudic Mentality?

Orthodox Judaism's Talmudic mentality of pornographic denigration of Jesus and Mary, which has cultivated a culture of disrespect for centuries, is studiously ignored as the source of Mr. David's scatology.

This writer has been asked to comment on the Oct. 25, 2009 episode of HBO's "Curb Your Enthusiasm," in which Larry David urinated on an image of Jesus Christ.

First, permit me first to present an article from the New York Daily News.  I direct your attention to the fact that even the headline is a light-hearted reference to urination ("p.o.'d"), which is intended to tip readers to just how serious the New York newspaper takes this act of televised desecration, which is to say, it's just a big joke for them:

Catholic League p.o.'d at Larry David after 'Curb Your Enthusiasm' character urinates on Jesus 

By Leah Chernikoff | New York Daily News | October 29th 2009

Not everyone is a fan of Larry David. Last Sunday's episode of HBO's "Curb Your Enthusiasm" featured Larry David's character unintentionally spraying a painting of Jesus that was hanging next to the toilet in a bathroom as relieved himself. A drop of urine hits the portrait of Jesus right below his eye, resembling a tear, in a joke characteristic of the show's satiric style.

Only the Catholic League didn't find it so funny. In a statement titled "Urinating on Jesus," Catholic League president Bill Donahue says, "At one point in the show, David goes to the bathroom in a Catholic home and splatters urine on a picture of Jesus; he doesn't clean it off. Then a Catholic woman goes to the bathroom, sees the picture and concludes that Jesus is crying. She then summons her equally stupid mother and the two of them fall to their knees in prayer. Was Larry David always this crude? Would he think it comedic if someone urinated on a picture of his mother?" the statement continues. "This might be fun to watch, but since HBO only likes to dump on Catholics (it was just a couple of weeks ago that Sarah Silverman insulted Catholics on "Real Time with Bill Maher"), and David is Jewish, we'll never know."

HBO issued the following statement in response: "Anyone who follows Curb Your Enthusiasm knows that the show is full of parody and satire. Larry David makes fun of everyone, most especially himself. The humor is always playful and certainly never malicious."

(End quote from the NY Daily News)

One can glean from this article in the Daily News that the Zionist establishment is not all worried about an offense to Jesus Christ that fifty years ago would have resulted in tens of thousands of people marching on HBO headquarters, boycotts and the bankruptcy of HBO. No such magnitude of outrage exists today. It has been neutralized by Churchianity's focus on Islam as the numero uno evil religion on planet earth, with the Koran starring as the world's most wicked book. Orthodox Judaism's Talmudic mentality of pornographic denigration of Jesus and Mary, which has cultivated a culture of disrespect for centuries, is studiously ignored as the source of David's scatology.

Prior to circa 1930, all general condemnation by the historic Christian churches and major Christian theologians, both Protestant and Catholic, of Islam were usually issued in the same sentence or paragraph or page, as exposures and anathemas against Judaism and the Talmud; the latter book being widely regarded throughout Christendom as far more sinister than the Koran.

Today the situation is quite different. We read mission statements from conservative churches that state: "We oppose Islam, atheism, paganism, abortion and secularism."

Why has Judaism been excluded from the list?

Scripture tells us to fear those who attack our souls. Islam, at its most fundamental extremist variant, attacks our bodies, it does not attack Jesus Christ or blessed Mary. It does not control our television networks and Hollywood movie industry that recently came out overwhelmingly in support of freedom for convicted child molester Roman Polanski, their bosom buddy.

I wrote an 1100 page study of the rabbis and their unholy book (Judaism Discovered), which most of you haven't bothered to buy or read, and of those who have read it, most haven't bothered to distribute it, or challenge their local pastor, priest or favorite talk show host with it.

The facts on ritual Talmudic and rabbinic denigration are in Judaism Discovered. The facts on the rabbinic laws on "how to urinate in a  holy way" will also be found in that book, which is the antidote to the demonic Antichrist filth peddled over America's broadcasting airwaves. I refuse to distill this information down to three paragraphs. It is not amenable to distillation. Distillation creates misunderstanding and an easy opening for ill-willed critics to distort and take out of context. Read the book.

If you have the time to sit on your can for four nights watching 16 hours of World Series baseball games, then you have the time to read several hundred (or more) pages of Judaism Discovered. If not, not. See you on Judgment Day, when you can explain your priorities to the Supreme Judge.

Face facts: the "Christian" crusaders against Islam have nothing to say about the Talmudic Christ-desecration that is marketed for children and adults by the millions on American television networks like HBO. How many souls will go to hell because of shows like "Curb Your Enthusiasm"?

The myopic "Christian" Muslim-hunters are partners with Zionists like Mr. Larry David in the public, ritual, premeditated urination on an image of the precious face of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This is so enormous a criminal act as to defy words! If a Muslim had committed such a foul and despicable act, the howls of outrage would erupt from the throats of Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck, and a collective thunder would be heard throughout the West.

But because the urination occurred on the image of the face of Jesus Christ, and because the urinator was a member of the Talmudic Master Race of Holy People, the blabbermouths who say "Lord, Lord" from their pulpits and "Gospel TV" programs, are silent about the source of this spiritual disease: the 'sacred' rabbinic holy book that is the Babylonian Talmud.

 Churchianity has three main enemies it is targeting: Islam, Islam, and Islam. In such an historic betrayal of the Christianity of our forefathers, of the saints and the patriarchs, how can it be otherwise than that Jesus Christ will be urinated on for the (dare I say it?) entertainment of millions, and the Churches do nothing to uncover the root of the toxin, so that it can be exposed for all to see: this is the mentality of Orthdox Judaism in action.

But how could the Churches perform such an exposure, when they are the allies and partners of Orthodox Judaism? How can your pastor or priest expose the deep-rooted inspiration for Larry David when your priest or pastor is himself a crypto-rabbi?

This is why I have said and I continue to believe that 99% of those who say they are Christians are not. If America was a Christian nation, then HBO would be out of business the way Assemblyman Dov Hikind in New York moved to put historian David Irving out of business by shutting down his American Express card account.

Dov Hikind is a more worthy human being than millions of so-called Christians, because Mr. Hikind has the courage of his convictions and fights for what he believes in. Meanwhile, pretend Christians are paralyzed by a pre-Pentecost "fear of the Jews."But we are living after Pentecost. Do not Christians have the gifts of the Spirit, whereby we are no longer possessed by man-fear?

One need not be a prophet to see that the omission of the Talmud and Orthodox Judaism from the conservative churches' enemies list is the rotten seed that has been sown. The devastating loss of respect for Jesus Christ is the horrifying harvest we are now reaping.

What about Bill Donahue and the Catholic League? Well, has Mr. Donahue ever once dared to utter the words "Talmudic mentality" in connection with a sick spectacle like "Curb Your Enthusiasm"?

The word "Koran" is invoked in every possible situation involving negative Arab actions, why the cowardice when it comes to invoking the Talmud with regard to Hollywood's perennial, ceremonial debasement of Jesus?

You can have Bill Donahue and his half measures, which have rendered him little more than an impotent wraith haunting the sidelines of media degeneracy, waving a withered finger in spectral indignation. He acts as a safety valve who helps to channel anger in directions that do not threaten the System at its foundation.

God requires that we speak radical truth without regard to human respect. I will respect Mr. Donahue when he respects the Word of God, without which the "Catholic League" will forever remain in the "loyal opposition" category, that can be counted on not to cross certain prescribed bounds of rabbinic decorum. That kind of timidity disgusts and repulses me, particularly when it results in more accursed attacks on Christ executed with brazen insouciance.

In his press release on "Curb Your Enthusiasm," Mr. Donahue praises the "Seinfeld" television program of yesteryear, which made a jest out of all sorts of squalid sexual situations and featured an entire program that made a joke out of masturbation. Is Mr. Donahue out of his mind, praising "Seinfeld"?

"Mention Larry David in a word association game and 'Seinfeld' rolls off the lips. That show, which David created, wrote and produced, was brilliant." -William Donaue, Oct. 26.

If any high profile commentator with a national following, such as Mr. Donahue, wants to effectively defend the Lord Jesus Christ and begin a real campaign to punch a giant hole in the evil New York and Hollywood entertainment sewer, they can say in public, "I recommend a book by Michael Hoffman, Judaism Discovered."

Until someone does, we will continue to see respect for the Holy Name and sacred image of the only Son of God degraded and disrespected on national television as casually as a rabbi enters a urinal.

I have one message for conservative, supposed Christians: you cowards!


Information on the purchase of multiple copies of Judaism Discovered is here:
